Chapter 18
At night, after Gan Lu finally fell asleep, she was awakened by her mobile phone.There is no telephone in this house, she promised Shang Xiuwen that the mobile phone should be turned on so that the two of them can communicate easily.

She turned over and sat up quickly, took the mobile phone, saw the faint blue light on the screen, it was the number of her father's house, and hurriedly answered it.

Aunt Wang's terrified voice came over: "Lulu, your father suddenly vomited blood, what should we do?"

Gan Lu was taken aback: "Call 120 immediately and call an ambulance. Then keep in touch with me and tell me which hospital you have been sent to?"

Her father Gambo's health has not been in good condition. She had experience in dealing with such situations before, and she was not very flustered. She got out of bed in a hurry, and suddenly remembered that neither Aunt Wang nor her father had a mobile phone. Her number was stored at home by her. On the hotkey of the phone, with Aunt Wang panicking like this, it is a big problem whether she can think about how to contact herself later, she was so anxious that she was sweating profusely.

She took her cell phone and dialed again, but the line over there was already busy.She reached for her coat, and hit her forehead hard against the post at the end of the four-poster bed. The pain was so painful that she realized that she hadn't turned on the light, and she had been groping in the dark, so she had to cover her head and borrow the There was a little light on the phone, and he fumbled to turn on the light, trying to regain his composure, and suddenly remembered the countermeasure.

She called out Nie Qian's number, and after the phone rang a few times, Nie Qian answered, "Lulu, it's so late, what's the matter..."

She said in a hurry: "I'm sorry, Nie Qian, my father is sick, I should have called an ambulance, I will rush there immediately, you live nearby, can you help me to see which hospital the ambulance is going to, and then Call and tell me."

"I'll go right away." Nie Qian answered briefly and hung up the phone.

Gan Lu calmed down a little, put on her coat, grabbed her purse, and quickly went out and took the elevator downstairs, anxiously trying to hail a taxi. It was easy to wait for an empty car, and she just got into it, when Nie Qian called: "The ambulance has arrived, and it is said to be taken to the Third City Hospital. I will drive behind, don't worry."

"Okay, I'll go over immediately."

When Gan Lu arrived at the emergency room of the Third City Hospital, Gambo was undergoing an examination inside. Aunt Wang sat on a bench in the corridor and waited blankly. Her face was pale due to the light.

"Aunt Wang, what's the matter?"

"I don't know, Lulu, he was fine at dinner, he said he felt a little uncomfortable before going to bed, I wanted to call you, but he said don't bother you, I'll talk about it tomorrow. Finally fell asleep, he He suddenly sat up and said he wanted to vomit, and before I could help him go to the bathroom, he opened his mouth and vomited blood."

"Has he been drinking again lately?"

Aunt Wang hesitated, and Gan Lu immediately became anxious: "Aunt Wang, I told you very clearly at the beginning that he had undergone surgery on his stomach, and the doctor told him that he should not drink anymore."

"It's not that you don't know your father's temper. I can't stop him at all."

Nie Qian came back with the payment slip, and lightly patted Gan Lu on the shoulder: "Don't worry, see what the doctor says."

Gan Lu was full of anxiety, endured and endured, but couldn't help asking Aunt Wang: "How much did he drink?"

"It's not too much today, I only drank two small glasses of white wine."

Gan Lu was shocked: "What do you mean today is not too much? Does he drink every day? I asked last time, and you told me that he didn't drink."

Aunt Wang's face was pale, so she could only bite the bullet and said, "He won't let me tell you. In fact, he has been drinking. The most I can do is to control him and tell him not to drink low-quality loose wine or drink too much."

Gan Lu knew that her father had let her go, so it would be unfair to blame Aunt Wang for this, so she couldn't say anything.After getting out of the taxi, she rushed in all the way. At this moment, she suddenly felt weak all over, and her eyes went dark for a while, and she hurriedly fell back and sat on the bench.

Nie Qian frowned and looked at her: "Where is your husband?"

"He was on a business trip."

"The new Chairman Xu Sheng will probably be very busy, right?"

Gan Lu was a little stunned. Xusheng's scale is not small, but after all, it is only a private enterprise in a neighboring province. It is not a popular traditional manufacturing industry. It is not well-known. At least the local newspapers did not publish relevant reports about Xusheng's press conference. .But she thought about it again, Nie Qian was in the real estate industry, so he would naturally pay attention to economic newspapers, and Xinhe had a delicate relationship with Xusheng, so it was not surprising for him to know.

She changed the subject expressionlessly: "Thank you, Nie Qian, I'm sorry to trouble you, you can go back and rest first."

Instead, Nie Qian sat down beside her and looked at her carefully: "What's wrong with your forehead?"

Confused, she raised her hand to stroke her forehead, only to realize that the hit just now was really serious, it was already slightly swollen, and it hurt when touched: "I accidentally hit it."

Nie Qian looked at the place where she was hit, and that gaze made her a little embarrassed, especially realizing that Aunt Wang was beside her, so she had to shrink back: "It's nothing, and it doesn't hurt too much."

However, Nie Qian stared at the wound: "Did it really happen by accident?"

Gan Lu didn't know what to say: "Otherwise what do you think?"

"You should pay attention, be careful that you will die even more stupidly."

Gan Lu was stunned, and then smiled wryly: "So, everyone knows I'm a fool."

Nie Qian regretted what he said just now: "I'm sorry, don't make random guesses, I just said it casually."

"It doesn't matter, it's better to know that you are a fool than to be a fool recognized by everyone, and you don't know it yet."

Her self-deprecating tone made Nie Qian speechless for a moment.After a long while, he finally said, "It's not recognized by everyone, but most people must think that you and your wife are low-key."

No matter how worried she was, Gan Lu also laughed, and her shoulders trembled, showing a tendency to be unstoppable.Aunt Wang looked at her almost hysterical smile in astonishment, and looked at Nie Qian in shock. Nie Qian had never seen Gan Lu like this before. He patted her on the shoulder again: "Lulu, calm down."

Gan Lu lowered her head and buried her face in her palms, sternly covering the laughter that sounded weird to her.The hospital corridor was strangely quiet for a while.

After a while, the nurse came out and told them they could go in.A few of them walked in. There were four beds in this observation ward, but only one patient, Gambo, was lying there. The doctor on duty told Gan Lu that the B-ultrasound results showed that the patient’s liver and spleen were abnormal, and he was staying in the hospital for observation tonight. Infusion, have to wait for detailed inspection tomorrow.

The nurse told the family members to pay attention to the infusion and call the doctor immediately if there is any adverse reaction.Gan Lu thanked them anxiously, and turned around to see Gambo lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, a large dark red blood stain on the chest of his pajamas exposed outside, which looked even more terrifying.

Gan Lu sat down and said wearily, "Nie Qian, please help me take Aunt Wang back by the way. I'll stay here tonight."

Aunt Wang looked at her worriedly: "Lulu, you don't look good, I'd better keep watch."

She shook her head: "Stop arguing with me. It looks like Dad is going to be hospitalized. You go back and pack some clothes and bring them here tomorrow. I still have classes tomorrow morning. If I can't ask for leave, you will be the only one watching over me during the day. You Go back and rest first."

Nie Qian didn't say anything, and took Aunt Wang out.

"Lulu, your useless father is causing you trouble again." Gamble opened his cloudy eyes and said weakly.

"What does it mean to cause trouble? Does a father need to talk to his daughter like this?" Gan Lu sat down on the chair beside the bed and tried to comfort him, "Don't say anything, go to sleep, if you feel uncomfortable, immediately Tell me."

Gamble closed his eyes, but his breathing was not steady, and he wondered if he had fallen asleep.Gan Lu stared blankly at her father. His face was sallow and black, his lips were gray and haggard, as if he was more than ten years older than his actual age.

The medicinal liquid slowly dripped down and flowed into the infusion tube. This monotonous scene seemed to have a hypnotic effect. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there with a blank heart, and Nie Qian came back. Xiang took a windbreaker and put it on her body, then pulled a chair and sat beside her.

"Go home and rest, don't accompany me."

"What happened?"

"I should have thought of it earlier. Aunt Wang can't control him. Alas, he probably hasn't really quit his alcohol addiction. I was too careless."

"Here you go again. Your father is an adult. After an operation, he should be aware of the consequences of alcoholism. You don't have to blame yourself." Nie Qian frowned, "And I'm not talking about your father, I'm talking about you The way you looked just now is really abnormal. When you were 17 years old, your father was sent to the hospital for an operation. The situation is more dangerous than now, and I haven't seen you lose your composure."

Gan Lu pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

"So, I guessed right, you are so stupid that you don't know your husband's net worth at all." Nie Qian looked down at her.

"How did you guess it? Why don't you guess that I'm low-key like everyone else? Don't I usually behave like a low-key person who likes to walk around in night clothes?" Gan Lu's self-deprecating expression appeared again.

"Why is he hiding it from you like this? Even if you don't want you to get involved in his property, you can do pre-marital property notarization, and even conclude a pre-nuptial agreement. Is there any special reason for making it so mysterious?"

"Not everything has a sufficient reason. In fact, most of the time, the reason is just an excuse." Gan Lu blurted out, but immediately regretted it.She thought that dragging her ex-boyfriend to help, even though it was a last resort, was already too much, and it would have some other meaning to accuse her husband of her ex-boyfriend like this.

Nie Qian completely ignored her regret: "I always thought that you are the kind of person who will definitely arrange your life well."

"I thought so too." Gan Lu just felt uninterested, "Someone told me that people are not strong enough to die, and I laughed at her politely at that time. Forget it, let's not talk about it. You have to go to work tomorrow , go back, I will trouble you today."

"You look so bad, go lie down on the bed over there, I'll take care of the infusion, and ask the nurse to pull out the needle before leaving." He raised his eyebrows to stop Gan Lu from pushing back, "Okay, don't be polite to me anymore. You still have to take care of your father, so you can't collapse yourself first."

Gan Lu didn't feel sleepy at all, but she did feel backache and weakness.She was no longer polite, took off her shoes, and lay down on a hospital bed next to her.Once the body was flattened, the feeling of exhaustion swept over him, and he never wanted to move again.Nie Qian put the windbreaker on her body, and she didn't even have the energy to say thank you.

Of course, at 17, she faced the same thing.But the biggest difficulty she encountered in life at that time was nothing more than her unsatisfactory test scores.No matter how isolated and helpless, she has enough energy to deal with it.

Now that she has enough experience, she doesn't have to worry about money at all.She can also conclude that as long as she makes a phone call, Shang Xiuwen will definitely rush over as soon as possible to take over her burden and let her have a good rest.

However, she just couldn't let herself relax. These days, her heart has been stretched like a string, and it seems that it can no longer withstand a little fiddle.

Gan Lu looked at Nie Qian out of the corner of her eye, and saw him leaning on the back of the chair, seeming to be surfing the Internet with his mobile phone. After a while, he would look up at Gan Bo and then at the infusion stand.

Relieved a little, she closed her eyes.

The hospital was very quiet late at night, only the occasional footsteps in the corridor could be heard.She didn't know how long she had been lying in a daze, and she woke up suddenly, only to see that the nurse had come in to remove Gambo's needle, put away the infusion set, and at the same time told Nie Qian: "Press him with a cotton swab for a while."

She quickly turned over and got out of bed: "I'll do it."

Nie Qian didn't argue with her, and gave up the seat beside the bed: "You don't need to press it for too long, I'd better lie down on the bed later, I'll go back first."

"Thank you, your trench coat."

"Put it here. There is no quilt. Put it on your body. Be careful not to catch a cold. If you need anything, call me right away." Nie Qian paused, and added, "No matter what it is."

Gan Lu felt that saying thank you was hypocritical, so she nodded, "Go back and rest, and drive carefully."

The next day, Gan Lu called the school to ask for leave and rescheduled the class to the afternoon.Aunt Wang rushed to the hospital early in the morning, and Gambo had to wait for the examination on an empty stomach.Under Aunt Wang's persuasion, Gan Lu reluctantly ate a little porridge, but she immediately felt sick and had to rush to the bathroom.When she returned to the ward, she saw Gambo and Aunt Wang looking at her at the same time, and they were both a little happy.

"Lulu, do you have it?" Aunt Wang asked her carefully.

Looking at the look of anticipation on her and her father's faces, Gan Lu felt indescribably uncomfortable, her nose sour, and she had to hold back and nod.Gambo immediately beamed with joy: "Lulu, why didn't you say it earlier, you stayed here all night yesterday, please sit down quickly."

Gan Lu sat down helplessly: "It's less than 50 days old, it's fine, it's only serious if you lie down."

"Look at your forehead, there is such a big bruise, you have to be careful when you walk in the future." Aunt Wang told her, she nodded with a smile, and moved her bangs to cover that area a little bit.

Gamble sighed, "My illness didn't come at the right time. Sigh, I'm going to add to your confusion. What about Xiuwen, why don't you come back from a business trip at this time?"

"He's coming back soon."

While talking, the nurse brought a stack of inspection and payment receipts. Aunt Wang said she would go, but Gan Lu quickly stopped her: "You are so old, don't run upstairs and downstairs. I'll go. There is no problem with the activities now. I Will be careful."

After paying the fee, she rented a wheelchair, and together with Aunt Wang sent Gambo to do various examinations, the whole morning passed quickly.Many test results could not be obtained on the spot, so she had to write down her mobile phone number and told Aunt Wang to call her immediately if there was anything to do. She went to work first and came back after get off work.

Gan Lu and Yi spent the night in the hospital bed, feeling haggard and embarrassed, went home first, took a shower and changed clothes, then took a taxi to the school, and received a call from Shang Xiuwen as soon as they arrived at the school gate .

"Lulu, have you eaten yet?"

She gave a vague "hmm", remembering that it was past the time for dinner, she turned and walked to Yonghe on the other side of the street, intending to force herself to eat more or less.

"I'll go back tomorrow. If you don't have an appetite, you'd better ask Sister Hu to cook for you and deliver it to you. You must ensure your nutrition now."

She was so tired that she didn't have the strength to say anything, so she just said "um" again: "Let's talk when you come back."

Shang Xiuwen's phone call reminded her that she had to call Sister Hu and ask her to cook some light and nourishing porridge for the three of them.

"Xiao Shang is coming back today? Then I'll go buy some prawns..."

"No, Sister Hu, my dad is sick and hospitalized. Don't cook seafood. I don't know if there is a need to avoid it. Just cook a little home-cooked food."

"What's the disease, does it matter? Which hospital do you live in? Otherwise, I'll send it there."

"In the third hospital, I don't need to trouble you, sister Hu. By the way, you can help me buy a few large insulated lunch boxes, and pack them up after they are ready. I will come back at 05:30 to pick them up and take them to the hospital."

Sister Hu quickly agreed.

Gan Lu finished her afternoon class restlessly, but did not receive a call from Aunt Wang. She comforted herself that her father's condition was probably not as serious as she imagined.

After get off work, she returned home in a hurry, took the lunch box that Sister Hu had packed properly, and rushed to the hospital. Gambo had been officially hospitalized. The ward was no different from the observation room last night. There were six beds in it. It was full, with the turbid smell unique to the hospital. As soon as Gan Lu stepped in, she felt sick and wanted to vomit, so she could only hold back.

Aunt Wang said that the test results were with the doctor, and she was only willing to tell her immediate family members.She asked them to eat first, and went to the doctor's office to inquire.

The attending doctor, surnamed Zhao, was a fat man in his forties. He called up the medical records and examination results, looked at them blankly and said, "You have to be mentally prepared. Your father's condition is not optimistic."

Gan Lu's legs felt weak all of a sudden: "Doctor, what's wrong with him?"

"He drank alcohol for a long time, and chronic alcoholism caused liver cirrhosis, accompanied by mild liver ascites, and he has entered the stage of liver decompensation."

The last time Gan Bo was hospitalized for surgery, Gan Lu went to check the information after receiving the doctor's warning. She had an idea of ​​what this disease meant.She was upset, and asked after a while: "Then why did he vomit blood? He vomited blood nine years ago, and part of his stomach was removed by surgery. Could there be another problem with his stomach?"

"Upper gastrointestinal bleeding should be caused by the rupture of esophageal varices, which is also one of the complications of liver cirrhosis. He will be hospitalized for observation, and if necessary, he will undergo ligation of the gastric fundus vein."

"Can he still have an operation on his stomach?"

"decide as things go."

Dr. Zhao spoke very briefly, apparently not intending to explain further to the patient or his family members. After finishing speaking, he cleared up the table and put on a posture of leaving get off work. Even though Gan Lu was full of doubts, she had no choice but to hurry up and say: "My father Is your condition dangerous?"

"It's hard to say. Liver cirrhosis cannot be completely cured. You are lucky if you don't develop into hepatic coma or liver cancer."

Gan Lu walked back to the ward, but didn't want to go in for a while, so she sat on the bench outside, lost in thought.Nie Qian came over with a big bag of fruit, and stopped in front of her: "Lulu, what are you doing here?" He looked at her face, and sat down beside her, "Is it because the test result is not good?"

"Liver cirrhosis, as well as liver ascites, the doctor said it is not optimistic."

"Nowadays, doctors always tell the worst outcome in advance. If the cure is good, they are highly skilled, and if the cure is not good, there are reasons. This hospital is small, and it can be transferred to a large hospital for expert diagnosis. Why are you pessimistic? into this."

Gan Lu was about to speak, but was stunned when she saw Shang Xiuwen walking over with his mother Wu Lijun.

Gan Lu stood up: "Mom, why are you here?"

When Shang Xiuwen saw Nie Qian, he was a little surprised, but kept calm, nodded to him: "Hello, Mr. Nie." Then he turned to Gan Lu, "I called Sister Hu, and I found out that my father was sick and hospitalized. I will rush to the hospital immediately." I'm back. Mom is worried, so come over and have a look."

Gan Lu said, "Thank you, Mom. Xiuwen, it was Nie Qian who helped me send Dad to the hospital last night."

Shang Xiuwen immediately expressed his thanks: "Thank you, Mr. Nie, for taking your troubles, let's go in and sit down together."

Nie Qian also stood up and smiled slightly: "I'm Lulu's old classmate, it's just a little effort, Mr. Shang, you're welcome." He handed the fruit to Shang Xiuwen, "Then I won't go in, goodbye."

Gan Lu hurriedly said, "Wait a minute." She hurried into the ward, took out Nie Qian's windbreaker and handed it to him, "Thank you, I should have given it to you for dry cleaning before returning it to you, but I really couldn't spare the time. "

Nie Qian smiled: "You take care of yourself, I'm leaving."

Gambo was quite surprised when he saw Wu Lijun coming, and hurriedly tried to sit up: "Lulu is not sensible, so why bother you to come here?"

"Lulu is already very sensible, just lie down and don't move." Wu Lijun stood at the end of the bed, said lightly, looked around the noisy ward, and frowned imperceptibly, "Has the test result come out yet?"

Naturally, Gan Lu didn't want to say anything in front of her father: "It came out, and the doctor said it's nothing, but there are some problems with a few indicators, and it looks like I need to be hospitalized for a while."

Gamble hurriedly said: "If there is no problem, I will be discharged from the hospital and go home to rest. Why should I stay in the hospital?"

Aunt Wang also echoed: "Yes, it's too inconvenient here."

Gan Lu forced a smile: "It's up to the doctor to decide."

"Of course the doctor wants me to be hospitalized. Lulu, you should pay more attention to your health now. It's not suitable for you to go to places like hospitals frequently."

Shang Xiuwen smiled and said, "Father, you'd better listen to the doctor, I will take good care of Lulu."

At this time, a short, semi-bald man in his fifties appeared at the door of the ward: "Director Wu, why didn't you call, if I didn't meet your driver when I went out just now, I wouldn't have known you were here. "

Wu Lijun nodded: "Dean Liu, let's go to your office, you bring the patient's doctor over here, and bring the examination materials for me to see."

In Dean Liu's office, Wu Lijun flipped through the stack of inspection reports while listening to Dr. Zhao's diagnosis opinion.What he said was basically the same as what he told Gan Lu just now, but his attitude was serious and his tone was much more tactful and prudent: "cirrhosis of the liver is an irreversible process that requires symptomatic treatment to delay the development and reduce complications. Generally speaking, some 40% of patients with esophageal variceal rupture and bleeding can stop themselves as long as the bleeding volume is not large, so it is not necessarily necessary to perform venous ligation surgery."

Wu Lijun returned the checklist to him: "Thank you, Dr. Zhao, for your hard work."

As soon as Dr. Zhao went out, Dean Liu immediately said: "Director Wu, I will arrange to transfer to another hospital immediately. Of course, it's not that I don't want to be responsible. Dr. Zhao is also the backbone of our hospital's business. However, the liver department of the Central Hospital, whether it is equipment The technical force is still very strong, and Professor Qiu Mingde of surgery is an expert in this field, ranking high in the country. There is a specialization in surgery, and it is more beneficial to transfer to other countries.”

Wu Lijun nodded slightly: "You can arrange it."

Dean Liu immediately called to arrange vehicles and accompanying medical staff.

"Thank you, Mom." Gan Lu whispered.

Wu Lijun didn't look at her: "My family, don't need to say thank you. The most important thing is that you take good care of your body now. Your father's illness is a chronic disease and needs to be checked in detail. There is a process of healing, so there is no need to rush."

This was already the most thoughtful thing Gan Lu had ever heard from her mother-in-law, and she silently nodded in agreement.

When Gan Lu was sitting in the corridor just now, she wanted to ask Wu Lijun for help. She is the deputy director of the Provincial Health Department, and there is no problem in arranging the transfer and seeking expert consultation.Of course, she ran away from home in front of her mother-in-law like that last week, and turned her head to beg her again. It really needs to be thick-skinned, but now it is not a matter of self-esteem, she is just trying to organize her words, wondering if It should be more effective to inform Shang Xiuwen to come back first.

There is no need for her to speak now, even Wu Lijun didn't speak directly, Dean Liu has already arranged things properly, no matter how unpleasant she is, of course she can only admire and be grateful.

Wu Lijun returned home first, and the transfer procedures here were completed quickly. A vice president waited in person at the entrance of the inpatient department of the central hospital, and immediately arranged for Gambo to live in a bed with a bed and an accompanying bed. single room.Professor Qiu also rushed over, looked through the medical records and examination reports transferred from the third hospital, and told them that he thought there was basically nothing wrong with the diagnosis made by the doctor there. As for the next step of treatment, several more related examinations were needed , and then determine the treatment plan.

After Professor Qiu left, Gan Bo seemed very disturbed: "Lulu, is it because I am seriously ill? To make such a big show, I have to transfer to another hospital and seek experts."

"Father, don't think about it. The conditions here are better, which will help you recover as soon as possible, and it is also very convenient for Lulu to come here. Her current situation is not suitable for running around."

Shang Xiuwen comforted his father-in-law with a smile. He has always had the power to calm and convince people. Gamble felt relieved, but then he remembered something: "Single ward must be very expensive, there is no need to spend this money, just change to an ordinary ward. You are going to have a baby soon, don't let it go to waste."

"Dad..." Gan Lu tried her best to restrain her emotions, "You don't have to worry about money, Xiuwen...he just changed his job, and now his income is good, we can afford it."

After settling down her father, Aunt Wang sent them out with a hesitant expression on her face. Gan Lu only felt sore back, weak and heavy, and could hardly stand upright, but she had to stop: "Aunt Wang, you Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Aunt Wang muttered: "Lulu, tell me the truth about your father's situation, so that I can have a better understanding."

"I didn't hide anything from you. You heard what the doctor said. He will come for another examination tomorrow. You can listen to it."

Aunt Wang looked distressed: "My former husband suffered from lung cancer, and I took care of him for more than two years. I'm not afraid of suffering or tiredness, but I really don't want to watch..."

Shang Xiuwen immediately held Gan Lu's hand, who was about to have a seizure, and interrupted Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, you are too worried. Dad's disease is liver cirrhosis, not an incurable disease. Currently he is being treated by domestic A well-known expert, he said very clearly that the most important thing is to recuperate and maintain a happy mood. Your care is very important to him, if you think of the bad first, Dad will not have the confidence to cooperate with the treatment. "

Apparently his persuasion was also effective for Aunt Wang, she nodded: "I see, you all still have work tomorrow, so go back quickly."

"Lulu has to go to work tomorrow, and I will come over tomorrow morning, and you should go to bed early, if you need anything, call us right away."

Shang Xiuwen held Gan Lu's hand tightly, and said as he walked out, "Don't be angry at what Aunt Wang said, she's just scared. You have to adjust your mood now, otherwise..."

"Otherwise it will be bad for the child, I understand." Gan Lu said weakly.

Shang Xiuwen was silent for a while: "I'm more concerned about you, Lulu. What's going on with your forehead?"

She said indifferently: "I accidentally bumped into the bedside post."

"It's too dangerous. I'll move back tomorrow. I can't do this anymore."

Gan Lu didn't respond, she was so tired that she didn't even want to say a word, and her steps were a little floating when she walked, Shang Xiuwen seemed to realize it, and reached out to wrap her around her, and she involuntarily put part of her body weight on his arm.

The two walked to the parking lot and were about to get in the car when Gan Lu's cell phone rang suddenly, and she took it out to answer the call. It was her mother Lu Huining, who asked her right away: "Lulu, I heard your Uncle Qin say, Xiuwen As the chairman of Xusheng Iron and Steel Company, and he is also the major shareholder there, what is going on? Are you clear about his situation?"

The irritability in the chest was mixed with the extreme discomfort in the body, Gan Lu said in a sharp tone: "I don't know, how do I know, you can ask him yourself, it's not like you haven't called him."

Although Gan Lu was not close to her mother in the past, and she occasionally had a little bit of cynicism, but she had never spoken so rudely. Lu Huining was stunned, and immediately became angry: "You are amazing now, you can use this tone to talk to me. Speaking, do you really think that I owe you in my previous life? I am afraid that you will be fooled by foolishness, do you know whether it is good or bad? "

Gan Lu burst into tears, crying and saying, "I just don't know what to do, I just..." She was so choked up that she couldn't say anything more.Shang Xiuwen didn't expect her to lose control suddenly. He hugged her with one arm and took the phone with the other: "Mom, Dad is sick and hospitalized. Lulu is not in a good mood right now. I'll ask her to call you later."

He was about to speak, but found that Gan Lu clutched her abdomen, slipped from his arms, and squatted on the ground. He was shocked and hugged her: "Lulu, what's wrong?"

"It seems to be bleeding." She said intermittently.

Shang Xiuwen's face turned pale, and he immediately turned around and ran into the hospital with her in his arms.

Gan Lu was soon sent to the obstetrics and gynecology department.Shang Xiuwen waited anxiously outside. After a long time, the doctor came out with regret on his face: "I'm afraid the fetus was not saved."

Wu Lijun who rushed over again remained calm: "What are the symptoms?"

"It's not a threatened miscarriage anymore. At the stage of inevitable miscarriage, the amount of bleeding increases significantly, the cervix dilates, and some embryonic tissue is blocked in the cervix."

Shang Xiuwen asked dryly, "Is my wife in danger?"

"There is no danger for the time being. A curettage and curettage must be performed, and oxytocin is injected intramuscularly to reduce bleeding."

"Can I go in and see her?"

"Xiuwen, this is just a minor operation that you can leave on the spot. You can go in after the doctor cleans the uterus to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, she will be emotionally unstable and the bleeding will be more." Wu Lijun stopped him and signaled the doctor to prepare for the operation.

"Director Wu, she is indeed emotionally unstable and a little out of control. She didn't cooperate with the examination just now." The doctor said awkwardly, "I think I need a sedative."

Wu Lijun nodded: "Okay, after the operation, remember to extract the embryonic tissue for pathological examination and chromosome analysis, and give the report to me directly."

After Shang Xiuwen mechanically signed the surgery notice that the nurse took out, he sank down on the bench outside the operating room and waited.

Wu Lijun was a doctor and had rich clinical experience before she entered politics. She was used to seeing life and death from illness, so she didn't worry about the minor surgery.

The young man sitting here is her only son. She has always been busy with her career, and after taking maternity leave, she handed him over to the nanny, and has not paid much attention to him.Every time I look at him seriously, I am surprised at his rapid growth, feeling a little melancholy and proud.

If you look back now, even after experiencing so many ups and downs, the past days are almost like a snap of your fingers.He has grown into a mature man without any youthful aura.He looked like her when he was a child, and now his appearance still bears her shadow, but his temperament and demeanor are more and more like his father.

Thinking of her deceased husband made her heart beat faster, and the rhythm was a little disordered.She could only sit down beside Shang Xiuwen to calm herself down.She has been like this for several years. Under Shang Xiuwen's urging, she did a detailed physical examination and ruled out heart disease, which can only be attributed to psychological factors.

She clearly knows her own pain, and also knows her son's pain.After the death of their common relatives, they lived together almost dependent on each other, cared for each other, but still couldn't seem to get close and talk freely to relieve the burden-at least in this respect, they fully understood each other's pride, and would rather Choose to bear it on your own.

She is still the leader who is as strict with others as she is with herself, but she no longer has career ambitions, and is only satisfied with doing her job well with due diligence.But she knew that her son still had a long way to go, and she didn't want him to be so decadent and depressed, and she didn't want his emotional life to be blank.

However, she has never been good at persuading, and Shang Xiuwen is even more stubborn, able to reject everyone quietly.

Hearing Shang Xiuwen suddenly said that he planned to get married, Wu Lijun was taken aback: "You can't play flash marriage, marriage is a lifetime thing, so be careful."

Shang Xiuwen shook his head amusedly: "I've known her for almost two years, so it's not considered a flash marriage."

He briefly introduced the situation of his girlfriend: 24 years old, a history teacher in a middle school; his parents divorced early and lived with his father; his father was an engineer in a textile factory and retired at home.

"This girl is not very old, how could she be willing to get married so early?"

"She doesn't want to get married, but I have to propose and tie her down, otherwise she will not want me sooner or later." Shang Xiuwen said half-jokingly.

Wu Lijun has never had a sense of humor. She frowned and said, "I think we should wait until she is older and mature before talking about marriage. Only in this way will she be stable."

"She is very mature and rational, and it has nothing to do with her age. And only with her, I feel that getting married, having a child, and having a family is something worth trying."

Shang Xiuwen suddenly mentioned the child, and the mother and son met eyes, and immediately looked away.

Wu Lijun is not a woman who chatters trivially. Although she is full of suspicion, she is unwilling to question her any further. She just said, "Bring her to meet me."

Sitting in front of Wu Lijun, Gan Lu looked beautiful, quiet and generous. Under the gaze that she always made her subordinates dare not look at each other, she also behaved calmly, without any stage fright. A flirtatious, extroverted girl.

But that's not the point.Wu Lijun looked at Shang Xiuwen, and saw that he was serving the girl with gentle eyes, and she raised her head to meet his eyes briefly and then moved away, the flashing smile was equally gentle.

Wu Lijun thought, although this girl is not outstanding, her influence on her son is undoubtedly positive.Shang Xiuwen obviously likes her and is willing to live a normal life with her.This has comforted her a lot.

She was still worried, so she asked someone to investigate Gan Lu's family background: she studied at Normal University and performed well in school; Her only pastime is playing mahjong with her neighbors; her mother has remarried long ago, and they seldom see each other; her family has no relatives in the local area anymore.

Since Wu Lijun has cut off the idea of ​​seeking improvement, of course she has no intention of using her son's marriage as a bargaining chip to further weave a network of relationships.When a colleague heard that she had an unmarried son, she flatly refused to introduce him to a girl from a well-matched family.She didn't want to directly intervene in her son's marriage any longer, to bring back his memory.What she cares more about is that the other party can no longer bring trouble and shame to Shang Xiuwen. Gan Lu's simple family structure makes her feel very suitable.

With Wu Lijun's introverted personality and her introverted personality, even if she gets along with her son sparsely, of course she keeps a distance from her daughter-in-law, and it is impossible to get close.Fortunately, Gan Lu has a calm personality, and she doesn't seem to have any attempt to get close to others, and she is also satisfied with this polite way of getting along.

Wu Lijun is just strict and not picky. If someone has to ask her, she will confess that she is basically satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

She is not the traditional widowed mother-in-law who regards her son as her own and is jealous of her daughter-in-law. This evaluation does not include her personal likes and dislikes and emotional factors at all, but is based on her son's reaction to marriage.

She could clearly see that Shang Xiuwen was getting rid of the state that worried her more and more, his demeanor became clearer, and his eyes towards his wife became more gentle.Her son's happiness reassured her.

However, now that Gan Lu's accidental miscarriage seemed to bring back Shang Xiuwen's painful memories again, she couldn't help feeling distressed and worried.

The operation didn't last long, and the doctor came out: "Director Wu, the operation has been completed, your daughter-in-law is asleep, it's best not to wake her up. I asked the nurse to move her to a single room, where it was very quiet. "

Wu Lijun said: "Stay in the hospital for observation for one night before we talk about it. It's been hard work."

Shang Xiuwen immediately walked into the observation room, and saw Gan Lu lying on the hospital bed with a bloodless face, her eyes closed, her head tilted to one side, and she didn't know whether she was in a deep sleep or in a coma.He walked over and brushed away a lock of hair for her, revealing the eye-catching bruise on her forehead, covering it lightly with his fingers, only feeling cold.

Wu Lijun then came in and looked at him with a frown: "Xiuwen, don't think too much, you are still young, and you will have plenty of opportunities in the future."

"I'm afraid Lulu won't give me another chance." Shang Xiuwen said in a deep voice.

"Nonsense, this miscarriage is not your responsibility. She has no reason to blame you."

He didn't answer, and said after a while: "Mom, go back and rest first, I'll stay here with Lulu."

After Wu Lijun left, Shang Xiuwen sat down by the bed and held Gan Lu's hand. He saw that the slender hand he was familiar with was cold due to blood loss, and the pink nails that were originally shining with luster turned white. He lifted it up, put it to his lips, and kissed it gently.

His heart was full of strong self-blame.

Of course, from the day she knew she was pregnant, Gan Lu flew to City W, was shocked to learn of what he had always kept from her, and then came back full of anger.He saw her haggard day by day with early pregnancy symptoms, but she still couldn't leave her job and went to J city, leaving her alone to face her father's illness and hospitalization, running back and forth.

Under the pressure of such physical and mental exhaustion, how could he say that her miscarriage was not his responsibility.

More importantly, just after Gan Lu expressed her willingness to reconcile with him for the sake of the child, the child was lost, and he couldn't imagine how she would treat him in the future.

Thinking of that child, his heart constricted, his throat was so blocked that he could barely breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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