Chapter 204 The Sword Comes!

His health is currently less than [-] million points left, if Ye Jiu continues to target him, he will be exhausted sooner or later.

Therefore, [Abyssal Demon Infant] no longer stingy with his soul power, and poured out all the little soul power left in his body, forming a huge [Soul Field], where Ye Jiu and the devil princess Ai The two of Leia are all suppressed!
Ding, you have been suppressed by the [Soul Domain] released by the [Abyssal Devil Infant]!
A system notification sounded beside her ear, making Ye Jiu's brows furrowed into a ball.

I'm really afraid of something!
Now his [Blood Shadow Triple Kill] hasn't cooled down, so he can't use the corresponding domain skills to offset the suppressed state of [Soul Domain].

In this way, Ye Jiu and Aileya fell into a passive situation instantly!
As for [Abyss Demon Infant], the reason why he chose to release all his soul power to deal with Ye Jiu and the other two was actually because of his own considerations.

He has been gradually driven into a desperate situation, and there is no other way to turn defeat into victory except for the power of the soul.

So he planned to put all his eggs in one basket, using the remaining soul power to kill Ye Jiu and the two, and then devour Aileya's [Soul Orb], and by the way, he could refine the [Inheritance Power] in Ye Jiu's body.

Although the excessive consumption of soul power will cause him to fall into a long-term weak state, as long as he returns to [Demon City] and devours the soul power of the demon soldiers in the city, he will be able to get rid of his weakness and recover!
For him, this is also a big gamble.

If the bet wins, [Soul Orb] and [Inheritance Power] will all be taken as their own.

And if he loses the bet, the power of his soul will be destroyed, and he will also degenerate into a [baby state] and be slaughtered by others!

"Haha, it seems... I won the bet!"

[Abyss Demon Infant] Looking at Ye Jiu and the other two who could not resist in their own soul domain, they laughed loudly, with a look of satisfaction on their faces.

In this way, half of his plan has been completed. As long as he devours the [Soul Orb] in Aileya's body and refines the [Power of Inheritance] in Ye Jiu's body, it will be considered a success!

Ye Jiu was anxious in her heart, twisting her body vigorously, trying to break free from the shackles of [Soul Realm].

But no matter how hard he tried, it was as if his legs had taken root and grew on the ground, unable to move at all!

The only thing that can deal with domains is domains!

At this time, Ye Jiu's only domain skill [Blood Shadow Triple Kill] has not been cooled down yet, so he can't get out of the current danger at all!
On the other hand, the demon princess Elena, although she can release the domain, but she lacks soul power now, and she can't support the huge consumption of it!
Therefore, for a while, both Ye Jiu fell into absolute passivity!
However, the only thing that made Ye Jiu rejoice was that, because of the special skills of the Phantom Clone, although [Soul Domain] restricted their attacks, it did not have much impact on their actions.

For the current Ye Jiu and Aileya, this is the only glimmer of hope for a comeback!

With a thought, Ye Jiu controlled the phantom clone to teleport to the two of them, took out a bottle of [Fake Death Potion], and wanted to give it to Aileya and him, so as to overcome the difficulties in front of them.

However, at this moment, a ray of light suddenly flew over, piercing through the clone's chest in the blink of an eye, causing it to instantly turn into a phantom and dissipate with the wind.

"Hmph, want to play tricks in front of me, daydreaming!"

[Abyss Demon Infant] Sneered, he put all his attention on Ye Jiu and the other two, because he was afraid that something unexpected would happen and ruin his good deed. Now it seems that his worry is not unreasonable. If Ye Jiu got his way just now If so, the current situation may have been reversed!

This is his only chance left, he will not allow any accidents to happen!

Thinking of this, a ruthless look flashed in the eyes of [Abyss Demon Infant], and countless abyss demon energy condensed into an energy beam, instantly piercing through the phantom clones around who hadn't had time to move in the future!
In this way, I see what else you can do!
The corners of the mouth slowly curled up, and [Abyss Demon Infant] jumped, and fell from the floating area where he was to the pumice where Ye Jiu and the two were.

"You two, there is no chance!"

With a wave of his hand, two groups of strong abyssal demonic energy swept down, instantly enveloping Ye Jiu and Aileya in the center, making their faces pale and difficult to breathe.

"Haha, the strength of the two of you, I will not be polite!"

[Abyss Devil Infant] Laughed loudly, opened his mouth, and devoured the cloud of abyss devil energy wrapped around Ye Jiu and Ai Leya to his heart's content.

Because the two of them were suppressed by the [Soul Domain], they couldn't raise the strength to resist at all. They could only let the abyssal devil energy released by him eat away at the strength in their bodies!
With the passage of time, the abyssal demonic energy wrapped around Ye Jiu and the two became more and more intense, but on the contrary, the aura of the two of them became extremely weak, as thin as a gossamer.

Elena has already passed out. She was seriously injured because of excessive use of the [Soul Orb] before. Now, coupled with the suppression of the [Soul Domain] and the devouring of her power by the abyssal demonic energy, she was the first to lose her strength and lost her strength. consciousness.

On the other side, Ye Jiu, although he gritted his teeth and struggled to support him, was nothing more than that, and couldn't think of any way to reverse the situation.

If this continues, he will not escape death.

I am unwilling!I don't agree!
A flash of anger flashed in Ye Jiu's eyes, and the veins on his forehead popped up, struggling hard.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had expended too much energy and life-saving skills when fighting the Shadow Demon and Elena, he would definitely be able to defeat the Demon Infant!
But on the battlefield, the winner is king.

No matter how unwilling and dissatisfied he is now, only the last laugh is the winner!
"Turn it into the nourishment of my body, I will take this power and become stronger! Hahahahaha..."

[Abyss Demon Infant] raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, nothing refreshed him more than this moment!
"Ye Jiu...With this, you can definitely win."

Suddenly, Li Qingqing's last words before he passed out inexplicably resounded in Ye Jiu's heart, which revived him who was already drowsy!
Which is "this"?
Ye Jiu thought to himself, Li Qingqing wanted to stay and say these words regardless of the danger of his life, he didn't believe this was aimless!
Scenes of pictures emerged in his mind, Ye Jiu frowned, recalling all the details!
Suddenly, the picture froze, and Li Qingqing's pale cheeks emerged, holding a string of necklaces in her hand, hanging around his neck.

The pendant of the necklace is a sword, and Ye Jiu is very familiar with the shape of this sword!

That's it!

Ye Jiu suddenly realized, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Sword come!"

A hearty laugh sounded out, and the abyssal demonic energy around Ye Jiu and the two of them dissipated immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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