Chapter 986
"Accelerate, accelerate!" Seeing that the vanguard was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the town, Qiu Muzhensheng seemed to have heard the call of victory. He waved his command knife and hissed.

The gunshots started at this time.

The devils in the front row only saw a few orange fireballs suddenly lit up on a ruin more than [-] meters away. The next moment, huge kinetic energy pushed them up. The pain, and then, howled and lost consciousness.

"Rush up! The ones in the back row are ready to assassinate!" A squadron leader ignored the soldiers in front and was knocked down one after another. The exit bullet of the cover sequence.

"Closer and assassinate!" This is the winning technique that Qiu Muzhensheng came up with after careful consideration of life and death.

Qiu Muzhensheng once participated in the first Great Wall Battle. In that battle, the Japanese army defeated the 35 national army with [-] troops.Among them, although there are some strong resistances, as long as the tactics of fighting and stabbing are implemented, most of them can decide the world in one battle.

"There are at most about 200 Chinese people on the opposite side! The imperial army of our brigade will kill 100 people in advance. As long as we can get close, then it will be a situation where three or four people fight one by one. Three or four imperial soldiers and one Chinese man fight bayonet , if we still can’t win, then let’s jump the Yangtze River collectively!” Qiu Muzhensheng encouraged his subordinates in this way.

The Japanese have a kind of blind trust in their superiors or officers, and Qiumu's analysis is reasonable, so she got the unanimous consent of several squadron leaders.They have forgotten that during the first Great Wall War, although the Japanese army won most of the stabbing battles, they were defeated in every battle when facing one of the national troops.The Xuebing Army was developed from this national army.

With previous combat experience, Bai Liusu began to think that as long as he dealt heavy damage to the devils at the beginning, he would be able to repel this wave of attacks again.However, seeing that the devil's corpses had piled up at the entrance of the town, even blocking the traffic, but the little devils were still rushing forward in an endless stream, she realized that the little devil might be about to launch a positional battle this time.

Geng Changfeng also saw something was wrong, he moved to Bai Liusu's side while beating, and reminded: "Traveler, the situation is not right, the little devil seems to want to fight to the end this time!"

Bai Liusu dismissively said: "If you want to fight in positional warfare, let your horse come here! Tell your brothers over there to prepare for hand-to-hand combat. Humph, I want to fight hard with the advantage of numbers! Let them taste the power of the sword!" "

Not far away, a platoon leader who is famous for his sniping suddenly stood up and shouted to this side: "The little devils are coming from the south, the brigade, divide the troops—" Before he finished speaking, a blood flower suddenly bloomed on his chest , he staggered and took two steps, and finally rolled down.

Geng Changfeng scolded: "You shit!" He said to Bai Liusu: "I'll take some brothers there!" Then, calling for some soldiers, he ran towards the ruins to the south.

Ten minutes later, the Japanese army finally broke into the town, and immediately, hand-to-hand combat took place.

Several students a few meters away from Bai Liusu emptied the bullets in their guns, and were about to change the magazines, when they suddenly realized that a devil had arrived in front of them. With a loud roar, they threw away their guns, pulled out their big knives from behind, and immediately greeted them. up.

"Stop shooting, take out the knife!" Seeing this, Bai Liusu shouted, and took the lead to stand up and meet him.She quickly emptied the bullets in the gun, then drew a big knife from the back of a dead student soldier and rushed forward.

"What is the most important point in deciding hand-to-hand combat? Let's see who is more daring - you want to stab me to death, and if I risk my life, I will chop off your arm to be buried with you! Then look, will the little devil still dare to stab me? Even if he hesitates a little bit, this is our chance!" This is what Li Tieshu said.

The implementation of the broadsword tactics of the 29th Army in the Xuebing Army encountered some resistance at the beginning.Some officers of the old Cantonese faction openly expressed their puzzlement, thinking that adding an extra broadsword to the stabbing not only increased the soldiers' marching load, but also the effect would not necessarily be better than the stabbing - not to mention other things, the stabbing is longer than the broadsword Yes or no?For this reason, Ouyang Yun had no choice but to hold a discussion meeting involving a wide range of subjects.At the discussion meeting, Li Tieshu, as a supporter of the big sword tactics, first said these words, and then went off in person to fight with several old Cantonese officers who were good at spear stabbing. In the end, he was defeated by that eternal tactic. It was only after a dozen opponents that they convinced the old Cantonese officers that the tactics of the broadsword were formally included in the individual training subjects of the recruit army.

Only those who have personally experienced it on the battlefield will understand the correctness of Li Tieshu's words.

It was the first time for Bai Liusu to slash with a big knife and a little devil.

When a glaring spear stabbed at him, she instinctively wanted to block it, but remembering Li Tieshu's words, she took a deep breath, then suppressed her urge to block, and continued to follow the broadsword tactics. The starting position is to make—the broadsword is raised obliquely upwards, and then chops from the upper right to the lower left.

The devil had originally seized the opportunity, but when he realized that the stabbing line might be blocked, he shrank slightly, trying to let the knife's back move before stabbing.However, just for a moment of hesitation, when he stabbed again, he just sent the spear on the route of Bai Liusu's downward chop.

Although Bai Liusu is a woman, due to years of martial arts training, her hands are very strong. This chop was done with all her strength. Immediately, the devil's hands went numb, and Sanba Dagai almost couldn't hold it.He tightened his grip quickly, and wanted to stab again, but Bai Liusu's big knife was lifted up from the lower left. This time, the devil finally couldn't hold back, and San Ba ​​DaGai flew away. "Eight grids!" He didn't believe that he would be blocked by a woman, and looked at the other's face while cursing, but saw a somewhat hideous face - just stunned by the "earthworm", Bai Liusu His big knife had already been slashed down again, and this time it hit his neck, causing him to cry out in pain.

After all, it was Bai Liusu's first time to kill an enemy with a broadsword, and he was a bit poor in controlling the angle, so this knife did not cut off the little devil's head as he wished.She was very dissatisfied with her performance, and as soon as she put away the knife, she wanted to do it again, but the devil committed a terrible crime. His neck was hacked two inches deep, and a large piece of his left chest was cut open, and blood gushed out like a fountain——

"Ah!" He howled in pain, covering his wound with his hands, trying to stop the blood from spurting out.But how could he cover it, he only felt something hot flowing from between his fingers, and suddenly thought that it was his own blood, the capital he depended on for his life.Finally, he realized that he might die, and he fainted from shock.

Such scenes can happen anytime on the Zhendong battlefield.

As Qiu Muzhensheng expected, in the face of the stabbing tactics, the number of apprentices is rapidly decreasing. However, what he cannot accept is that his brigade has paid twice or even three times or more for it. casualties of—

Once the cadets were ready to go all out, the attack tactics that the little devil relied on would not be enough.

(A brother left a message and thought I was too slow to update. If there is one chapter a day, then there are only 356 chapters in a year. Don’t I want to see the year of the donkey?! Here, I think it is necessary to make a statement, because the code Words are my hobby after all, so it is impossible to spend as much time as those professionals. Moreover, military history books, no matter how YY, must be based on certain historical facts, so the time spent on researching materials will even take It’s time to beat the code words. In the end, I can only make a little guarantee. After completing another draft contract at this stage—about April 4, I will increase and update the number of words. If there are too many, I dare not Said, two chapters a day is definitely guaranteed - thank you for your support, Xidu knows that everyone likes this book to make so many suggestions - so, even if it is just to be worthy of everyone's love, I will speed up the update!)

(End of this chapter)

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