The strongest life player of online games

Chapter 203 Emergencies! 【4th more! 】

Chapter 203 Emergency Situation! [Fourth update! 】

"Thank you."

Ailea's heart warmed up, and she held the potion tightly in her palm, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"When is this, what are you thanking for?"

Ye Jiu pretended to be angry and said, "Take care of yourself, I will protect you here."


Aileya nodded slightly when she heard the words, and the smile on her face gradually spread, like a winter plum, with a special flavor.

Ye Jiu stared blankly, and it took a long time to come back to his senses. He shook his head and looked directly at the battlefield.



The sound of knocking on the door made Ye Shiyu and Lin Yun'er, who were chatting about Zhenghuan in the room, change their expressions.

It's already evening, why is there still someone knocking on the door.

Ye Shiyu chose this place at the beginning because it was close to the suburbs and wanted to be quiet, but for some reason, within two days, the house became more and more lively.

"Who is it?"

Ye Shiyu stood up and asked outside the door.

"Old man Yun Feishan is the full-time bodyguard of little brother Ye Jiu."

A slightly old voice came, making Ye Shiyu frowned.

What is this all about?

Yun Feishan became Ye Jiu's full-time bodyguard?

Just think about how outrageous it is!

First of all, who is Yunfei Mountain?He is currently the chief chef of Zuixianlou, and also the third direct disciple of Hua Wuzui on the Master Chef List.

As for Ye Jiu, although in Ye Shiyu's eyes, his recent performance is really outstanding, which made her a little impressed, but can the distinguished Yun Feishan condescend to be his full-time bodyguard?
This matter, in her opinion, is not reliable at all.

"Open the door! What are you still doing?"

At this time, Lin Yun'er paced forward, about to open the door.

"Wait a minute, you actually believe this person's nonsense?"

Ye Shiyu frowned, staring at Lin Yun'er in disbelief.

So reckless, if the other party has malicious intentions, isn't this leading the wolf into the house?

"Just put your mind at ease! Listen to me, you're right!"

Lin Yun'er blinked her big charming eyes at Ye Shiyu, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Although she told Ye Shiyu about Ye Jiu's amazing performance in Zuixianlou, she didn't mention the name of Yunfei Mountain, so Ye Shiyu is still kept in the dark.

Crack, the doorknob slammed softly.

Lin Yun'er opened the door and stepped aside.

" are!?"

Ye Shiyu turned pale with shock, she stared dumbfounded at the white-clothed old man who walked into the house, her tongue seemed to be tied, and she couldn't speak a word for a long time.

"Hehe... little princess of the Ye family, long time no see!"

Yun Feishan greeted with a smile.

But although there was a smile on his face, there was a huge wave in his heart.

Where the hell is this Ye Jiu?

Not only does he have superb cooking skills that are not inferior to his master and his elders, but he also has the favor of the two daughters of the Lin family and the Ye family at the same time!

And looking at his age, he is only in his early twenties, although his strength is only at the ordinary level, he is still mysterious and abnormal!
Is it because I live in Kyushu City, so I am ignorant?

shouldn't be...

"Senior Yun, why did you come to Star City this time?"

Ye Shiyu frowned slightly, and asked softly.

"Didn't Miss Lin tell you?"

Yun Feishan withdrew his thoughts, laughed and said: "This old man is willing to gamble and admit defeat, and wants to be a full-time bodyguard for little brother Ye Jiu for a week."


Ye Shiyu was stunned, a little speechless.

It's actually true!
You bastard Ye Jiu didn't even know to notify me of such a big deal!
"By the way, this time I came to the door, I have something I want to tell you!"

Yun Feishan's expression darkened suddenly, and he frowned.

"what's up?"

The second daughter heard the words and her face was solemn.

It seems that it is not a trivial matter to make Yunfei Mountain so solemn!
"Some of you should be hunted down!"

Yun Feishan said in a deep voice: "The opponent is an eight-person team, all of which are at the yellow level, and I have already killed them beforehand."

"Who is the other party?"

"do not know."

Yun Feishan shook his head slowly, and said: "The leader committed suicide after seeing my skills."

"So well-trained, their backstage shouldn't be weak."

Ye Shiyu frowned, and said in a solemn tone: "Could it be that they came to hunt me down?"

"Don't be stupid, if they were really chasing you, why would the other party only send some yellow-rank warriors?"

Lin Yun'er at the side waved her hands when she heard the words, secretly shocked in her heart.

Unexpectedly, Liu Changge and the others came to Star City two days in advance, and attacked Ye Jiu so soon!
"The old man thinks so too."

Yun Feishan stroked his beard and said meaningfully: "Not long after this old man became little brother Ye Jiu's bodyguard, someone came to assassinate him. The purpose of these people should be him."

"Ye Jiu!?"

Ye Shiyu frowned when she heard the words, and said in surprise: "How could he offend these people?"

"This old man doesn't know."

Yun Feishan shook his head and said, "Be careful, be careful recently."

Bringing the words back, Yun Feishan bid farewell to the two girls, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, at this moment, a violent energy fluctuation suddenly came from Ye Jiu's room, which shattered the door directly, and the debris scattered on the ground, making the three present all stunned.

"Xiao Jiu!!!"

Ye Shiyu exclaimed, and rushed to Ye Jiu's room.

An inexplicable powerful aura rushed towards Ye Shiyu's face, stopping Ye Shiyu from walking forward and sending her flying!
Seeing this, Yunfeishan frowned, raised his hand and shot out a white douqi, supported Ye Shiyu, and then took the lead and came to the door, wanting to step in.


Yun Feishan's face darkened, and an invisible force blocked the room where Ye Jiu was, making it difficult for him to move.

"How about it?"

Ye Shiyu and Lin Yun'er on the side looked anxious.

"There's nothing you can do."

Yun Feishan shook his head slowly, staring at Ye Jiu who was lying on the bed in the room. At this moment, the latter was wrapped in a mass of pitch-black energy, and he couldn't see what happened to him at all!
"Then what should we do?"

Ye Shiyu was flustered, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Wait and see, since it is energy, it will always run out."

Yun Feishan frowned and said: "This force is extraordinary. If I forcefully break through, even I will hurt the source, so let's just wait and see."

The second daughter's face darkened when she heard the words, and her mood was suddenly depressed. Her eyes were full of worry, and she looked at Ye Jiu, who was surrounded by a black energy light cluster in the center of the room, without blinking her eyes.


Seeing this, Yun Feishan shook his head.

After all, he was young and incurred a love debt, how would he repay it then?

Neither the Ye family nor the Lin family is easy to mess with.


"Hahahaha, since you are looking for death, I will let you know what hell is!!!"

Qingfeng Ridge, the top of the mountain.

[Abyssal Demon Infant] roared angrily, and poured out the remaining soul power!

 Fourth update!Asking for recommendations, asking for rewards... Hey, hey.

(End of this chapter)

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