Chapter 126

Su Xiaoxiao dragged Mo Wan to the bar, and the three of them ordered a luxurious box and started karaoke.The best way to vent is to shout at the top of your lungs. Su Xiaoxiao knows this very well.

Mo Wan was in a low mood, and she was dragged here by Su Xiaoxiao, but she didn't resist.She sat in the corner, listening to those sad love songs, feeling more and more uncomfortable.

Seeing her mournful face, Su Xiaoxiao had an idea, ordered a song, and pulled her husband to sing it openly.

Leng Yi was also messing around with Su Xiaoxiao, so he called Leng Zhuo and told him to come over quickly.But when he put down the phone and saw the song clicked on the screen, sweat broke out on his forehead immediately.

When the music sounded, Su Xiaoxiao held up the microphone and began to sing. She danced and sang, working hard to enliven the atmosphere.

Leng Yi was driven to nowhere by her, he dared not to sing, Su Xiaoxiao was about to divorce him when he got home, in desperation, he had no choice but to pick up the microphone and sing in tears.

Mo Wan's gloomy mood actually improved a lot after being made a fuss by Su Xiaoxiao.Especially when she heard this song, she held back her smile and cast a sympathetic look at Leng Yi.

Guest officer, no.

You are getting closer and closer.

Where are your eyes looking.

Still pretending to be so calm.

Guest officer, no.

Enough to blame my beauty.

Temperament is so sentimental.

The door of the box was pushed open, and Leng Zhuo walked in with a gloomy face. In the huge box, the music of "Guest Officer, No Way" was played. The appearance, the weird atmosphere, makes people creepy.

The cold cleaning pestle was on the spot, his handsome face turned black instantly, he twitched the corners of his mouth, and instantly felt like a thunderbolt!
In the VIP room of the bar, the atmosphere was at its highest point. Su Xiaoxiao stepped on the tea table, holding a microphone in her hand and roaring at the top of her voice. While she was singing, she winked at the blue-faced Leng Yi. Seeing Leng Yi sharply, he secretly gritted his teeth!

Mo Wan sat on the sofa, holding the rattle that Su Xiaoxiao stuffed in her hand, and forced them to accompany them, enlivening the atmosphere.The original anger in my heart was relieved a lot because of her enthusiasm.

As for Su Xiaoxiao, I have had a lot of contact with her, and I also understand her personality.In fact, she is very kind-hearted. As long as she can help others, she will definitely do her best. Now in such a warm and cold environment, it is undoubtedly a treasure to meet such a frank friend, so she cherishes it very much, really Hope to get along like this forever!
Leng Yan pushed open the door of the box, and when he heard the voice from inside, he froze in place. Looking at the situation inside, he only felt his head swell, and there was a kind of breathless depression.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Leng Yi, seeing his younger brother's aggrieved look, and seeing Su Xiaoxiao's overwhelmed look, he frowned in distress.When did the dignified second young master of the Leng family get turned into a real little shou?

The destructive power of that woman cannot be underestimated!

Enduring the blast of thunder, Leng Zhuo sighed, stepped in, and immediately closed the door, lest anyone would hear the noise inside.

Mo Wan was sitting on the sofa, watching their performance with great interest. After catching a glimpse of the man walking in out of the corner of her eye, her face darkened, and the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly retracted.

Seeing the man bent over and sitting beside her, she pretended not to see her, and moved to the side, deliberately keeping a distance from him.She was very angry in her heart, so she showed it with actions!
Seeing her small movements, Leng Yan's face was instantly gloomy, he squinted his eyes, and gradually pursed his thin lips.

Su Xiaoxiao originally sang happily, but when she saw him coming in, she immediately restrained herself, put her feet off the coffee table, hugged the microphone, and sat beside her husband, tucked into his arms obediently, never Dare to make mistakes.

When Bingshan walked in, she immediately felt a strong aura, no matter how excited she was, she dared not show it in front of him.

In this way, the noisy atmosphere suddenly turned cold, Su Xiaoxiao stopped making noise, and immediately became much quieter.Mo Wan didn't speak, just sat on the sofa with his head down, not moving.

Leng Yi took a sip of wine to relieve the discomfort in his throat. He observed his words, saw his brother's tight thin lips, and immediately raised his eyebrows, "Smile, let's go, it's late!"

"Ah?" Su Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand to look at his watch, thinking that it's only past nine o'clock, so is it too late?But when she saw Leng Yi winking at her, she finally managed to be smart once, nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, let's go, it's late!"

Standing up from the sofa coldly, he walked outside quickly, he didn't look at anyone, his back was tense and straight, even if he didn't see his face, he could vaguely guess that he was angry.

Looking at his firm back, Leng Yi smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to pull Su Xiaoxiao to walk outside, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.For a long time, my brother has not had any emotional ups and downs. He thought it was the tempering earlier that changed his temperament drastically, but it turns out that he has not met anyone who can touch him?No, such a small matter now can make him angry like that!

Seeing everyone walking outside, Mo Wan could only pick up her bag and follow them out.She sneaked a glance at the man walking in front, and seeing his cold back made her eyes dim and her heart sour.

Walking outside the bar, the two brothers went to pick up the car. Su Xiaoxiao pulled Mo Wan to stand by the roadside, not forgetting to hurry up and teach her, "Wanwan, when you go home, don't be soft-hearted!"

Mo Wan stretched out her hand to pull back her loose hair, her jet-black Jian pupil looked at her blankly, speechless.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Su Xiaoxiao patted her on the head and said sharply: "You can't treat men too well, otherwise they will all ride on our heads! Don't sleep with him tonight, you know?"

The corner of her mouth twitched, and Mo Wan couldn't help but laugh. She looked at Su Xiaoxiao, her cheeks felt a little hot.Regarding the issue of sleeping at night, she felt as if she didn't count. She had already experienced that man's domineering methods too many times. Was it a win?The answer is, no wins!

The two were whispering, and Leng Yi drove the car over first, honked the horn, and urged his wife.Looking at the smile on Su Xiaoxiao's face, he could probably guess what she would say next.This idiot dares to teach Mo Wan to resist his elder brother at this time, isn't that courting death?

(End of this chapter)

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