Chapter 102

"What did you say?" The man stopped suddenly, turned his head to stare at her face, and frowned.

Seeing that he seemed to have heard it, Mo Wan laughed and laughed, stepped forward and grabbed his arm, and said softly, "I didn't say anything, let's go to the beach!"

In fact, the man's hearing ability has always been very good, but due to the occasion, he was too lazy to argue with her, so she got away with it.

When I came to the beach, the large golden coast was full of tourists who came to visit.Some people sunbathe comfortably, while others play beach volleyball.

Sitting under the umbrella, Mo Wan squinted her eyes comfortably, holding a coconut in her hand, and sucking the coconut juice inside.Her eyes were pure, and she looked at the people playing on the beach in front of her, and the corners of her mouth curled up into a smile.

"Hey!" The man next to her suddenly looked at her, with a smile in his restrained eyes: "Go put on the bikini and show me!"

Mo Wan was startled, subconsciously choked, her eyes flushed with discomfort, "What are you looking at?"

"Nonsense, of course it depends on your... figure!" The man moved his eyes down and stared at her chest viciously.

Looking at his contemptuous gesture, Mo Wan felt a little angry in her heart, lowered her face angrily, and ignored him.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, pointed at the blond woman walking in front of him, and teased: "Don't say, your figure is not as good as theirs!"

Mo Wan was furious, her hands hanging by her side were tightly tightened, she raised her head, seeing so many bikinis around her, her resistance gradually disappeared.She stood up abruptly, looked at the man beside her with a sneer, took out the bikini in her bag, turned and walked to the changing room.

After quickly changing her clothes, Mo Wan walked out with her head down, still not quite used to such exposure.

The man was wearing brown sunglasses, and the corners of his eyes were twitched. The woman who attracted his eyes made him completely stunned.The goose-yellow thin-strap bikini was worn on her body, which just wrapped up the plumpness of her chest. Looking down, the two long, slender legs made people imagine even more.

At this time, a few men came from the front, they were blond and blue-eyed Westerners, and they couldn't help but fix their eyes on Mo Wan.She is petite, not as tall as a blonde beauty, but her long, smooth, wavy hair hangs down to her waist, matched with her icy skin, instantly attracting the attention of countless men.

With a cold and gloomy face, his piercing eyes swept over the men in front of him, making them bow their heads and run away immediately.

Standing awkwardly in place, Mo Wan felt those strange eyes around her, and instinctively raised her hand to cover her chest. She didn't know that her actions, in the eyes of men, were even more tempting.

Leng Zhuo walked over with strides, stretched out his hand and threw the long skirt she had changed on, and threw it on her face, and his voice was tense: "Put it on!"

Seeing something thrown in front of her eyes, Mo Wan stretched out her hand to catch it. Looking at the long skirt in her hand, her little face darkened completely.She looked up at the sun in the sky, and couldn't help pouting. She put on a long skirt over her bikini, did she want to heat her to death?

asshole!You asked me to change my clothes, and now I'm losing my temper again, it's hateful!

Of course, these words were all secretly slandered by Mo Wan, and she dared not say them in front of that man.She sighed, obediently picked up the long skirt and put it on, trying to hold back the sweat on her forehead.

Seeing her obediently carrying out the order, the anger in Leng Zhuo's heart was a little better.With a sullen face, he pulled up the woman beside him, and the two walked towards the sea.

Rented a speedboat by the sea, Leng Zhuo pulled her aboard, and said in a deep voice, "Have you seen the fish here?"

When asked by him, Mo Wan immediately became interested, tilted his head and asked, "Are there a lot of fish here?"

The man laughed at her idiotic question, he stretched out his hand to turn on the engine, and the speedboat sped away with a "swoosh".

The speedboat sailed out of this noisy sea area, and the sea level immediately became quiet. The speedboat was driving in the waves at an extremely fast speed.When I came to the outer islands, there were schools of fish swimming around the coral reefs.

"Wow!" Mo Wan's sharp eyes saw the clusters of fish with black and white stripes, and immediately shouted: "There are so many fish!"

Slow down the speedboat and drive there, with a smile in his cold eyes and a rare smile on his cold face.

Mo Wan bent down slightly, and extended her arms to reach into the water. The sea water was a bit cold, but it was very comfortable. She dipped her hand into the water and stopped for a moment. The fish immediately swam over and pecked at her. Fingers are slippery and itchy.

"It's so fun!" Mo Wan's cheeks were stained with a smile, her jet-black eyes were staring at the fish in the water, and the corner of her mouth was smiling brightly.

The man glanced at her bright smile out of the corner of his eyes, and the expression in his eyes softened. He turned off the speedboat and stopped around the coral reef, letting her play to her heart's content.

The white speedboat is docked in the middle of the sea, and the sea breeze blows from time to time, making the course of the speedboat slightly deviated.The man stared at her face intently, and didn't notice the change of course.

Not long after, Leng Yan looked at his watch, started the engine immediately, and drove the speedboat away.At this time, the sky was a little dark, he was driving the speedboat to find the direction, and soon realized that something was wrong.

The original location was biased, and there was no navigator on the speedboat, so he drove back according to the route he remembered, but after going back and forth several times, the speedboat did not go around the small island.

After such a toss, Mo Wan didn't realize that something was different, she subconsciously took the arm of the man beside her, her face tensed.

The sky was getting dark, and seeing that there was no way out, Leng Zhuo had no choice but to drive the speedboat to the opposite small island. He docked the speedboat by the sea and stretched out his hand to pull her off.

The island in front of me is not big, with lush green leaves, but the island is very quiet, with no one around.Mo Wan bit her lips tightly, her expression changed, she turned her head and asked softly, "Are we... lost?"

Leng Luo tethered the speedboat to the shore, turned to look at her with deep and dark eyes, "Yes, we got lost."

Looking at the calmness in his eyes, Mo Wan's breathing stopped severely, and she immediately panicked. She didn't face it calmly like a man.

The semi-circular island is not very large, but it can't see the edge at a glance.Mo Wan got off the speedboat and looked around. There were many unknown trees on the island with lush and thick branches.

(End of this chapter)

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