Chapter 118

"Wanwan!" Everyone squeezed out of their desks to eat, and when they saw her come back, they all greeted her with smiles, their expressions were so kind!

Mo Wan was stunned, she glanced at the cake box placed in the middle of the table, and immediately felt pain in her flesh.Such a big cake box, and each department invites it. There are almost 500 people in the whole company. How many cakes will be eaten?The cake shop in Shengsk is famously expensive, that piece of cream cake is equivalent to a steak, so how much does this dessert cost?
Mo Wan endured the dizziness, she turned her head to look for the culprit, and she saw him in her chair.Taking a deep breath, she walked over a few steps, and shouted in a low voice: "Leng Zhuo, is your head flooded with water? Why don't you have some kind of cake? What kind of cake is it that expensive?"

Leng Yan supported her chin with one hand, sat in her swivel chair, and smiled comfortably, "It's really stingy, it's okay to treat my colleagues to something to eat, look at your distressed look!"

"..." Mo Wan was panting from his words, and really wanted to slap him hard.It's his money, why does she feel bad, isn't it for his sake?I don't appreciate it!
Seeing her angry little face, he stood up with a sneer smile, pushed a piece of strawberry cake in front of her, and said, "It's for you."

Seeing the strawberry cake, Mo Wan felt a pang of hunger in her stomach. She didn't eat a few bites when she had lunch with Huo Shaonan just now, so she picked up the cake and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Where did you go at noon?" Leng Zhuo turned to stare at her and asked casually.

Mo Wan's chewing movement paused for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "It's Huo Shaonan who is having dinner with a friend." She finished speaking normally, not wanting to hide him.

Watching her eyes gradually soften, Leng Zhuo reached out to pick up the napkin and wiped off the cream from the corner of her mouth, "Eat slowly, what's the hurry!"

Mo Wan was taken aback by his sudden affectionate gesture, he choked abruptly, coughed and burst into tears, "cough cough..."

When the colleagues saw the subtle movements of the two of them, they all cast envious eyes, and some even ran over and pulled Mo Wan to make fun of them: "Wan Wan, your boyfriend is so considerate and generous, he is so kind!"

Mo Wan just breathed a sigh of relief, and when she heard this, she felt even more dizzy, she drank her saliva, and was about to speak, but she heard the man next to her speak slowly: "Didn't you tell your colleagues what is our relationship? "

His deep and magnetic voice immediately made everyone's eyes focus on Mo Wan.

Seeing everyone's weird eyes, Mo Wan bit her lip, lowered her head, and smirked awkwardly, "Hehe, hehe..."

Among the female colleagues who came over, some thought they were smart. At this moment, they stared at the man's gentle movements, and suddenly said, "He's your brother, right?"

Hearing this, Mo Wan's face turned dark, she lowered her head in a slumped manner, her forehead was sweating.It's over, how can she explain this?
Feeling the arm on the waist tighten suddenly, Leng Zhuo held her in his arms, tightening his five fingers fiercely, the warning movement was so obvious, no matter how slow Mo Wan was, he knew that this man was about to get angry!

The man's five fingers tightened, and Mo Wan felt the pain, so he raised his voice and shouted: "He is my husband!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was immediately stunned. Those flamboyants who originally wanted to take the opportunity to show their courtesy all lowered their heads and began to silently eat the cake in their hands, their faces turning purple.And when Mo Wan first came to the company, she looked pretty, and there were many male colleagues who looked up to her and wanted to fight hard, but now all her looking up has turned into despair!
Amidst the sighs of everyone, only Leng Zhuo smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his sharp eyes were as bright as stars.He pursed his lips and smiled, looking at Mo Wan who was blushing, feeling incomparably better!
The office area was noisy and chaotic. When Jing Chen passed by here, he couldn't help but take a second look. He stood on the periphery of the crowd, and when he saw the piercing gaze on the opposite side, the corners of his mouth sank, and then he turned and left open.

Under the coercion and lure of the man, Mo Wan finally exposed his identity. Everyone had different expressions, and she couldn't tell what the expressions were, but she clearly understood that from now on, she would never even think about working here!

Reaching out to hold his wrist, Mo Wan angrily took him outside the office area, and said sharply, "Can you go?"

"Cross the river and tear down the bridge!" Leng Zhuo glanced at her, and his voice became cold.

Mo Wan stared at his face, thinking how could this man turn black and white?He is the one who came here to make trouble, but he can still blame himself!

But she also understands that he is not afraid of being tough on this man, so...

Taking a breath, Mo Wan took a step forward, stood in front of him and said, "I beg you, I still have to work here! Don't make trouble, okay?"

Seeing her pitiful appearance, he pursed his lips coldly and smiled, raised his hand to brush away the broken hair on her forehead, fixedly looked at her, and said: "I asked you to come here to work, not to come People bully! Do you understand?"

Mo Wan was stunned for a moment, something faintly flashed in the black eyes, then nodded and said: "Yes, I understand!"

"Just understand!" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to touch her head, with a smile in his eyes: "Come to pick you up at night, wait for me." After saying this, he turned and left, and his tall figure disappeared quickly .

Looking at his back as he walked away, Mo Wan took a deep breath, and her red lips raised an arc unconsciously.She laughed silently, only feeling the position of her heart, which was warm and comfortable.

The first weekend of the new year is the day when Jing Huo and his family got married.All the guests were dressed up to attend that day. A black Rolls Royce parked outside the hotel. The driver opened the door and the people inside slowly got out of the car.

Wearing a black suit, Leng Yan stretched out his arms to hold the little woman beside him, with a calm face, he led her in with firm steps.

Tonight's weather is a bit cool, Mo Wan is wearing a black floor-sweeping evening dress with a white fox fur shawl on her shoulders, keeping her warm and gorgeous.

She got out of the car with Leng Yan, obediently took his arm and followed him, and walked into the hotel.

In the lobby of the hotel, many journalists were besieged. They held cameras in their hands, and the flashes kept flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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