Chapter 117

Mo Wan came to the office area and devoted all her energy to her work. With the help of that dictionary, she saved a lot of time in translating.The colleagues in the company are very kind to her and very enthusiastic. They will help her in time if she has any problems at work.

After translating a document to be used in the afternoon, Mo Wan proofread it repeatedly and sent it to the supervisor's office after confirming that it was correct.She came out of the office and walked back to the office area, but she didn't want to run into a familiar figure head-on.

"Wan'er!" Huo Shaonan walked towards her, and when he saw her, he was immediately stunned.

Mo Wan didn't expect to meet him here either, the expression on his face hardened for a moment, and when he recovered, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

Huo Shaonan stared at her face closely, seeing her rosy complexion, complicated thoughts flashed through his mind, he raised his watch and looked at it, and said softly: "Tonight, shall we have lunch?"

Mo Wan sighed, looked at his face, couldn't bear to refuse, nodded, and left the company with him.

When they came to the western restaurant near the company, the two sat face to face.

Huo Shaonan has been staring at her face all the time. These days, he has known about her affairs both openly and secretly. She didn't answer his calls some time ago, and later he found out that she was going abroad for vacation. After such a delay, he couldn't even see her her face.

"Wan'er, how are you doing these days?" Huo Shaonan stared at her with mixed feelings.

Mo Wan raised her head and glanced at him, and when she saw his burning eyes, she immediately avoided, "It's okay!" In fact, she wasn't lying. During these days, her life was indeed very good, and every day was very fulfilling. .

"That's good!" Huo Shaonan smiled unconsciously, with a low voice.

For a moment, neither of them knew what to say. They seemed to have a lot to say, but they didn't know where to start.

Mo Wan raised her head, looked at his vigorous and handsome face, and smiled knowingly. Although they hadn't met each other these days, all major magazines were vying to report on him. Now that he has returned to the Huo family, he is also the His prospective grandson-in-law naturally attracted the attention of the outside world, and his return also meant that the Huo family began to revitalize!
Seeing him living well, Mo Wan was happy in her heart. In her heart, she always hoped that his life would be stable and happy.When she left, she only had that thought in her heart, and only hoped that everything would be fine for him!
Now thinking of those things that happened half a year ago, Mo Wan felt as if it had been a long time. Thinking about it again, it just made her sigh infinitely, her heart sour, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

"Wan'er..." Huo Shaonan stared at her ups and downs, and couldn't help reaching out his hand, wanting to shake her hand on the table, but saw her avoiding him immediately, refusing his touch.

"Shaonan!" Mo Wan withdrew her hand, her jet-black eyes dimmed, "You're getting married next week, are you ready?" She reminded just right, just to protect each other's faces.

Huo Shaonan's complexion changed, he frowned, and it took him a long time before he said in a deep voice: "The preparations by the family are very good."

Smiling and nodding, Mo Wan looked out of the window and said softly, "Shaonan, live a good life, Jingyue is very suitable for you, you will be happy!"

"What about you, are you happy?" Huo Shaonan stared into her eyes without any hesitation.

Mo Wan was slightly stunned, and couldn't help thinking about her life these days. Is she living like this now considered happy?She used to think that in that house, being inseparable with Huo Shaonan and living a simple life was happiness, but that time was too short, and sometimes she couldn't help thinking about it, she had to admit that she liked that kind of life. Simple joy!

Thinking of this, she actually remembered those days in Hawaii in her mind, thinking of them on the beach, on a deserted island, and in Las Vegas, the interweaving and combination of those images actually made her feel happy!But that kind of happiness, with ups and downs, brought her a completely different feeling!

"I will try my best to make myself happy!" Mo Wan calmed down her racing thoughts, turned her head to meet the man's piercing eyes, and her voice was firm.

Huo Shaonan's handsome face slowly darkened when he heard her words, he saw a strange brilliance through her eyes, and that kind of brilliance was something she had never shown before him!

Mo Wan was silent for a while, and then looked at him calmly: "I will witness your wedding, I wish you happiness!" After she finished speaking, she stood up, packed her things and left.

Watching her gradually walking away, the corners of Huo Shaonan's eyes flashed sharply, and he suddenly realized that something was gradually flowing away, beyond his control, running in the opposite direction of him.

But all the people and things in this world can run against him, but she must not be included among them!
After leaving the western restaurant, Mo Wan glanced at her watch and hurried back to the company. Before the end of her lunch break, she walked quickly to the Tia Building.

Bypassing two intersections is the Tia Building.Mo Wan hurriedly walked into the building. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a car parked on the side of the road, and found it very familiar. But she didn't have time to take a closer look, so she walked into the building, took the elevator back to the work area.

Mo Wan stepped out of the elevator door, she walked quickly inside, but saw a colleague running out excitedly, upon seeing her, she immediately smiled and said: "Wanwan, you are finally back, your boyfriend is looking for you."

"Ah?" Hearing those words, Mo Wan couldn't help but widen her eyes. What's going on?her boyfriend?Where did she get her boyfriend from?
But after thinking about it, she immediately understood that it was probably that man!But why is he in his own company?

Feeling something bad in her heart, Mo Wan immediately dragged her colleague inside, asking as she walked, "When did he come?"

The colleague was still holding the egg tart in his hand before eating, and patiently explained: "He arrived not long after you left, and invited all our colleagues to eat, and what he bought was Shengsk's cake, it's so delicious!"

Mo Wan's feet were weak, almost sprained his feet, Shengsk's cake, this man has lost his fortune again!And I still invite all my colleagues to eat, oh my god, how much will I have to eat!
Pulling her colleague's arm, Mo Wan rushed all the way back to the office. As soon as she stepped into the office area, she could smell the strong milk fragrance wafting in the air, which was very tempting!
(End of this chapter)

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