Chapter 985
The sky was getting brighter, and the gray-brown clouds that had piled up in the east suddenly became dazzling—a ray of sunshine pierced through the clouds, causing Bai Liusu to narrow his eyes.

"It's another sunny day!" She muttered to herself, and it was the first time that she realized that the sunrise scene was so beautiful.

"Breakfast!" The cook Xu San's loud voice rang out on the battlefield where the gunpowder smoke drifted away.Bian Jingdao held a porcelain jar, and carefully handed it to Bai Liusu.There is steaming white rice porridge in the porcelain vat, and along the side of the vat, a few yellow pickles exude a fragrance.Bai Liusu just glanced at it, fluid flowed from his mouth, and his stomach growled involuntarily.

After dawn, the figure of the little devil was fully revealed at a place 500 meters away on the opposite side.I didn't feel it when I was fighting, but now, I suddenly found that the devils on the opposite side were densely packed layer by layer, and many students couldn't help turning pale.The devil on the opposite side is also having dinner.Both sides have been fighting fiercely all night, and they are already starving.

It was around five o'clock, and Neiji Okamura fulfilled his promise and started to sail towards Cotafune Island by boat.

Zongwu Yamamuro followed closely beside him, looking at the imperial army's battle flag flying across the bank, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.Although the entire Mianchuan Island could not be taken, fortunately, the beachhead has been opened up enough, and it can be regarded as completing the task assigned by the commander.

The little devil started to eat, and the stomachs of the apprentices followed suit.

When the battle was at its most intense, the students from the cooking class also went into battle with their weapons.The cooking soldiers of the three squads have fought so far, but there is only one Xu San and a veteran called "Old Guotou" left.

"Old Guotou" was preparing to join forces as early as the end of the battle, so it was able to cook three large pots of white rice porridge in such a short period of time.

Battalion Commander Geng Changfeng was shot in the left arm not long ago, and now he is the highest-ranked officer in the Zhendong position after Bai Liusu.He walked up to Bai Liusu with his left arm hanging, and reported softly, "Travel seat, there are only 170 and nine brothers left. Three brothers were seriously injured and are still unconscious."

"Arrange the brothers in one platoon to be vigilant, and let the others eat first! We will hold on until Commander Zhang and the others retreat, and then retreat to Tuanjie Village," Bai Liusu said, taking the porcelain jar Bian Jingdao handed over, and took a long gulp.

"Traveler, chopsticks!" Bian Jingdao handed over a pair of chopsticks.

Geng Changfeng replied yes, and went to pay a military salute in return.

"Brothers, let's have breakfast, open it up and eat porridge!" Xu San's loud voice was still yelling.

The students, who were still exhausted just now, flocked excitedly, each holding a white porcelain jar of water.

Bai Liusu took the chopsticks and subconsciously stirred them in the porcelain jar. When the chopsticks touched a round object, she was a little surprised. When she picked it out, it turned out to be an egg.

"And eggs?" She was a little excited.

Bian Jingdao smiled, turned around and picked up his porcelain jar.

Bai Liusu took a bite, stood up and inspected the past, and asked, "Does everyone have eggs?"

The food supply standard of the student army is very high, even in battle, the standard of eating is also very high.Bai Liusu is not very particular about food, but because a woman always feels unwell for a few days a month, she never eats cold food.Over time, the cooks of the Seventh Brigade have developed such a professional habit that they will try their best to cook hot food whenever possible.

When the "Old Guotou" and the others came out, they brought a lot of ingredients, including several large baskets of eggs.However, in the previous battle, most of these eggs were damaged, so for this breakfast, he only boiled an egg for Bai Liusu's meal.

Bian Jingdao couldn't answer this question, but just buried himself in "hardship".

Bai Liusu drank two more mouthfuls of porridge, and then felt something was wrong. Except for her, no one else had eggs. Her complexion immediately changed, and she walked towards "Old Guotou", put the porcelain jar in front of him, and asked : "What's going on? Why am I the only one who has eggs? Those wounded soldiers need eggs the most now! 'Old Guotou', you are not honest about this!"

"Old Guotou" smiled wryly, and said: "Traveler, there are not many eggs left, you have worked so hard, I just thought-"

"Old pot head" is originally from the old Cantonese style.According to the service age standard of the Xuebing Army, he should have retired a long time ago.However, considering that he had no relatives, after seeking his own opinion, the Political Department of the Xuebing Army treated him as a special case, and still kept him and transferred him to the Seventh Xuebing Brigade.

"Old Guotou" has been serving as a soldier. He is 43 this year. Speaking of which, he has been in the army for 25 years.The army of apprentices valued veterans, so although he was just a cook, no one would despise him, from Bai Liusu to ordinary private soldiers.

There is a folk saying that an old man is better than a treasure. What I want to point out here today is that in our Xuebing Army, every veteran is also our treasure-this is naturally said by Ouyang Yun.And precisely because of hearing the words of the commander-in-chief, "Lao Guotou" became more dedicated to his work as a cook.As his woman, Bai Liusu received extra care as a matter of course.

Bai Liusu didn't know that he had been eating small stoves since the first day he came to the Seventh Brigade.The reason why she "raged" at this moment was because the Academy had regulations in this regard. On the battlefield, only the wounded and sick were eligible for extra meals.

Now that the battle has been fought, among the more than one hundred people, the wounded account for at least half.Among them, many people are permanently missing serious injuries.She looked at "Old Guotou"'s somewhat old face and simple and honest smile, and she couldn't speak sharp words.Sighing softly, she asked softly: "How many eggs are left, take them out and cook them for the wounded and sick! The war is difficult, and now I can let them eat more good ones, and I feel better."

"Okay, okay! I'll listen to you!" "Lao Guotou" agreed repeatedly, turned around and was about to go to work, when suddenly, gunshots rang out again.

"The little devil is attacking again!" Bai Liusu turned around and took a look, and said, took a long drink from the short-term porcelain jar, picked up two pickles and threw them into his mouth, then took out his gun, and ran straight forward.

"Old Guotou" found that there was still half an egg bitten open in the porcelain jar, and wanted to remind her to finish eating, and shouted: "Traveler—" Then he shook his head and said, "Let's save it for her first. "

Qiu Mu Zhensheng stood under a locust tree whose upper body had been blown off, and observed the position of the student army with a telescope.A slender figure of a woman suddenly appeared in the binoculars, he was taken aback for a moment, and then froze.A woman's epaulets appeared in the camera, which turned out to be the logo of a major general. He was taken aback for a moment, then grinned sneeringly: Chinese men are dead, and women are actually allowed to lead the battle!Putting down the binoculars, and looking at the corpses of the imperial army scattered all over the ground in front of the defenders' positions, he felt even more glaring.

"My mother, Qiu Zhensheng, was sniped by a woman for half an hour and couldn't make an inch? This is really an unacceptable shame!" He murmured to himself, then suddenly drew out his command knife and swung it forward, shouting: "Charge, let's meet again! Everyone listen, no retreat, only forward! Understand?"

"Hay!" The squadron leaders who had been standing respectfully behind him responded in unison, and then quickly returned to their respective units. Immediately afterwards, the Japanese army began another attack.

A dense crowd of devils swarmed up, and the cadet army quickly drank the porridge in the porcelain jar, grabbed their guns and entered the position.

"All the little devils are out!" Bian Jingdao said to Bai Liusu who came over.

Bai Liusu looked at the devil who was slowly approaching, his eyes became sharp.She stepped forward more than ten meters, lay beside a machine gunner, and shouted: "Brothers, listen to my order and move closer." Looking at the porcelain vat next to the machine gunner, she saw that there was still some porridge in it. She grinned at the corner of her mouth and continued: "There is still some distance for the little devil to approach. I order that you drink all the food in the porcelain jar! Only when you are full will you have the strength to beat the devil! Huh, whoever has food because of lack of strength Don't kill the devil, I'm going to spank his ass!"

The machine gunner was already waiting in full force, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but "puchi" in laughter!The loader next to him handed him the porcelain jar, and said tauntingly: "The traveler said, don't waste food, you, eat first, I'll take care of it for you!"

The machine gunner naturally refused to do it, and said: "The traveler has already said, there is still a long way for the little devil to come. At this time, let alone this porridge, it is a big pot, and I have already finished drinking it! Thank you for your kindness What! Want to use this machine gun? Wait till I die!"

Nearly [-] devils moved forward cautiously and nervously, fearing that a bullet would suddenly shoot in front of them.What they didn't know was that six out of ten of the students on the opposite side were enjoying breakfast with porcelain jars in their hands.

Bian Jingdao was in charge of Bai Liusu's security work when he was in Shengzhou. At the beginning, he questioned her ability because of her former singer status, and felt that the commander-in-chief's appointment was a bit of a joke.But now, he has completely dispelled this idea.

There is no need to talk about Bai Liusu's marksmanship, not to mention that every bullet is sure to hit, but nine out of ten rounds are sure.And although she is young, commanding art, at least the ability of Gu Zhong's subordinates, that is nothing to say.Reminiscent of the commander-in-chief's excellent eloquence and outstanding ability to confuse, Bian Jingdao has no doubt that the former is influenced by the latter - the so-called those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black!
That's all, the most terrible thing is this woman's ruthlessness.This point can be judged from the bullets she uses.

That bullet with the cross engraved on it is just too evil.Being hit by this kind of bullet and directly dying in Huangquan is happiness. If it is only injured, then it is really worse than death.

After seeing with his own eyes a devil who blew himself up with a grenade and injured allies because he couldn't bear the pain, he looked at Bai Liusu with admiration and fear.

This woman cannot be offended!

(End of this chapter)

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