Chapter 104

Reaching out to pat her shoulder, with a smile in his cold eyes, he lowered his head and approached her ear and said, "Hasn't your luck always been good?"

It's okay if he doesn't say anything, but now that he has pointed it out like this, Mo Wan's palm-sized face is even paler than paper. She reached out and pushed his hand on the shoulder away, and whispered angrily: "I met you, my dear!" No luck!"

The man's tightly pursed thin lips suddenly opened an arc, and he looked sideways at her, the expression in his eyes softened.He raised his hand to stroke her temples, but he didn't want to see anything out of the corner of his eyes, so he pulled her into his arms and hugged her suddenly.

Mo Wan didn't notice the abnormality, and when she came back to her senses, she was pulled into her arms by the man beside her. She was completely puzzled, and couldn't help but struggle, "Let me go!"

"Shh!" The man tapped his finger and raised his hand to point forward, which immediately changed Mo Wan's expression.

Mo Wan looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a dark green snake with a diameter of 15 to 16 cm slowly crawling along the rock wall.It slid across the ground with a small rustling sound.

Looking at that thing, Mo Wan was completely terrified. She covered her mouth and ran behind the man, clutching his clothes tightly with her hands, trembling with fear.

Seeing her timid appearance, he smiled coldly, and after observing the snake intently, he stood up after confirming that the snake was not poisonous, took out the throwing knife from his trouser pocket, and walked forward.

Mo Wan was so frightened that her face turned pale and she didn't dare to speak, but when she saw the man walking towards the snake, she immediately panicked. She wanted to reach out to hold him, but he blocked it first.

Without understanding his intentions, Mo Wan didn't dare to make any further movements, but just quietly watched his every move. She bent down, picked up a stone casually, held it in her hand, and her whole body began to be on guard.

The man shot quickly, Mo Wan only saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, and when he looked again, the snake had stopped moving.

Leng Yan picked up the snake on the ground, and it was heavy in his hand, and his expression also had a smile. He looked up at the person opposite, and said with a smile: "Dinner!"

Mo Wan hadn't recovered from the huge shock. When she woke up, she saw him skillfully skinning the snake, tidying it up, and washing it in the sea water.

Ever since she was a child, Mo Wan was most afraid of reptiles like snakes. Let alone eating them, even letting her look at them would make her terrified for a long time.Now when she saw the man's methodical movements, she was completely dumbfounded, and she forgot to speak in a daze.

Put the cleaned snake meat on branches, put it on the fire and roast it, and the fragrance will come out soon.There is nothing here, but the snake meat washed with sea water has a slightly salty taste, but the taste is even better.

Leng Zhuo glanced at her always gloomy face, ignored him, and roasted the snake meat by himself.Because there are many parasites in snake meat, it must be fully heated before eating, otherwise it will be very harmful to the human body.

Hearing the sound of crackling fire, and looking at the white snake in his hand, Mo Wan's face darkened, she moved a little distance away in disgust, and lowered her head, not to look at the obtrusive snake. scene.

Not long after, Leng Zhuo finished roasting the snake meat. He put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Seeing that she was sitting far away, he didn't get angry, he stood up, walked to her side and sat down.

He reached out and raised the snake meat in his hand to her eyes, looked at her calmly with cold eyes, and said in a deep and magnetic voice, "It's ready, do you want to eat it?"

The close distance made it impossible for Mo Wan to avoid it. She inhaled a burst of aroma from her nose, which made her stomach growl even more, but she didn't dare to eat that kind of food, so she just turned her face away and didn't speak.

Seeing her resisting movement, he shrugged coldly, then he retracted his outstretched arm, took the snake meat skewers in his hand, lowered his head and ate, and never paid attention to her again.

With an empty stomach and the sound of chewing in her ears, Mo Wan felt that this was the most torturous thing in the world. She raised her head angrily, and bumped into his smiling eyes.

Seeing the smile flickering in his eyes, Mo Wan's anger grew even worse. She gave him a hard look, and lowered her head angrily.

After quietly watching her for a while, Leng Zhuo slowly suppressed his smile. He put the snake skewers in her hands, and said in a strong tone, "If you want to go hungry, you don't have to eat it!"

With his low reprimand in her ears, Mo Wan's eyes fluttered, she sighed, held the snake skewers, and did not push them away.Bowing her head, looking at the white meat, she tried her best to comfort herself, just treat this as normal meat, don't think too much about it!

Comforting herself like this, her resisting mood improved a little. She picked up the snake meat skewer, and she saw marks of a man biting it, and her fingers tightened tightly. She turned her head slightly, trying to avoid those marks, but such a movement, But he was accurately caught by the man beside him.

The thing that was just about to be put into the mouth entered the man's mouth in a blink of an eye. He reached out and lifted her lower jaw, and stuffed the bitten snake meat into her mouth mouth to mouth.

"Hmm!" Mo Wan only saw a black shadow in front of her eyes, and in an instant, the white teeth had been pushed away by him, and she was stunned when something came in, she didn't even spit it out, nor did she spit it out.

"Swallow it for me!" Leng Zhuo squinted his eyes, his face was a little ugly, he stared at her face, the sense of strength spreading out was so strong.

Although he was unwilling, Mo Wan looked at his cold eyes, not daring to provoke him, and obediently swallowed the food in his mouth.

After chewing, she suddenly realized that the snake meat tasted very good, a bit like chicken, very delicious.She breathed a sigh of relief, and was lazy to argue with him, she lowered her head and began to eat.

The way she eats has always been very impolite, and she always makes a small chirping sound, which is usually very annoying to hear her voice.But tonight, on this uninhabited island, he also felt the usual piercing voice, with an inexplicable sense of intimacy, which could calm his heart strangely.

The evening wind blows, bringing cool air, which can relieve thirst.Mo Wan swallowed continuously, feeling that his throat wasn't so dry anymore.There is some shelter in the cave, the temperature is not very low, and there is a bonfire, which is enough to keep warm.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, let her rest her head on his shoulder, and was able to find a comfortable position to sleep.This time, Mo Wan didn't struggle, but snuggled up obediently.

(End of this chapter)

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