Chapter 122

Seeing that he pursed his lips and said nothing, Mo Wan blinked his eyes, grabbed his arm with his small hands, and asked timidly, "Are you not angry?"

Leng Zhuo raised his chin, squinted at her, his handsome face was low, "Am I so stingy?"

"No, of course not!" Mo Wan seized the opportunity and flattered him slowly, "Then you promise?"

Although her words were insincere, but seeing the bright smile on the corner of her mouth, the cold and tense face eased, he hugged her with a smile, and said: "Okay, I will listen to you this time!"

Mo Wan felt her waist tighten, and she was already hugged by his waist. She suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted: "What are you doing, let me down!"

The man held her in his arms, and looked at her with an evil smile in his eyes: "I promise you, it's fair for you to repay me, isn't it?"

"..." Mo Wan took a deep breath, looked into his evil eyes, and was speechless.It's over, and if she didn't pay attention, she still fell into the trap of the big bad wolf.

Looking at her miserable expression, Leng Zhuo hugged her in a good mood, went straight back to the bedroom, and ate her up without hesitation!

The weather is getting colder and the New Year is about to usher in.

After Huo Shaoqing worked overtime at night, she came out of the studio alone. The wall lights in the corridor were dim, and she took the elevator to the underground parking lot.

A series of messy footsteps came from behind, Huo Shaoqing grabbed the purse tightly in fear, and walked forward quickly.These days, she always felt that someone was following her, but she didn't find anyone suspicious.

At this time, there was no one in the underground parking lot. She was walking on the concrete floor in high heels. She peeked back and found many black figures. Looking at the approaching black figures, she panicked and looked forward. The car ran past.

Opening the door and getting in the car, Huo Shaoqing's face was pale, she took out her mobile phone tremblingly, and dialed the number, "Hey, Jing Chen, someone is following me!"

On the other end of the phone, Jing Chen was driving the car. Hearing her words, his face sank and he turned the steering wheel hastily: "Drive the car to a crowded place, and I'll be there in 5 minutes!"

"Jing Chen, I'm so scared!" Huo Shaoqing held the phone in one hand and took out the car keys in the other, but the ignition couldn't start due to trembling movements.

Suddenly, a group of black shadows approached her car, followed by a "bang", a masked man in black clothes, with a baseball bat in his hand, shattered her rear window severely.


The car body shook, and Huo Shaoqing looked at the splashed glass, put her head in her hands in fright, and screamed.

"Shao Qing!"

When Jing Chen heard the voice on the phone and Huo Shaoqing's scream, his expression froze, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and rushed towards her direction.

The white Lamborghini quickly drove into the underground parking lot. Jing Chen quickly found her car according to the location she gave just now. When he saw her car from a distance, he immediately leaned over.

Stopped the car in front of her car, Jing Chen didn't turn off the engine, just opened the door and got out of the car, he patrolled the spot for a week, and didn't see any suspicious people.

Walking to the front of the car, Jing Chen saw that the windows of her sports car had been shattered, and the broken glass was all over the floor. Huo Shaoqing was sitting in the car, her face pale with fright, and her whole body was shaking.

Opening the car door, Jing Chen stretched out his hand to pull the person inside out, and supported her limp body, his expression was ugly, "Shao Qing, are you alright?"

Huo Shaoqing was shocked by the intimidation just now, and she was still in extreme panic at this moment, her hands and feet were cold, and only after hearing Jing Chen's voice did she slowly come to her senses: "There are people, there are many people who want to kill me! "

"Don't be afraid!" Holding her in his arms, Jing Chen took her into the car and pushed her into the co-pilot's seat.

Opening the car door, Jing Chen got into the car and drove directly out of the underground parking lot.

The white Lamborghini Hermes limited edition, driving in the night, is extraordinarily dazzling.Parked the car outside the Tia Hotel, Jing Chen opened the door and walked out, and at the same time took the woman beside him out of the car, and took her back to the hotel's presidential suite.

Sliding the door open, the wall lamp in the suite automatically lights up, emitting soft light.

The warmth that hit her face made Huo Shaoqing shrink her neck, and it also made her hands and feet gradually warm up. She sat on the sofa, her face still pale as paper.

"What's going on?" Jing Chen found a bottle of Lafite from the wine cabinet, and filled a glass for himself. Holding the glass, he turned and sat beside her.

Huo Shaoqing raised her head, looked at the red wine in his hand, snatched it, and downed it in one gulp.The corner of her mouth was stained with red wine stains, and her expression was extremely disturbed: "I don't know, people have been following me for the past few days! In the underground parking lot just now, someone suddenly rushed out with a baseball bat and beat my car. I was terrified to death!"

Thinking of the scene just now, Huo Shaoqing still had lingering fears, her shoulders were trembling: "They all covered their faces, I couldn't see people clearly, they almost killed me!"

Picking up the wine bottle and pouring a glass of red wine, Jing Chen took a few sips, his deep eyes flickered a little, with an indistinguishable light.

Stretching out his hand to press her shoulder, the man lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, expressing comfort: "Okay, with me here, no one dares to touch you!"

Jingchen tightened his five fingers holding the wine glass slightly. Huo Shaoqing had been by his side these years. It's all for his sake, not to be serious with her.But now that such an outburst came suddenly, is it aimed at Huo Shaoqing, or is it aimed at him?
Huo Shaoqing snuggled into his arms, sniffing the faint scent of cologne on his body at this moment, the fear in her heart slowly settled, she didn't dare to go home in this state, for fear that her family would be worried, so she could only hide by his side.

Going to the bathroom to take a shower, Huo Shaoqing changed into pajamas and came out, just in time to see Jing Chen standing by the window on the phone, although he deliberately lowered his voice, judging from his tense profile, the content of the phone was not pleasant to him.

After drying her hair, Huo Shaoqing lifted the quilt and went to bed, she lay down obediently, her eyes stared at his back, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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