Chapter 982

A new round of Japanese attack started again, and within 2 minutes of the battle, the correspondent ran over to report the bad news to Bai Liusu, and Yu Liangcheng called, saying that they could no longer withstand the Japanese attack.And the last voice he left in this world was: Tell the traveler, withdraw, withdraw to the second—boom!

"Commander Yu, he's dead!" the correspondent said in an uncertain tone, tears streaming down his face.

Bai Liusu had not been in the Seventh Brigade for a long time, and he still couldn't remember the names of many company commanders, but he had an impression of Yu Liangcheng.This is a relatively simple and honest man from North China, tall and strong, with strong fighting ability. In a parade, he once singled out five upper class soldiers alone. Therefore, even in the entire army of apprentices, he is also a well-known man.

Unexpectedly, he actually went like this.

With Xigeng lost, the right wings of the 301st and 303rd regiments were completely exposed to the Japanese army. If they didn't want to be surrounded by the Japanese army, they had to retreat.

"Repel the little devil's attack first!" She said, and went up to the top of the crater again, raising her gun to shoot.

Ten minutes later, this wave of Japanese attack was repelled.Bai Liusu immediately left Qian Tai and a company behind, and then led the others to withdraw towards Mianchuan Town.

The second-line positions of the 301st and 303rd regiments were located in Mianchuan Town, and the second-line positions of the 302nd regiment were at Tong No. [-].

Ten minutes later, Liu Zheliang and others hurriedly marched to Tong No. 10.The trainees were already exhausted after fighting for a long time. At this time, they ran for another 10 minutes. After arriving at the No. [-] position, many of them immediately collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

Liu Zheliang was also exhausted. He took a deep breath, stood on the ruins of the broken fortifications in the same position as No. [-], and looked southwest.

The flames of war were still burning on the battlefield, and the sound of dull explosions came from afar, and it was unknown who had fired the grenade on his body.Let everyone rest for a while!Brothers, at this moment, let me be your guard and guard you!Thinking of this, he subconsciously stood upright.

"Who? Password!" Suddenly, there was a crisp shout from more than a hundred meters behind him.He instinctively turned around, raising the muzzle of his gun.The students who were sitting or lying down suddenly stood up as if they had been stabbed by scorpions, and many of them immediately entered the fighting state.

"Taishan! Brothers on the opposite side, are you from the 301st Regiment? We are from the Eighth Brigade—our brigade commander is right behind," a flashlight was turned on, and in the light circle, two students stood one behind the other.

"Students from the Eighth Brigade, own people!"

"Students from the Eighth Brigade support us, right?!"

... The students of the 301st Regiment became excited.

"Old Yan, Lao Yan, take someone on alert, I'll go over and have a look—" Liu Zheliang was also a little excited. At this moment, for the 302 regiment, the arrival of reinforcements was too timely—he instinctively shouted Yan Liang is here.

"Traveler, Commander Yan is still at the head of the island," a student soldier beside him said weakly.

Liu Zheliang froze when he heard the words, and after a long while, he went out to meet the scout from the Eighth Brigade under the call of a battalion commander.

Xu Feng led the main force of the 304 regiment and soon appeared in front of the officers and soldiers of the 302 regiment. Seeing this neat team, the students of the 302 regiment cheered.A soldier shouted excitedly: "Fight back, brothers, let's fight back and save the regiment seat!"

Xu Feng saw Liu Zheliang, he looked at the latter carefully with the light of the flashlight, and said with a smile: "Thank God, I finally found you. Brigadier Liu? Is your walkie-talkie broken?"

Liu Zheliang didn't answer the question immediately, but asked, "How is Brigadier Bai? Is she all right?"

"She's fine. I came here from her. How is the battle going? It seems like it's still fighting?"

What Liu Zheliang was most worried about was what would happen to Bai Liusu. In that case, he would have no face to face the commander-in-chief. "You should have come here 10 minutes earlier. We have just withdrawn from Zhoutou. There are too many little devils, and they are attacking without regard to casualties. You see, we have a regiment, a battalion, and a guard platoon. Get off this little guy."

Xu Feng had already seen the casualties of the 302nd regiment in his eyes, he nodded sadly and said: "Okamura Ningji seems to have put all his eggs in one basket. The 112th division and the 11th division add up to more than [-] What about people. Brothers, you guys can hold on to Zhoutou for an hour, which is already very remarkable. Now, build a second line of defense here?"

"What does the division mean? The commander-in-chief asked us to hold on for two hours, and it's only halfway through now, which is far from enough."

"The teacher originally asked me to take Brigadier Commander Bai back, but when we arrived at Shengzhou Village, she asked me to look for you. Now, I want to send a battalion to Mianchuan Town. What do you think?"

"There is a need for this, and it is our bounden duty to protect Brigadier Bai. Brigadier Xu, I support your decision," Liu Zheliang finished speaking, and said, "Brothers, don't stand around stupidly, hurry up and fix it. Let's do the fortifications! If we want to be worthy of the sacrifices of Commander Yan and the others, we must kill more devils!"

"Work! Brothers, move."

In Mianchuan Town, Bai Liusu and the others had just established crude fortifications in Zhendong and the north of the town, when the Japanese army's vanguard attacking force appeared outside the east gate of the town.

I don't know if there was a problem with the supply of flares, or if the Japanese army who attacked first did not carry them, they launched an attack in the deep night.

Zhendong was defended by Bai Liusu himself.She personally served as a lookout post, her bloodshot eyes were fixed on the road outside the town. Suddenly, she pushed Bian Jingdao beside her and said in a low voice, "Tell brothers, get ready for battle, The little devil touched it."

This Japanese army was only the size of a squadron. The officer leading the team might have planned an attack. However, because he didn't know the battle situation in Shengzhou Village, he didn't realize that the students there had already withdrawn into the town. , Grabbed ahead of them and occupied a strategic location.

Bai Liusu observed carefully, and a few minutes later she came to a correct judgment: "The little devils don't know that we have withdrawn to the cotton boat, and they want to sneak attack! Very good, we happened to make an ambush! Tell the brothers, without me The order is not allowed to shoot, and I will cover it up!"

At around [-]:[-] a.m., at the intersection of the river and the sky in the East, a ray of dawn is about to emerge.

Bai Liusu's eyesight was excellent, and with this little light, she watched the two devils escape from the main force and sneak into a house only thirty meters away from her. After a while, the two came out and walked forward again. Fumbled forward about ten meters, then backed up.Soon, a large force of the Japanese army drove in.More than [-] people lined up in a dense array and drove into the town thinking it was very concealed.

"Damn it, if only a few landmines had been planted at the entrance of the town!" Bian Jingdao muttered in a low voice. Just as he finished speaking, he was kicked by Bai Liusu. He turned his head and met the latter's glaring eyes .Obviously, Bai Liusu was afraid that he would alarm the little devil.

The transmission of orders among the students was word of mouth. After receiving the order from the brigade, everyone held their breath, opened their eyes wide, and watched the devil sneaking in without moving.

On the roofs of several half-collapsed houses, several machine gunners held their machine guns tightly. At this moment, they even heard the sound of the wind hitting their helmets.

50 meters, 40 meters, 30 meters—20 meters—the distance is getting closer and closer, and the hearts of many students begin to beat violently.

Bai Liusu was calm and relaxed.Suddenly, she shouted loudly: "Fight!" Then she leveled her two guns and fired consecutively from left to right. In an instant, two clusters of fireballs exploded in front of her, and the devils who rushed to the front on the opposite side fell down in an instant. one slice.

Bai Liusu made a hoarse "hit" as if turning on the faucet, and the rain of bullets poured down immediately.

The attack came too suddenly, the moment the gunshots rang out, many devil soldiers instinctively stopped and stood there stupidly until the bullets were poured into their bodies, and then fell on their backs.

"Boom!" The grenades and grenades exploded between the devils' middle and rear arrays, and the fireballs flew up a large number of devils—the little devils fell down in pieces, unable to fight back.

"Come on!" Seeing that there were no more devils standing in front of him, Bai Liusu quickly put on two magazines, swung his two guns, and leaped out of the crude fortification built by the ruins of bricks and tiles with a roar.

"Kill!" Bian Jingdao roared in a deep voice, and then rushed out.

"Brothers, let's kill the devil!" Many apprentices shouted Dasheng, stood up with assault rifles and rushed out.

The devils in this squadron were completely stunned. Because the squadron leader was standing relatively forward, he only had time to yell to lie down before being knocked down. Immediately, the remaining two hundred devils fell into chaos.

This was a one-sided battle, and from beginning to end, the Japanese army had no decent resistance at all.

Xu Shi was crushed too badly in Shengzhou Village, so all the students took a deep breath in their hearts.Everyone erupted this breath at the same time, and the momentum was so strong that it was almost like a volcanic eruption.

The battle ended after 5 minutes, and as the last escaped devil was shot down by Bian Jingdao, the Xuebing Army won a complete victory in this battle.

"Clean the battlefield quickly, pick up the machine guns, grenades, and grenades, and don't want anything else. The little devil's army will arrive soon—" Bai Liusu put away his guns and commanded calmly.

"Traveler, I'm going to plant some booby traps," Bian Jingdao asked her for instructions after picking up a lot of grenades.

She waved her hand and readily agreed.

The sound of guns and shouts in Zhendong alarmed Zhang Cunbao, and he hurriedly sent someone to check the situation. Five minutes later, he got a report and learned that the brigade had led a beautiful ambush, and he couldn't help sighing enviously: "If I had known that Zhendong could launch an ambush, I shouldn't have competed with the brigade for the command of Zhenbei. "

When assigning command, Bai Liusu originally wanted to guard Zhenbei himself.However, Zhang Cunbao considered that the battle in Zhenbei would definitely be more difficult than that in Zhendong, and that the troops in Zhenbei would stay behind in the end. Out of responsibility for her safety, Zhang Cunbao recklessly snatched the command of Zhenbei.What he is saying now is actually just saying it.

His deputy, Jiang Xiaodong, understood this, and said with a smile, "If that's the case, don't tell me you'll let the traveler cover for you then?"

"Just change it back again. Hehe, I'm afraid it's impossible. Well, the commander of Zhendong should still be in the brigade."

(End of this chapter)

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