Chapter 941 The Battle of Madang (Seventeen)
After the 108th Division captured Macheng, it once assumed a posture of advancing westward. For this reason, Li Zongren dispatched troops and spent a lot of time preparing for the battle.However, just when the Hankou defenders were in a decisive battle posture, the 108th Division suddenly disappeared from Macheng.For various reasons, Li Zongren has limited means of obtaining information. Unless Chongqing is willing, he cannot obtain first-hand information like Chen Cheng. Therefore, for a full twelve hours, he did not know that the 108th Division Where did the group go.He didn't know that the 108th Division had arrived in Yingshan County until he received a secret telegram from Ouyang Yun.

Among the towns in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the one that had the greatest impact on the Battle of Hankou was Madang.As long as the horse is not lost, the Japanese fleet will not be able to participate in the Battle of Hankou, and without the assistance of the navy, the Japanese army will have to pay a greater price if it wants to capture Hankou.As Madang is so important, it is reasonable to say that the Military Commission should pay special attention to it. However, judging from the current situation, the attitude of Chongqing is very suspicious.

It took nearly two years for the Japanese army to capture most of China. It seems that they have achieved considerable results, but insiders know that this is just superficial.That's right, most of China's land has been occupied, and it seems to be on the verge of extinction.However, if you compare the strength of the troops before and after the War of Resistance, the number of Chinese troops has not decreased but increased, and the achievements of the Japanese army are only superficial.

At the beginning of the preparations for the Battle of Hankou, Chongqing obviously really wanted to fight the Japanese army here. Not only did the army mobilize a full 70 troops, but the navy and air force were also dispatched. Even the Soviet Volunteer Aviation Corps was also placed in Hankou.However, since the Xuebing Army took over the defense of the Madang Fortress, the situation in Hankou has become weird.Not to mention the navy, there are quite a few dozen gunboats moored in the harbor, and they have no intention of engaging in a defensive battle for Madang; the air force, together with the Soviet Volunteer Aviation Corps, has a total of nearly [-] fighters. There are heavenly ones, but they are only scouting the enemy's situation or meeting the Japanese air raids, and have no intention of supporting Madang.

These kinds of abnormalities, ordinary people can't feel anything, but in the eyes of Li Zongren and others, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.At this delicate juncture, Li Zongren still decided to take the initiative to fight, which required a certain amount of courage.As for the Sichuan Army and the Yunnan Army, Yang Sen's Sichuan Army has just received a batch of equipment provided by the Xuebing Army, and there are two Sichuan Army divisions in the Xuebing Army system, so he naturally sided with the Xuebing Army emotionally. On the one hand, it is too much to do so now, and the measure of the highest authority is really small, so he wholeheartedly supports Li Zongren's decision; the Yunnan Army is a bit more complicated, but because of Long Yun's special note, Lu Han , has decided to stay on the same front as Commander Li, so even though he has different thoughts in his heart, he doesn't show anything on the surface.

Seeing that Yang Sen and Lu Han did not object, Li Zongren began to describe his specific arrangement: "Our planned goal in this battle is to recover Macheng, and then march to Guangshui. If we can recover Guangshui again, the outer depth of Hankou That's enough. At that time, we can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, and we will have more choices."

"I have no objection to regaining Macheng, but if we attack Guangshui again, is there a danger of being blocked by the Japanese army?" Lu Han said while looking at the map. After speaking, he pointed Huanggang with his right index finger and added: "I I am worried about the Japanese army in Huanggang. After all, the Japanese army still has a division here. The Japanese army marches with military cards. If we cannot quickly capture Guangshui and Macheng is occupied by the Japanese army again, then..."

Yang Sen glanced at Li and Bai and said, "The Central Army doesn't support the Xuebing Army, so they shouldn't sit back and watch us be surrounded by the Japanese army, right? As long as any soldiers from the First and Second Fleets point at Huanggang, the devils here should not dare to attack Huanggang." Aren't they afraid of being surrounded? After the 108th Division went to Taihu Lake, the Japanese Second Army only had two and a half divisions in our area. Among them, one division is still in Zhumadian, far away from the main battlefield. It’s a bit far away, I think the Japanese army would not dare to abandon Huanggang if they want to maintain the current situation.”

Li Zongren looked at Lu Han seriously and said: "Commander Lu, I know what you are worried about, but if we do nothing, isn't it too chilling? The country is not the country of anyone, the country is ours The country of all people. Commander Lu, I don’t know if you have thought about it, but the Xuebing Army does not need to go north this time. After all, their garrison is on the front line of confrontation with the Japanese army. However, Commander Ouyang still resolutely led The five main divisions came over, what does this mean? It means that he still has the country in his heart. Not to mention far away, but now, he can actually give up Madang, but he didn't. Not only that, but he even took the initiative to attack Anqing. Commander Yang, Commander Lu, to tell you the truth, before the Battle of Taierzhuang, I looked down on the Xuebing Army and Ouyang Yun, thinking that their rise was entirely due to luck. But now, I have to say , The Xuebing Army is good, Ouyang Yun, you are a man! Please rest assured, if there is an accident this time, if the loss is too big, I will solve the problem of replenishing soldiers. Although Guangxi is barren, there are still people. Yes. As for the equipment, this is what the Xuebing Army lacks the most—Commander Yang, how about the batch of equipment sent by the Xuebing Army? Ouyang Yun didn’t make up for it?!”

Yang Sen quickly waved his hands: "No, no, they are all ready-made replacements from the students. When they are in use, I owe this favor to Ouyang Yun."

The Xuebing Army marched northward, carrying a large amount of supplies and equipment. This was originally reserved by Ouyang Yun for the replacement of the first-line troops and for the recruitment of other troops. Now he has given half of it to Yang Sen, which is nearly a brigade of the Xuebing Army. Standard equipped.Although the standard equipment of a brigade is still far from what the two parties agreed on, Yang Sen is already very satisfied.Because of this, plus what he purchased himself, at least one division under his command can be fully equipped with student-style weapons. In his opinion, the combat effectiveness is soaring upwards.

The private transaction between Chuanjun and Xuebingjun didn't shy away from Lu Han, so he knew the inside story, and after he learned about it, he was firstly surprised by Ouyang Yun's generosity, and secondly, he envied Yang Sen. Can actually put on the emperor's new clothes.

Ouyang Yun fulfilled the agreement with Yang Sen so efficiently. Of course, there was one reason why he had goods in hand. The other reason was that he was too scared by the Central Army's reaction, and now he desperately hoped for the help of his allies.Although he had expected before dispatching troops that this time, like dispatching troops to Nanjing, he might end up being cannon fodder for the Central Army, but when it turned out to be the case, he was still afraid.It was because of this mentality that he left the main force of a brigade in Duchang.

Yang Sen wanted to return Ouyang Yun's favor, so in order to relieve the pressure on the Xuebing army, he resolutely responded to Li Zongren's call and decided to take the initiative to attack the Japanese army in Jiangbei.Yang Sen's Sichuan Army has six divisions. Although the overall combat effectiveness is not as good as the five divisions of the Central Army, they still belong to the vast majority of forces in their small circle.Lu Han remembered that Chairman Long had repeatedly asked him to stay close to the Guangxi Clan and the Xuebing Army, so he didn't say anything more.

After the main strategy was finalized, Li Zongren sent a confidential telegram to Ouyang Yun, informing him of his decision.After receiving this secret telegram, Ouyang Yun became more confident that the [-]th Xueshi Division would take back Jiujiang, so he came up with the idea of ​​attacking Xingzi County that night.

Turning his gaze back to Madang Fortress, at about four o'clock in the morning the next day, Ouyang Yun finally waited for Ye Zhao's telegram - the battle situation in Xingzi County was finally clear, at about eleven forty that night, 36 The first brigade captured Xingzi County, and then drove the Japanese army to Bailu Town. Gao Yongxiang, who captured Bailu Town, ambushed the Japanese army at two o'clock in the morning the next day. Encircled and wiped out.

This is the good news in the telegram, and along with the good news, there is also a piece of bad news—the Japanese army has captured Mount Yanlie.

This bad news didn't affect Ouyang Yun's good mood. From his point of view, Zhongdao Qing Village's response was a bit slow. If he had given up on Jiujiang and attacked Hukou with all his strength, he would really be troubled by it. , But now, even if he can move all the remaining troops to Hukou, it will not affect the overall situation.He smiled and handed the telegram to Chen Shichang, who was awakened, and said: "This 'Long Island Fox' is really enlightened, but it's a pity that it's an afterthought. Call back and tell Ye Zhao, don't worry about Hukou, as long as Jiujiang can be regained, even if the 106th Division If they all retreat to the mouth of the lake, it will be a turtle in an urn. At that time, we will not care about encircling and annihilating them! In addition, we will send a telegram to Commander Li, saying that the 106th Division has come to an end and the situation in the south of the Yangtze River has stabilized. Please feel free to use troops boldly."

Huang Hua, who was in charge of communications, was busy until three o'clock before going to bed, so Chen Shichang didn't bother him, and went to explain the two telegrams in person.

After learning the detailed information about the 36th Brigade, Ouyang Yun's hanging heart finally let go. He stretched and said to Liu Kui who was beside him, "Take a nap and wake me up at eight o'clock."


For some unknown reason, Haneda did not mention the devastating shelling that Asai's troops encountered in the telegram to report back to Jiujiang.However, the transmitter carried by Asai was damaged in the shelling. Therefore, although Nakajima learned from the scouts that the Japanese army in Hukou had been shelled, he did not know the damage.Knowing that Haneda had captured Mount Yanlie, he was about to send additional troops to Hukou, but he received a telegram from the defenders of Xingzi County that the main force of the student army appeared in Xingzi County.

The telegram was personally submitted by Chief of Staff Yoshitaka Akiyama. After reading the telegram, Nakajima's expression changed immediately.

Akiyama Yoshitaka saw that something was wrong, and asked carefully: "Your Excellency?"

Nakajima handed him the telegram and said, "Look, the main force of the Xuebing Army has appeared in Xingzi County. It is the 35th Brigade belonging to the [-]th Division, right? Yilong, what do you think we should do now?"

After Nakajima came to the 106th Division, all major decisions have always been made by himself. This is the first time that Yoshitaka Akiyama has been asked for his opinion.Akiyama Yoshitaka was flattered, he thought about it carefully, and said cautiously: "Your Excellency, if you really want to learn from the 35th Brigade, then we should go to Hukou with the whole army. After learning from the 35th Brigade to recharge our energy, it should be Waiting for this moment. Your Excellency, instead of dispersing our forces and achieving nothing, it is better to march to Hukou with the whole army, and attack with the 112th Division from north to south, or we can take Penglangji."

In fact, Nakajima also had this idea in his heart, but he just considered that if this happened, the previous actions in Jiujiang would be wasted, and if the attack in Hukou did not go well, the whole army would be in danger of being surrounded, so he delayed Too late to make up my mind.Maybe that's why he needed Akiyama's advice.Hearing Qiu Shan's words, he closed his eyes and thought for a while, then waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Just follow Qiu Shanjun's advice, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent, I don't believe it, the army of apprentices is really invincible! Akiyama-kun, please inform Captain Iijima and let him destroy the heavy artillery."

The Japanese army only collected some small fishing boats and motor sailing boats in Jiujiang, and time was limited. They could not disassemble the heavy artillery and transport them away by boat like they did in the sneak attack on Jiujiang.

Even for the Japanese army, heavy artillery is precious, let alone the heavy artillery of a regiment.Akiyama saw the impatience in Nakajima's heart, and he persuaded: "Your Excellency, as long as Penglangji is captured, no matter how big the sacrifice is, it will be worth it. I believe that Commander Gangcun will understand our difficulties."

"Go and execute!"


(End of this chapter)

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