Chapter 121

Telling her about the wedding scene, Dong Jiarong saw that it was getting late, and said with a smile: "Mom, it's getting late, go to bed early!"

Looking at the back of her going out, Ye Zhenshu's expression suddenly changed, and she said in a deep voice, "Did you see Shang Ziqing's child back then?"

Hearing this, Dong Jiarong stopped walking forward, her back stiffened instantly, she took a breath, turned around and said: "Mom, I..."

Ye Zhenshu pursed her lips tightly, looking at her with sharp eyes, "You just have to tell me, is that right or not?"

"Yes!" After a while, Dong Jiarong took a deep breath and said.

After a long time, Ye Zhenshu said calmly, "Well, go to sleep."

Dong Jiarong lowered her head and didn't dare to look her in the eyes. After hearing her words, she could only open the door and walk out.

Seeing her walking out, Ye Zhenshu's face became more and more ugly, and a dark light flashed in those shrewd eyes.

Walking out of her mother-in-law's room, Dong Jiarong drooped her head and was listless. She passed by her daughter's room and saw that there was a light on inside, so she opened the door and walked in.

Huo Shaoqing was sitting on the makeup stool trimming her nails, when she saw her mother, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Mom, it's so late, you haven't slept yet?"

Going to sit next to her daughter, Dong Jiarong looked at her with a smile on her face: "Mom can't sleep, come in and see you."

Huo Shaoqing was holding the nail file in her hand, she didn't notice any abnormality in her mother, and the movement of her hand remained the same.

Staring at her quietly for a while, Dong Jiarong sighed and said in a deep voice: "Shao Qing, you are not young, do you want to spend your whole life on Jing Chen?"

The movement of rubbing her nails stopped, Huo Shaoqing bit her lip, got up and walked to her mother, reached out to hold her arm, and said, "Mom, I can't let him go!"

"Do you have to marry him?" Dong Jiarong turned to look at her daughter, reached out to hold her hand, and rubbed it gently.

Huo Shaoqing nodded suddenly, with a stubborn voice: "Well, I want to try it!"

"Hey..." Dong Jiarong reached out and touched her daughter's head, with infinite melancholy in her eyes: "Daughter, marrying a man who doesn't love you will never be happy for the rest of your life. Mom can't bear to make you so wronged !"

"Mom!" Huo Shaoqing hugged her mother back, with tears in her eyes, "Don't persuade me, it's been ten years, if I could fall in love with someone else, I would have married myself long ago!"

Stretching out her arms to hug her daughter's head, Dong Jiarong felt sad, her own daughter, of course she understood.This kid's temperament is so similar to his youthful self!Striving to be strong and eager to win, thinking that as long as you keep people by your side, you don't know, the feeling of being able to keep people but not being able to keep your heart is like setting your own heart on fire, that kind of feeling is worse than death!

Looking back now, she is full of regret. If she hadn't taken a wrong step at the beginning, how could she have made a wrong step in the future, so that she made a big mistake today!
"Mom?" Seeing something wrong with her mother's eyes, Huo Shaoqing shook her arms and asked her, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Dong Jiarong smiled, and stretched out her hand to brush the broken hair on her daughter's forehead, "Mom is fine, go to bed early."

"En!" Huo Shaoqing stood up and sent her mother outside the door, and told her softly, "Go to bed early too!"

Dong Jiarong looked at her daughter with heat in her eyes, afraid that she would see something wrong, so she immediately turned around and out of her sight.She walked back to the bedroom step by step, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Inside the villa, the quiet night was peaceful.

In the kitchen on the first floor, Mo Wan cooked Chuanbei stewed pears, she poured them into a white porcelain bowl, put them on a plate and served them to the second floor.When she walked outside the study, the door was not closed, and she could vaguely hear voices from inside.

Walking to the door, Mo Wan saw the man inside talking on the phone. When he saw her coming, he obviously lowered his voice and put the phone down quickly.

"Come here!" The man raised his head and waved to her.

Mo Wan hesitated for a moment, then walked in with a tray, and stood beside him, "Did I interrupt your work?"

Leng Yan looked at her with raised eyebrows, a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes, he stretched out his hand to pull her down and let her sit on his lap, he lowered his head, rubbed her neck and shoulders, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Mo Wan picked up the pear water in front of him and brought it to him, "Drink some of this, it's for cough."

Leng Yan looked down at the things in her hand, frowned, then lowered her head, and drank the pear water in the bowl in one go.

Looking at her jet-black pupils, his heart felt a little hot, and he blurted out, "Who sent you here?"

"Ah?" Mo Wan looked at him in confusion, his eyes were blank.

He stretched out his hand to grab her neck, pressed her head over with a cold smile, and pressed it against the tip of his nose: "Forget it, it doesn't matter who sent you!" He murmured in a low voice, with unconscious tenderness in his voice .

Mo Wan was confused by his words, and asked him foolishly: "I was not sent by anyone?" After a pause, she seemed to think of something, and said in a dark tone, "It seems that you snatched it!"

"Hehe..." Her words made him laugh, and his heart softened.

Leng Yan turned his head and stared into her eyes, feeling peaceful in his heart. He raised his hand to caress her cheek, and said in a deep voice, "Mo Wan, remember, I'm willing to believe in you from now on, but you can't let me disappointment!"

"Yeah!" Mo Wan looked into his shining eyes and nodded involuntarily. Although she didn't understand what he said, she was still willing to promise.

The man's introverted eyes softened, he stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and asked her with a smile: "Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Being seen through his mind, Mo Wan lowered his head in embarrassment, hesitated for a long time, and said: "From now on, can you not pick me up every day?" Every day when he commutes to get off work, his car is parked outside the company. All of her colleagues can see it, who else wants to get close to her?

"It's because of this reason that you boiled pear water for me?" Leng Zhuo's eyes sank, and his thin lips tightened.

Hearing his words, Mo Wan frowned and said displeasedly: "Of course not, I boiled pear water because I heard you coughing at night."

(End of this chapter)

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