Chapter 983

The sound of guns and cannons on the left and right was endless, but Takada Suguo and his party had no intention of stopping at all.

After safely arriving at the location marked "3", the group of them headed southeast along a route imaginary drawn on the map.This group of elite devils are all good at walking mountain roads. They always keep a distance of about three meters between each other. With the help of the faint light flickering from time to time on the left and right sides of the battlefield, they can just maintain the continuity of the team.

At around 04:30, they appeared at the place marked "1000" 6 meters east of the back row, and then they stopped. It took about 5 minutes to find a weapon burial site, and took out a full set of weapons from it. The equipment of the army.

This arrangement is the masterpiece of Takada Suguo. Just one night four days ago, he led a dozen people disguised as local fishermen, and buried six boxes here using the previously scouted route.There are 35 of them in total, and a total of six sets of standard equipment for the cadet army have been prepared here.These equipments were requested by Yamada Joji from Okamura Ningji.The latter originally wanted to send these equipment back to the base camp as trophies for credit. After listening to Yamada's proposal, he felt that this matter had a lot to do, so he allocated six sets of uniform equipment for the cadet army.

From the perspective of a professional soldier, Sugio Takada was "fascinated" the first time he saw the field uniform of the Xuebing Army.He said to his colleagues at the time: "Although I look down on the Chinese people, I have to admit that the practicality of their uniforms is better than that of the imperial army. From this point of view, it is also possible for the Xuebing Army to not lose in the confrontation with the imperial army." Not for nothing."

He personally selected five people, changed into the field uniforms of the Xuebing Army, and then whispered to another captain who led the team: "Mr. Xiaoye, please pay attention to keeping a distance from our advance queue, and don't make a mistake!"

Ono was Takada Sugio's deputy in this operation. He nodded and said: "Your Excellency, please rest assured, we will not make mistakes!"

"Not far ahead is the north bank of the fortress. The soldier army must have deployed heavy troops here. If we want to enter the south bank, we must not expose it here. Therefore, if anyone accidentally exposes his identity! Then, please Don't blame me for being cruel!" After taking care of Xiao Ye, Gao Tian warned the other five devils pretending to be soldiers.In the night, his eyes were shining with a cold light, which made the five people dare not look at each other.

The five were obedient, and soon, Takata's troops were divided into two. Takata personally led five "pseudo-scholars" to open the way ahead, and Xiaoye Qiangsheng led the others to follow the original queue more than ten meters behind.This group of devils used the night as a cover, and soon disappeared into the vast mountains of Mianchuan Island again.

The main fortress on the north bank of the Madang Fortress is located on the breach dam. On this high ground that can only be called a small slope, the national government authorities poured four bunkers, and the four bunkers were transformed into Fort A, Fort B, Fort C, In Dingbao, each fort is equipped with a small fort, and there are shooting holes on both sides of the fort, which can ensure that four shooters can shoot at the same time.The four castles were connected through the underground cement passage. Among them, because the interior space of Castle C is relatively large and it is surrounded by the three castles A, B and D, He Zhengjiang set up his headquarters here.

If the chariot units and artillery units of the three divisions, three brigades, and one regiment are all stationed on Mianchuan Island, although it is not possible to prevent Mianchuan Island from dripping water, at least on the side of Saiti, the management will be as solid as gold. There is no problem.

Of course, because the troops on Mianchuan Island now only have two regiments, the Seventh Brigade and the Eighth Brigade, after sending out the 304th Regiment of the Eighth Brigade, there is actually only one battalion-sized fortress left There are still 306 regiments in the army.

After Shangfu lost the news and sent it back to the headquarters of the Third School Division, He Zhengjiang, who was already annoyed by Bai Liusu's disregard of orders, couldn't sit still anymore.He discussed the situation of the war with Zhang Xiaolian, the political director, and thought that if the White Liusu Department retreated to Mianchuan Township immediately, they would be in danger of being surrounded.

The battle of Madang has reached the scale it is now, and the losses of one regiment and two regiments are actually nothing. However, considering Bai Liusu's status, they really dare not take it lightly.

He Zhengsheng immediately called Bai Liusu himself, but Zhang Cunbao answered the call.To his relief, this time Bai Liusu didn't make any more monsters. Not only did she lead her troops safely to Mianchuan Town, but she also fought a beautiful ambush in the east of the town.

Zhang Cunbao is Zhang Xiaolian's brother of the same clan. For this reason, He Zhengjiang invited Zhang Xiaolian to talk about it, and praised Zhang Cunbao a few words, saying: "Cunbao is good, and he knows how to protect Brigadier Bai. Zhenbei and Zhendong are guarded well. The second line of defense in Chuanzhen should hold on for a while longer. In this case, we can arrange it calmly. Well, we can add a little more troops to the ceiling. Come around."

"Send another platoon. The fortifications of the smallpox did not suffer a lot in the previous bombardment. If used properly, this platoon can be used as a company. Wang Keleng's defensive battle is good. If one company and one platoon are used, the Japanese army It’s not that there should be no problem with large-scale sneak attacks.”

He Zhengjiang and Zhang Xiaolian were discussing the defense of the smallpox, but they didn't know that there was a problem with the smallpox.The purpose of the smallpox defense force is to prevent Japanese sneak attacks.Therefore, Wang Keleng, who is rich in defensive experience, specially organized three patrol teams, one team every 10 minutes, to patrol and guard from the ceiling to the old Lianzhou by the river.And between the ceiling and the high house of Wu's family on the gap, he only arranged two roadside posts.

It was this roadside post that Sugio Takada chose to break through.

The defense change cycle of the roadside whistle is two hours. Coincidentally, when Takada Sugio and the others approached, it happened that the roadside whistle had just changed defense not long ago.

Sugio Takada appeared in front of the two students at the roadside post with five fake students. The two students were very vigilant, and they raised their guns and asked from afar: "Password!?"

Takata Sugio didn't know the password, he just stopped and shouted: "Which unit is the brother on the opposite side, we are from the Seventh Brigade, please inform your commander, Mianchuan Town is lost!"

The news he revealed was very sensational, and the two student sentries were shocked immediately, and one asked, "What? Mianchuan Town is lost?"

"The troops were dispersed. We were the first to withdraw—brother, did the password change today?" Takada Sugio speaks Chinese very well, but there is a problem, because he learned it in the Northeast, so With a strong Northeast old lump flavor.

The members of the Seventh Brigade were all from North China, and a more vigilant student soldier immediately realized this problem.He narrowed his eyes and said, "The password hasn't changed, so please go back—uh!" Before he finished speaking, his mouth was covered by a hand stretched out from behind, and then he felt a chill in his heart , Then, it went dark in front of my eyes.

What happened to the other student soldier was similar—they turned to face Takada Sugio at the same time, which happened to give the devils behind a chance to sneak attack.The two young sentinels were stabbed to death by bayonets before even killing a devil in this battle.

After assassinating two sentries, Takada looked at his watch: 53:[-] a.m.Then he looked at the east again, and in the east, Yubai had already appeared.

He said: "We don't have much time. Next, let's go to the Wu family mansion! If the information is correct, Ouyang Yun is in the Wu family mansion."

Although the Xue Bingjun had a reputation for severely punishing traitors, this did not prevent those traitors who were born with low bones from appearing.

The reason why Sugao Takada was able to successfully bury spare equipment near the back row was because of the help of traitors.And the information they got about the headquarters of the Northward Legion being in the Wu family mansion was also provided by traitors.Of course, what Takada Sugio didn't know was that the information they obtained was wrong.

Ouyang Yun didn't even cross the river, so how could the headquarters of the Northward Legion be located in the Wu family's mansion?

The reason why the traitor made a misjudgment was because when He Zhengsheng came to Mianchuan Island, he had done business in the Wu family's mansion for two days.The current Wu family mansion is not a headquarters at all, but just a barracks, and there are nearly a battalion of students living in it.

The sky was getting brighter, and the soldiers who were used to getting up early and doing morning exercises had already got up one after another. Soon, the courtyard of the Wu family mansion became lively.When Takada Sugio appeared on the main road [-] meters away from the Wu family's mansion with seven pseudo-soldiers, a group of about thirty students ran out neatly in two rows.

Sugao Takada squinted his eyes and observed carefully for a few seconds, before coming to a conclusion: "That's right, this is the headquarters of the cadet army! Have you noticed that their military appearance is very neat, unlike ordinary cadets."

"Your Excellency, what should we do?" A ghost soldier asked, Xu was a little nervous when he realized that there were more students on the opposite side.

Gao Tian glanced back at him, and said: "Let's get in first, are you okay? Pay attention to your expressions, don't look like you see the enemy, be peaceful—peaceful, understand?"


"It's not Hay, yes, Ba Ge, from now on, you are only allowed to smile and not speak!"

A platoon leader named Huang Yusheng led the Xuebing Army to run and practice.Under the order of the battalion commander Jiang Changsheng, he led the brothers in the platoon to run morning exercises, and at the same time patrolled the surrounding area.Huang Yusheng ran on the left side of the team. When he turned his head and saw Gao Tian and the others, he immediately ordered the team to stop, turned back, and then went up to meet them.From far away, he shouted: "Brothers across the street, which part are you from?"

Takada Sugio and his eight-character pseudo-soldiers, one of them was blood-stained and looked like he had just come off the battlefield, so Huang Yusheng asked this question.

Sugao Takada made a gesture to the woods on the right, signaling Ono and the others to hide, and then greeted him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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