Chapter 969 The Cruel Ending
Around four o'clock in the morning, this unexpected encounter on the main battlefield finally came to an end.In the end, there were less than 1000 of the more than 500 students (including Chi Guanxing's guerrillas), and only about 500 people gathered around Ye Zhao in Jiangbei.And these [-] people were all wounded, even Ye Zhao, who lost half of his left ear by stray bullets.

This is the largest casualty in a single battle since the establishment of the Xuebing Army. A total of [-] students gave their young and precious lives in the six-hour battle.The long time of fighting exhausted everyone's physical strength. After confirming that the little devil "escaped", except for Ye Zhao and Gao Yongxiang, everyone else sat down on the cold river beach stained with blood, and gulped. gasping.

Looking at the corpses all over the place, Ye Zhao felt grief and pain in his heart, without the slightest joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.In his own mind, his best destination for this battle is to die here.However, Hisao Nishio did not fulfill his wish.

Ma Yishan was quickly found out. This kid was very lucky, but his left arm was hit with a penetrating wound by a bullet, which is considered a very minor injury.He was brought in front of Ye Zhao, who asked him: "Ma Yishan, you are fine. Tell me, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using suspicious tactics?"

Ma Yishan also knew at this time that there were no so-called reinforcements. He recalled the scene when he rushed to the first place, with bullets flying around him, and he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. "Suspicion of the strategy of soldiers", the word Ye Zhao said made him sweat again, but this time it was because of shame, he blushed and replied: "Master, I, I just woke up and heard the sound of gunfire , thought that the reinforcements were coming, and then, then rushed up."

This answer exceeded Ye Zhao's expectation, he said "ah" and asked, "You mean, you fainted before firing the cannon?"

"Well, I got a bullet in my helmet and got knocked out. Woke up to the explosion, and then, and..."

"Haha!" Ye Zhao laughed again—it was already like this, instead of thinking about how to face the commander-in-chief and what kind of punishment he would receive when he went back, it was better to enjoy the joy of this hard-won "victory" first.He slapped Ma Yishan hard, and then said: "You are a lucky general! Ma Yishan, listen, I now appoint you as the commander of the third battalion of the 127 regiment, tell me, do you have the confidence to be the battalion commander? "

Ma Yishan was a little dumbfounded, he thought for a while and said: "Master, I, I don't know how to read, I'm afraid I won't be good."

According to the promotion rules of the Xuebing Army, officers above the company commander must be able to read more than a thousand characters, so Ma Yishan said this.

Ye Zhao naturally knew this, he smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if you can't read now, it will take some time until the appointment letter is issued, you should use this time to learn how to read well. Well, when you go back to Jiujiang, I will ask Director Jiang to teach you personally. Patting him on the shoulder again, Ye Zhao smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of killing devils, are you still afraid of being able to read? Well, this matter is settled like this. Brothers, hurry up and clean up the battlefield, and the remains of the sacrificed comrades must be found." .Gao Yongxiang!"

"Master seat!" Gao Yongxiang stood up with a limp leg.During the battle, he was shot in the left thigh. Fortunately, he didn't hurt the aorta or bone, so he can still stand up after the explosion.

"The Japanese probably won't come back, but to prevent them from counterattacking, you choose those who can still fight and organize defense. Captain Chi, thank you very much today, and you will retreat first later!"

Chi Guanxing finally killed a devil in the pursuit just now, for which he was very excited, the battle was over for about a quarter of an hour, his face was still flushed, and he looked overexcited.Hearing Ye Zhao's words, he hurried over and said, "Mr. Ye, my brothers didn't do much just now, let us stay and help defend. Please take the wounded and evacuate first!"

When the battle was most intertwined, Chi Guanxing and his group of guerrillas still showed the courage that a man should have, and withstood the little devil's attack with real swords and guns.Chi Guanxing has more than 300 people under his command, not to mention his personal combat effectiveness, but this number can already stabilize the morale of the army.The structure of the Xuebing Army is very complicated, not to mention the old factions such as the Cantonese and Fujian factions, and there are also some characters such as bandits. For example, the Huang brothers, their mountain division, seven or eight of them are all Adapted from the original Bandit.Therefore, Ye Zhao did not discriminate against them because of their identities.Seeing that Chi Guanxing spoke sincerely, he felt that it would be better to give them more opportunities to actually fight. After all, this guerrilla team is now called the Xuebing Army.He thought for a while, looked at the guerrillas who obviously showed a different temperament from the time on the South Bank, and said with a smile: "Then thank you for your hard work! Alright, brothers, get moving, we have to withdraw as soon as possible. Go to Jiujiang."

Cleaning up the battlefield is a sad thing. So many young and promising students fell in a pool of blood forever. Ye Zhao walked around every dead student, and his heart was once again drawn Filled with remorse—if the preparations for crossing the river were done more adequately, and the reconnaissance work was done better, presumably, today's battle could have been avoided!

The results of the battle were quickly counted. It was a service. A total of 36 and 3000 people were killed in the troops directly under the 74th Division and the 16th Division. Among them, the regiment leader and the colonel’s staff were killed in battle. Two, the battalion commander and the lieutenant colonel’s staff [-] people were killed in battle, and the major staff officer was killed, and the company platoon leader was almost wiped out.As for the wounded, there were only a dozen seriously wounded, and all the others were wounded.There is a reason why there are so few seriously wounded, because when the battle was at its most intense, these seriously wounded on the front line almost unanimously chose to die with the enemy.Therefore, the remains of a considerable number of them ended up with only an arm or a helmet or something.

In terms of annihilating the enemy, a total of 17 Japanese soldiers were wiped out, including two lieutenants, 330 majors, and several lieutenants.[-] nine Japanese soldiers were captured, of which [-] were slightly wounded, and all others were seriously wounded.

The enemy is outnumbered, and it is said that it is not bad to be able to achieve such a record with a weak force.However, considering that his own light weapons had an absolute advantage, and he was supported by heavy artillery, Ye Zhao regretted it even more.

The little devils are very tenacious, and most of the captives were because they ran out of weapons and ammunition, or lost their mobility.How to deal with these devils made Ye Zhao quite confused.

During the Battle of Nanjing, because of the crimes committed by the Japanese army in Suzhou and other places, Ouyang Yun usually ordered the enforcement of battlefield discipline to deal with these devils who lost their combat effectiveness or were captured.But this time, there is a little difference. Because the Japanese of the anti-war alliance followed, it seems inappropriate to adopt such a rough approach.

After discussing with Ye Zhao, Gao Yongxiang and Qian Shuanglin, the three of them made a decision that the seriously wounded should still be disciplined on the battlefield, and the lightly wounded should be brought back to Jiujiang first.

"One day, we will erect a monument here!" Before boarding the boat, Ye Zhao looked at the blood-stained land under his feet and said: "Those who have made contributions to the country and the nation will be remembered by the country and the people." them."

(End of this chapter)

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