Chapter 103

Although the island is uninhabited, the green leafy vegetation looks pretty good.Thinking of this, Mo Wan felt less uneasy. She turned to look at the man beside her, with a smile on her lips, "How long are we going to stay here?"

Leng Zhuo quickly surveyed the island with his eyes, and before he could look back, he heard the woman opposite him questioning.After sinking, he raised his eyebrows and looked over, and said in a deep voice, "I don't know either."

"I don't know?" Mo Wan was shocked, thinking that there was something he didn't know, "How could you not know?"

The man frowned and stared at her with a gloomy expression, showing signs of anger.

At this moment, Mo Wan was flustered and couldn't care less about his expression, she immediately took out her cell phone and wanted to call for help.But holding the mobile phone in her hand, there was no signal display, which made her discouraged.

Rolling her eyes, she suddenly thought of something, and immediately reached out to hook his mobile phone, but she didn't think his mobile phone had no signal.

"What are you doing?" Seeing her reaching out and flipping over him, the man immediately frowned and stretched out his hand to push her away.

Mo Wan raised the phone in Yang's hand, with a bit of excitement in his voice: "Hurry up and take the phone apart, press the red button, it's just like last time!"

Hearing her words, Leng Zhuo immediately rolled his eyes, raised his hand and knocked on her forehead, but not very hard, "Do you think this is in China?"

"Ah..." Mo Wan felt the pain, covered his head and raised his head. After slowly understanding, he stared at him: "Then what should I do?"

"Wait for the sea rescue team!" Leng Zhuo turned around, saw a few kapok trees growing on the cliff behind, and walked towards it, "We rented a speedboat, there will be records on the beach, so we didn't go back on time, Someone must come to search and rescue!"

"Oh!" This time, Mo Wan rubbed her head obediently, and finally felt relieved.

Seeing him walking to the edge of the cliff, Mo Wan hurriedly followed, but before she could figure out what was going on, she saw the man stretch out his hands, jump up with both feet, and climb up the steep cliff in one fell swoop.

"You!" Mo Wan stood on the spot, staring at him blankly, her mouth widened in surprise.Is he rock climbing?But it's so dangerous!

Leng Yan grabbed the protruding rock with one hand, put the other hand on the kapok branch, and picked off the white flowers on it with his fingers.Kapok flowers are dry and good for burning.

Mo Wan didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to shout, she just stood under the tree and looked at him in a daze. Seeing that he stuffed the kapok in his pocket, she climbed onto the rock wall and slowly descended.

Seeing his feet landing on the ground, Mo Wan ran forward and asked him puzzled, "Why are you picking these?"

The man bent down to pick up some dry branches and leaves as he walked, and it took him a long time to reply, "Light it up!"

Listening to his short answer, Mo Wan lowered her head and curled her lips, thinking that if she said a few more words, she would die?Cherish words like gold, who wouldn't!

"Go and pick up some dry branches and leaves!" The man looked at her sullen face and ordered her in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Mo Wan agreed angrily, and walked towards the big tree in front of him.

After sunset, the sky quickly darkened, and the temperature on the island also dropped.

The man took her to hide in a small cave. The exit of the cave was facing the sea level. If any ships or search and rescue teams approached, they would be able to see it immediately.

The surrounding text is chilly, and it is very cool to blow on the skin.Mo Wan flinched with her arms around her shoulders, suddenly grateful for the man beside her. Fortunately, he let her wear a bikini with a long skirt, otherwise she would freeze to death.

Because the man never smoked, he didn't have the habit of carrying a lighter with him. Now that the night is cold, he needs to light a fire to keep warm.But there was nothing on this deserted island, and he could only rely on himself if he wanted to find the source of the fire.

Leng Zhuo's eyes were deep, he found a thick branch from the picked branches, and took out a slightly thicker one to sharpen the front tip with the knife he carried with him.

After laying the thick trunk flat, he first dug a hole in the middle of the trunk with a knife, then put some dry leaves and kapok in it, and held the sharpened branches in his hands, rubbing them constantly.

Mo Wan stared blankly at the side, and it took her a long time to understand, this is the legendary fire by drilling wood, right?
"Can this work?" Seeing his non-stop movements, Mo Wan muttered timidly, no matter how she looked at it, she seemed to have no reaction at all.

"How do you think people in the past survived?" Leng Zhuo didn't raise his brows, and continued to move vigorously with his hands.

When he said this, Mo Wan was a little speechless. She was about to be unconvinced, but she saw a few fires flashing, followed by a "poof", and her eyes lit up instantly.

"Wow, it's really caught!" Mo Wan jumped up excitedly when she saw the fire, and she had long forgotten the little thought of teasing him just now.

The two set up branches in the cave, lit the bonfire, and the light from the lit fire shone a warm light.

The warm breath rushed over, and Mo Wan sat happily by the campfire, the chill on his body dissipated.Looking at the dark sea ahead, she stretched her neck to look, but she still couldn't see anything for a long time.

There was a gurgling sound in his stomach, Mo Wan drooped his face, his voice was weak, "When will the sea rescue team find us?"

Leaning against the rock with his back leaning coldly, he turned his head to look at her and said, "It shouldn't be too long, right?"

Hearing what he said, Mo Wan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the sea, she suddenly asked, "How many islands are there here?"

"More than 100!" The man answered her calmly with his eyes burning.

"What!" Mo Wan was shocked, and turned her head to stare at him in disbelief, her shoulders began to tremble, "More than 100? Aren't we going to wait here to die?"

"Are you scared?" The man looked at her pale face, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a half-smile.

"Of course I'm afraid." Mo Wan bit her lip tightly, her mood fell to the bottom in an instant.There are more than 100 islands here, how long will it take to find them?

When she went to pick up branches, she looked around the island. There was no food or fresh water here.How many days can they persist in such an environment?

(End of this chapter)

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