Chapter 115

"Understood!" Mo Wan swallowed the food in her mouth and nodded, feeling a sudden warmth in her heart.

The man withdrew his fingers, glanced at her slightly flushed cheeks, and the look in his eyes softened. He turned around and walked up to the second floor, but before leaving the restaurant, he said, "Eat quickly, go to bed after eating !"

Mo Wan was grateful at first, but just as the smile on the corner of her mouth unfolded, she was embarrassed by the words behind the man.Anyone who hears his ambiguous words will have imaginations, not to mention that there are a bunch of servants in the kitchen at this time.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, everyone lowered their heads, covered their mouths and sniggered, and looked at her eyes, which immediately became ambiguous.

Holding the rice bowl in her hand, Mo Wan lowered her head with a blushing face and ate in silence. She didn't dare to raise her head again until she finished eating, for fear of seeing everyone's mischievous smiles.

Back in the bedroom, the man was not there, Mo Wan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and went to the bathroom to take a shower first.I took a comfortable hot bath, which relieved the fatigue of the day very well.

Mo Wan dried her hair, lifted the quilt and went to bed. She sat on the bed and began to think about the proper nouns during the day again. She thought very hard.When she came back to her senses, the man had already taken a shower and came out.

Leng Zhuan came out of the shower, took the towel and walked to the bed. He raised his hand, threw the towel to her, and ordered: "Wipe me dry."

Frowning slightly, Mo Wan looked at his dominance, picked up the towel helplessly, and began to wipe him.He rested on her lap, squinting his eyes comfortably, enjoying her playing with peace of mind.

Spreading the dry towel flat, Mo Wan wiped his hair at once. His hair was very hard and felt a little prickly.

"It's finished." After drying his hair, Mo Wan raised her hand to touch it again, and said with a smile.

Opening his slightly squinted eyes, Leng Zhuo sat up, turned to look at her, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"How do I translate proper nouns?" Mo Wan sighed, her face wrinkled, "I've never heard those words before, so I don't know how to translate them, and I wasted a lot of time."

Hearing her words, his cold and introverted eyes flickered, he stood up and went out, and walked back quickly, but there was an extra book in his hand.

Handing her the newly brought book, Leng Yan lifted the quilt and went to bed, and said in a deep voice, "This book is basically full of proper nouns related to finance, I'll lend it to you!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Wan's eyes lit up immediately, and she opened her eyes for a few times, with a deep smile on her lips, "Thank you!" She turned her head to look at him happily, and said in a deep voice.

Staring at her smiling face, the expression in his cold eyes gradually darkened, he pulled her over and pressed her under him, "Thank you?"

Being pressed down by him, Mo Wan was staring at his shining eyes, feeling a little scared in her heart. She took a breath, and took the initiative to soften her voice, and said, "Well, can I not do it tonight?"

"Why?" The man frowned, his tone sharp.

Mo Wan's expression darkened, and she said pitifully: "I have to get up early to go to work tomorrow, and I'm really tired. Well, can you bear it for two days, the day after tomorrow is the weekend!"

After she finished speaking in one breath, she stared straight at him with her jet black pupils, and the water in her eyes glistened.

Leng Zhuo stared at her for a while, and just when she thought the situation was over, she suddenly said in a deep voice, "Sleep!"

A big stone in his heart was put down heavily, and Mo Wan hurriedly reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, as if afraid that he would regret it.The light in the room dimmed, and the northwest wind was raging outside. She huddled under the quilt, and couldn't help but snuggle towards the heat source around her.

Mo Wan leaned in his arms, absorbing the heat from his body, and comfortably pillowed in his arms, she put her arms around his waist, and pressed her face to his heart, "Actually, as long as you don't lose your temper, , I... am not afraid of you at all."

In the dark night, Leng Zhuo clearly heard what she said. Her voice was soft and soft, and seemed to be mixed with some kind of smile, but in his ears, it actually gave him a sense of peace.

Mo Wan bit her lip, nestled in his heart and laughed secretly, and finally heard a warning sound from above her head, "Are you going to sleep or not?"

"Sleep!" She exhaled secretly, she immediately calmed down and closed her eyes.

Not long after, the little girl in his arms fell into a deep sleep. Looking at her peaceful sleeping face, the coldly frowning brows relaxed, and he tucked the quilt up for her. He also hugged her, and the two of them fell asleep together.

After a good night's sleep, the next morning, Mo Wan came to the company early in the morning, feeling very happy.She stood in front of the elevator, holding the dictionary in her hand, with a smile on her lips.

This is the rush hour for work, and colleagues basically gather here to wait for the elevator, crowding a bunch of people.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and someone shouted excitedly, "President!"

Mo Wan had been in the new company for almost a week and hadn't met the president yet. At this moment, she turned her head when she heard the shout. When she saw the so-called president clearly, she opened her mouth in surprise.

Jing Chen was wearing a black suit. His face, which was always handsome, was obviously scarred, and there was a patch of blue on the bridge of his straight nose, which made him look horrible.

Everyone was shocked when they saw his appearance and his precious face, obviously beaten.Many people were whispering, and a large number of female colleagues burst into tears of distress, and almost rushed over to comfort them!
The elevator in front of him made a "ding" sound, Jing Chen pursed his lips tightly, and walked into the elevator with a sullen expression.Everyone backed away, and no one dared to approach.

When Mo Wan saw that it was him, his scalp tingled for a while, but when he realized it, he immediately lowered his head, his brow sweating in anxiety.Oh my god, she hit the CEO, can this day still survive?

"Miss Mo!"

In the quiet space, there was a soft call suddenly, Jing Chen glanced at her face, immediately stretched out his hand to press the elevator, and said with a smile, "Come in!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, countless pairs of eyes were fixed on Mo Wan, and her complexion suddenly changed, like a glow on her back.At this moment, she neither advances nor retreats!
Taking a deep breath, Mo Wan raised her head, met his provocative eyes, and walked into the elevator without hesitation. Anyway, she had no ghosts in her heart and was not afraid of anything.

Seeing her walk in, Jing Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to press the door close button, and under the weird eyes of everyone, there was a deep smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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