Chapter 968 Reinforcement
The devils of the two brigades who were ordered to attack did not know that they had actually been abandoned by Nishio.Encouraged by the two captains, they thought they were here to finally reap the fruits of victory.They rushed onto the river beach shouting the slogan "All the Chinese people wiped out". The next moment, when there was a sudden sound of shells breaking through the air above their heads, many devils were dumbfounded. "Bage! The Chinese have cannons! Lie down!" a devil yelled thinking he was smart, and threw himself on the river beach.

On the contrary, when there were shells flying over their heads, watching those fleeting fireballs explode into huge fireballs thousands of meters away, the nervous mood of the soldiers on the North Shore instantly became much more relaxed. Xue Bing said proudly: "Our cannon!" He grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth.We are all veterans and know what it means to have artillery support and not have artillery support during the battle.Several company platoon leaders originally wanted to organize the brothers to launch a counter-charge, but now they changed their minds: "Hold your head down for me, if you are killed by your own people, you will die too unjustly!"

"Boom!" A shell exploded about ten meters away from Xiwei, and the air wave hit. Several military policemen around him were hit by shrapnel, and fell down with a howl. One military policeman was directly blown away by the air wave. There was a howl in the air, and then he became a dead man with broken limbs.

The cannon sounded, and the staff officers and guards around Nishio were extremely nervous. They didn't know what went wrong, but one thing was confirmed, that is, they had been exposed.Huge fireballs roared towards them one after another, and judging from the sound of the shells piercing through the air, the landing point should be nearby—if anything happened to Xiwei, then they would die too.

Nishio was thrown to the ground by a staff officer, and when he shook his head to shake off the dust on his face and raised his head, the first thing he saw was a severed hand.Rao because he has more knowledge about life and death, he couldn't help being startled at this moment, and then he cursed angrily: "Ba Ge!" The staff officer was already dead, and his blood was all over Nishio. Nishio was also injured. Under the command of Chief of Staff Machikurayoshi, several military police came over with a stretcher, put Nishio on it without saying a word, and then ran away with it.

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!" Some middle and low-level Japanese officers had no idea what was going on, and realized that they would only be bombed or even burned to death if they stayed here. They shouted loudly and instinctively directed the troops to withdraw to the north.

After the shelling, there must be ambushes. Many devil officers took it for granted that this round of shelling was over, and did not realize that the so-called enemy army in this area was only about one regiment. .

The orderly retreat turned into a rout, which was unexpected by Hiso Nishio and Yoshio Jozuka.However, in the continuous shelling, even if they intend to better organize the troops, how many people can listen to it? The explosion of the 150mm shells was earth-shattering. In this poplar grove alone, more than a hundred devils were stunned and fainted on the spot, and devils who were temporarily deaf were everywhere.Under such circumstances, even if those mid- and low-level military officers can execute orders well, they cannot close the gap in a short period of time.

The rout of the large army caused panic among the attacking troops.On the river beach, after the sound of cannons, the counterattacks of the students became more and more sharp.Qian Shuanglin and other ruthless people even seized the opportunity, stood up and fired with their rifles. The devils who rushed to the front had no power to resist, and fell down in pieces under the hail of bullets.

In a soldier pit on the first line of defense dug by Qian Shuanglin's organization, a student soldier named Ma Yishan was awakened by a violent explosion.In the battle not long ago, he was directly stunned by a bullet hitting his helmet, so he didn't know about Ye Zhao's support team.He opened his eyes in a daze, and then instinctively clenched the rifle in front of him.Where he is now, he is less than 30 meters away from the devil who is rushing to the front.In his position, at this moment, the gunshots behind him were even more intense.The familiar gunshots of Wei Qing's guns shocked him just after waking up. He looked back and saw Qian Shuanglin and others stand up and shoot.He looked up at Qian again, and at the same time he saw a group of devils falling, the devils behind had already begun to rout, and farther away, the sound of explosions was ringing one after another, and in the flames caused by the explosion, the devil soldiers Retreating like a tide - this is not the first time such a scene has appeared in Ma Yishan's combat career, and in his impression, there is often only one possibility for such a scene to appear - the arrival of reinforcements from his own side, the little devil started rout.

During the most difficult battle, Ma Yishan called for reinforcements more than once in his heart. It was for this reason that when the word "reinforcement" suddenly flashed through his mind, he stood up in a jerk and looked at the devils. Fiercely shooting and shouting: "Brothers, reinforcements are here, go!"

After shouting this sentence, he had already brought down the two devils.He jumped out of the single soldier pit and continued to shout: "Kill!" He ran forward regardless.

The sudden artillery support from the north shore boosted the confidence of many students.They were in a state of excitement, but when they heard Ma Yishan's shout, the few students who were closest to him became overwhelmed and immediately jumped out of the individual soldier pit, and rushed towards the Japanese army after him.They rushed and shouted: "Our reinforcements are here!" "Brothers! Go!"

Ma Yishan was at the forefront, and the gunfire on the battlefield was so loud that only those who were close to him could hear his words clearly.However, one word spreads to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon, everyone knows that the "reinforcement" has arrived.

"Have you heard, our reinforcements have arrived!"

"The reinforcements are here, brothers, go!"


The arrival of reinforcements, followed by a counter-offensive-this is nothing more than natural.More and more students joined the ranks of the counterattack, and finally even Ye Zhao was affected—"The reinforcements have arrived? Which part?" He was still a little confused and asked, but the next moment, he was driven by two guards. Then he joined the ranks of counterattack.

Affected by the battle situation in the rear, the devils of the two attacking brigades were already flustered. Now, when they heard the students on the opposite side shouting "Reinforcements are here", they looked around in panic, and suddenly found that they didn't seem to know where to hide in the deep night on the three sides. Just like how many enemies they had killed, their morale was exhausted immediately, and they no longer had the courage to fight decisively.

When the Japanese army was completely defeated and Ye Zhao ordered "the poor should not chase after them" and began to gather troops, the students remembered the so-called "scholar soldiers" and asked each other, "Where are the reinforcements? Which part?"

There are no reinforcements, they are the only ones who participated in the counterattack from beginning to end.This situation was finally reported to Ye Zhao. Only then did he realize that the so-called reinforcements were just created out of thin air. He broke out in a cold sweat, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Which kid called the reinforcements first? Find it out for me, I want him to be promoted in front of the fire—this kid is better than Zhuge Liang! This trick of suspicious soldiers is really good!"

(End of this chapter)

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