Chapter 114

"I'm sorry!" Because she bumped into someone, Mo Wan didn't raise his head, and started to apologize.

The person opposite didn't speak or give way. Mo Wan sensed that something was wrong and immediately raised her head, but she didn't want to be surprised by the person she saw.

"It's you?" Mo Wan could not help raising her voice when she saw the handsome face in front of her. Thinking of being molested by him last time, she felt a little angry.

"Do you still remember me?" Jing Chen stretched out his hand to straighten his clothes, looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and narrowed his narrow peach eyes, staring straight at him.

In the corridors of the company, people don't often pass by. Mo Wan holds the document in his hand and walks the way he wants, but he stands there impartially, and there is no way to go.

"Please let me go!" Mo Wan said with a sullen face and a cold voice.

Seeing her indifferent little appearance, the smile on the corner of Jing Chen's mouth grew stronger. Instead of retreating, he advanced and approached her one step forward, "I won't let you, what can you do to me?"

Mo Wan took a deep breath, and the anger in her heart was surging. She had a bad impression of him, and she was extremely disgusted in her heart, but because she was in the company, she could only tell herself to bear it, "Aren't you boring? Do you have to come with me?"

Jing Chen shrugged, hooked his cold lips, and leaned towards her: "You still owe me a call."

"I said, I'm married! Don't do such boring things!" Mo Wan endured it, but his face was even uglier than before.

"Married?" Jing Chen frowned slightly, remembering that the information she filled out was indeed married, but he looked around and saw that her ten fingers were empty, and there was no wedding ring.

"Your finger is empty." Jing Chen pursed his lips and smiled, pointing to her ring finger with a teasing tone.

Mo Wan looked down at her empty fingers, something flashed across her face, but she quickly calmed down, and said in a deep voice, "I don't have a ring, but I'm married."

Although she was telling the truth, to the man's ears, it seemed like a far-fetched reason.

Jing Chen smiled and didn't care at all. He reached out his hand to see the name tag on her chest, but just as he stretched out his hand, he saw a shadow sweeping across his eyes, followed by a dull feeling on the bridge of his nose pain.

"Oh!" Jing Chen covered his nose and bent down in pain.

Mo Wan's eyes were spitting fire, she saw the man stretch out his hand, she stretched out her hand without thinking, and hit his straight nose with a fist, firmly and ruthlessly, leaving no room for it.

This pervert deserves a beating!
Seeing him clutching his nose in pain and bending over, unable to speak in pain, Mo Wan felt relieved, she turned her head to look at him, and snorted coldly, "Asshole!"

Holding the document in her hand, she walked away without looking back. After walking a few steps, she regained her composure and wondered who this man was?Looking at the bright clothes he is wearing, could it be that he is a client of the company?If the client gets hit by her, will it be...

Mo Wan took a deep breath and continued to move forward. If the company blamed herself for being such a bastard, then there was no need for her to stay in such a company.Thinking of this, she felt very comforted, and immediately went to the supervisor to sign.

Jing Chen was hit on the bridge of the nose by her sudden movement, and he held his nose for a long time without recovering.This girl dared to call him an asshole after beating someone, she was lawless!He has never suffered such a dark loss since he was a child!

Mo Wan, you wait for me!

Leng Zhuo got off work and rushed home early, but there were only busy servants in the villa, but he didn't see that figure.

"Where's your wife?" Leng Zhuo reached out to take off his coat, his face darkened.

The servant hurriedly brought the coffee and placed it in front of him respectfully, "My wife is still working overtime."

Staring at the coffee on the coffee table, his face was cold and gloomy, what kind of broken class is he in, is he busier than him?
The Tia Group Building is built in the commercial area of ​​the city center. Although the lights are already on, there are still many lights in the group's building.

Sitting at his desk, Mo Wan still had a headache with the translation of those proper nouns.She doesn't know how to translate many commercial proper nouns, and she can't find them in the dictionary.

Because of these small problems, a lot of time is often delayed every day, which really gives her a headache.She was worrying when the cell phone in her bag rang suddenly. After she took it out, she heard an angry voice inside, "Where is it?"

Mo Wan was startled. After hearing his voice, she immediately cheered up: "In the company, there are some things that haven't been finished. I'm working overtime."

"Go home immediately!" The man's tone was usually domineering.

"But I haven't finished translating..." Mo Wan sighed and could only explain to him patiently.

On the other end of the phone, the man's face was tense, and he said in a deep voice, "If you don't go home right away, you won't even think about going to work in the future."

As he finished speaking, a busy "beep" sounded in his hand.

Mo Wan sighed dejectedly, and had no doubts about what he said.Looking at the time, she had no choice but to pack up her things and hurried home.

When she walked out of the company, the weather outside was very cold. She was calculating the time, afraid that he would really lose his temper if he went home too late, so she could only take a taxi and rush back to the villa.

After rushing to the villa, Mo Wan returned home and saw him sitting in the dining room, as if waiting for him to eat.Not daring to delay, she turned around to wash her hands, and went back to the restaurant for dinner.

Leng Zhuo watched her come back, but didn't say a word, he just waited for her to sit down, then he picked up the bowl and started to eat.

The atmosphere of the dinner was a bit dull. Mo Wan saw that his face was not good-looking, so he didn't dare to speak easily, for fear of offending him. It wasn't until he put down his chopsticks that he suddenly said, "Is work going well?"

Mo Wan looked up at him, and nodded unconsciously: "Very good, my colleagues treat me well, and the company is also good."

The man wiped his mouth with a napkin, looked at her with raised eyebrows, and said, "If there is anything you can't solve by yourself, remember to come back and tell me!"

"Ah?" Mo Wan still had food in his mouth, and when he heard him say that, he subconsciously asked, "Why?"

Leng Zhuo stood up, stretched out her hand to lift her chin, the corners of her mouth slightly hooked: "Because your surname is cold now, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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