Chapter 942 The Battle of Madang ([-])
At dusk, on a dirt road in Leijiazui, Changling, Lin Haifeng and Guo Dai took the lead and ran vigorously. Behind them, Zhou Xingqiao and more than a hundred people followed closely. The "Shuangcao Project" has been implemented for a few days, and some progress has finally been made so far. In this way, the identities of Guo Dai and the others have been completely exposed.Now, he and Lin Haifeng are avoiding the pursuit of the Japanese army with the "Taiwanese soldiers" who just turned around.

The rebellion of Guo Dai and others did not attract the attention of Kobayashi Awakening at first.And when he reacted, Guo Dai and the others had successfully persuaded a group of people.And because of the mutiny of this group of people, there was an undercurrent in the Botian detachment. Now, Kobayashi Awakening can no longer trust any Taiwanese officers and soldiers.In the Botian detachment, only one brigade of military police is composed entirely of Japanese. Since the Taiwanese can't count on them, they can only send a military police brigade to hunt them down.Lin Haifeng and Guo Dai had already played hide-and-seek with the Japanese military police for three hours, but as the sky gradually dawned, the game could no longer be played.

Guo Dai's scope of activities in the Potian detachment was still weaker, and because of time constraints, so after two days of activities, he only persuaded more than a hundred people.Of course, in Lin Haifeng's view, this is enough.Taiwanese have been domesticated by the Japanese for too long, and it is debatable how many people still remember their Chinese identity.These Taiwanese appeared on the mainland as conquerors. When they found that the mainland was far inferior to Taiwan, their China complex was even weaker. Under such circumstances, it was not easy to make such a breakthrough so quickly. "It doesn't matter how many people there are, as long as the Japanese don't dare to trust Taiwanese soldiers, that's enough!" This is what Chen Shichang said when he was planning the "Double Cao Plan". After a period of personal experience, he is convinced.

When Guo Dai was still Ichiro Jun, in the eyes of the Japanese, he was a great obedient citizen, and he was qualified to be called a warrior of His Majesty the Emperor.However, when he chose to point his gun at the Japanese, his performance was no different from any student soldier on the Madang battlefield.In private, a close brother asked him why he had such a big change, and he sneered and said: "When I served as a soldier for the Japanese, I was forced to survive. Now, I am a real Anti-Japanese fighters, hum, the Japanese occupied my homeland and destroyed my ancestral hall, what kind of enmity is this? What? Do you still miss the days of being a second-class Japanese?"

The Japanese army had military cards and motorcycles for transportation. Since the sky became dark and the sight improved, they quickly caught up.Relying on his familiarity, Lin Haifeng led the crowd around for a few circles, but finally he couldn't get rid of it. At this moment, both he and Guo Dai understood that a war was inevitable.

"There is a hill in front, which is good for defense, let's fight there!" Lin Haifeng gasped heavily, and said to Guo Dai.

"Listen to you!" Guo Dai didn't talk nonsense.

Lin Haifeng glanced behind him. Although the soldiers behind him were still the so-called imperial army yesterday, they have become anti-Japanese fighters since they discarded the fart curtain. Now, although everyone feels the danger, the faces on their faces But there is no fear.The first batch of those who were anyway regarded themselves as Chinese in their hearts. Their parents and even grandparents had many anti-Japanese fighters. In their view, anti-Japanese at this moment is nothing more than following the path of their ancestors.

A forested hillside appeared in front of everyone. Lin Haifeng rushed up first, then stood aside and said: "Brothers, we will fight here. Don't worry, I have contacted the guerrillas in Taihu Lake. They will come Support us! We are not fighting alone!"

Running around for several hours was a big test for Taiwanese soldiers who were used to sitting on military cards. After entering the back of the hillside, many people immediately sat down on the ground, panting heavily, and began to groan at the same time. .The soles of everyone's feet were covered with blisters. Now, once they stopped, the soles of their feet hurt so badly that many people ignored the pursuers behind them.

"Get up, get up, don't take off your shoes! The Japanese are behind, they are chasing, brothers, do you still want to go back to Taiwan alive? Then prepare to fight! Brothers, we have committed too many crimes with the Japanese Sin, now is the time for atonement! Brothers, within an hour at most, the Taihu guerrillas will come to support us! Brothers, kill the devils from the gendarmerie brigade, and the rest of the Chaling base camp will join us, etc. Our team has grown, brothers, our chances of going back to Taiwan will be greater!" Guo Dai walked past every person who was slumped on the ground or taking off their shoes and touching their feet, kicking them one by one, saying so Said.

"Brother Guo, do you really have reinforcements?" It was Chen Laifu who asked.Chen Laifu usually doesn't talk much, but he is very shrewd. This question is very important.

When Lin Haifeng and Guo Dai talked about reinforcements just now, many people didn't listen.Chen Laifu asked this very loudly, and many people turned their attention to Guo Dai immediately.Guo Dai didn't even blink his eyes, and said with certainty: "Of course, Brother Lin contacted the Taihu guerrillas the day before yesterday. Brother Lin, this is the place you made an appointment to meet with them, right?"

Lin Haifeng was even smarter. He answered the question immediately, nodded and said: "Yes. I said that a group of Taiwanese soldiers have fallen anyway. I hope to get their help. Huang Laiying, the captain of the Taihu guerrillas, agreed without saying a word. They I also said that if you ask, they will find a way to help you cross the river to the south of the Yangtze River."

Those who can be persuaded by Guo Dai and others once and for all have basically risked their lives.However, it is impossible not to be afraid in the face of the Japanese army, which is three times stronger than oneself, and it is still an elite military police.Anyway, everyone came out in a hurry, they couldn't bring out any heavy weapons, and they didn't have many bullets, the maximum number was no more than [-]. With this amount of guns and ammunition, facing the Japanese military police who might have mortars, everyone thought that they would definitely lose , I very likely died here, so morale inevitably fell into a slump.At this time, the reinforcements that Lin Haifeng spoke of were undoubtedly a stimulant.

The Taihu Guerrilla Army is an army of the Communist Party of China. Although it has not been established for a long time, it has already made a name for itself in Taihu Lake.Hearing that this team, which made Xiao Li feel a headache when he woke up, came back to support him, the fighting spirit of the soldiers suddenly jumped up, and many people immediately cheered up and began to prepare nervously for the battle.

"Stop!" Huangcun Taisheng Shao Zuo waved his right hand and shouted loudly. Yoshizuru Yoshino, who was sitting on his right, immediately stepped on the foot brake, and at the same time turned off the engine and put it in neutral.The motorcycles and trucks following the three-wheeled motorcycle stopped one after another, and an officer asked, "Mr. Huangcun, why did they stop?"

"The rebels have stopped, prepare to attack!"

"Hay!" The Japanese soldiers began to jump off the military card one by one, and soon, more than [-] military policemen formed ten small square formations in small groups.

Huangcun Taisheng walked up to the crowd, inspected them first, and then said: "Your Excellency, the detachment leader, must deal with these rebels as soon as possible, but if possible, try to capture them alive. Gentlemen, please remember that they are now The rebels are not our enemy, so if you fight, please try to control your emotions."


"Then, Naboku, tell them to surrender!"


The reason why Huangcun Taisheng paid special attention to the previous sentence was because in the eyes of Xiao Li Juxing and other Botian detachment executives, the rebel incident happened because the gendarmerie was too strict in enforcing the law.Considering that several people in the gendarmerie brigade had died in this incident, and worried that they would take the opportunity to retaliate and kill everyone, Xiao Lin gave a special note on what to do with the barren village.

Kobayashi did this, but it was actually a helpless move.In the wave field detachment, 80.00% of the five soldiers are Taiwanese.Once this matter is handled carelessly, no matter whether there will be another mutiny in the future, the Botian detachment will lose its combat effectiveness.The Japanese army's strength in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River was not considered strong, and Neiji Okamura had high hopes for the Hada detachment. Therefore, even if it was only for his personal future, Kobayashi did not dare to take too brutal measures to deal with this matter.Kobayashi's ideal solution is to capture the rebel soldiers alive as much as possible, and then take measures to make them repent. In this way, the hearts of Taiwanese soldiers can be regained.

Guo Dai and the others didn't know that Xiao Lin still wanted to take soft measures against them.When the gendarmes were lining up on the hillside, he said to Lin Haifeng: "It's a pity, if there is a cannon, how many people can be killed by this cannon!"

Lin Haifeng smiled: "There will be guns, as long as you return to the Xuebing Army, not to mention cannons, there are tanks, as long as you can drive them, you will have them."

Guo Dai has always held prejudices against the Xuebing Army, so whenever Lin Haifeng gets an opportunity, he will instill in him the idea that the Xuebing Army is strong and good.Unknowingly, Guo Dai is not too disgusted with joining the Xuebing Army now.

At this moment, Jiubao shouted from below: "Soldiers on the mountain, listen up. Your Excellency the detachment leader said that as long as you put down your weapons and realize your mistakes, you will not be held accountable for the rebellion. Gentlemen, fellow People of His Majesty the Emperor, return to the arms of the Imperial Army—"

"Fuck you!" Before he could finish his sentence, Chen Laifu aimed at him and fired.

There was a "pop" gunshot. Because of the distance of nearly 800 meters, Chen Laifu's shot failed to hit Jiu Bao, but it also shocked him. The following words were immediately scared back to his stomach. .

Guo Dai happened to know Jiubao, and he poked his head out and shouted: "Jiubao, the dog, do you think we are fools? Don't say that we are anyway, we are deserters. Is there any way to survive if we are captured? You dog You don't even blink your eyes when you lie!" With a wave of his hand, he suddenly shouted: "Brothers, kill him with good marksmanship!"

Jiubao's words actually aroused some people's interest, but Guo Dai's voice reminded them of the harsh military law of the Japanese army. Some people who had originally had fantasies suddenly had the courage to face reality squarely.

"Crack!" The gunshot rang out, but Jiubao couldn't continue to shout anymore.

The battle has begun!

(End of this chapter)

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