Chapter 127

Mo Wan blushed, looked up at his dazzling face, and was speechless in a daze.The anger in her heart just now seemed to have calmed down, and she couldn't explain what was going on, so she couldn't help but feel annoyed.

She didn't speak, and the man on top of him didn't speak either. He just kissed the corner of her mouth with his thin lips, a soft kiss without the roughness of the past.

Gradually, the anger in Mo Wan's heart settled down. In fact, thinking about it carefully, what happened today was nothing but a disagreement in words. I should have gotten used to his bad temper, so I have nothing to be angry about!
It's just that she still feels a little wronged in her heart, which is a wonderful feeling.This man used to be a hundred times more hateful than today, but she has never felt this way before. Why did he just say something cruel today and didn't take her home, but she felt so uncomfortable in her heart, and even felt that Wronged?

Youyou sighed, Mo Wan couldn't figure it out, she looked at the man on her body, her thoughts moved, she still felt very worried when she thought of the previous things, she couldn't help asking: "Is there really something going on between you and the Huo family?" , why have you been refusing to let them go?"

Leng Zhuo stopped kissing her, he slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed on her, the expression in his eyes was gloomy, and that handsome face also gloomy.

Seeing his sudden change of expression, Mo Wan became more puzzled and more sure of her guess. Did something really happen between him and the Huo family?
"You don't need to know those things!" Leng Zhuo lowered his expression, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and said in a low voice.

Mo Wan was frightened by his expression, and asked unconsciously, "Why can't you tell me?"

The man's handsome sword eyebrows frowned, his eyes were deep, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he said in a low voice: "Mo Wan, you just need to remember that you are my woman!"

"But..." Mo Wan asked puzzledly, but he raised his hand to press his lips, preventing her from opening her mouth.

Leng Zhuo put his hand on her lips, the coldness in his eyes slowly subsided, he lowered his head, and pressed against the tip of her nose, "Remember what I said tonight, you know?"

Looking into his deep eyes, Mo Wan's heart warmed up, she nodded as if bewitched, and didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing her nodding in agreement, Leng Zhuo's tense face eased, he lowered his head, kissed her lips, and stretched out his hand to unbutton her pajamas.

It wasn't until Mo Wan's body became cold that she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why was she stripped naked by the man again and pressed under him?

She remembered what Su Xiaoxiao said just now, and belatedly wanted to resist, but the man had already foreseen her struggle, as long as she made a slight movement, he would bow his head and kiss her, kissing her delicately and gently, only kissing her His whole body was weak, and he could no longer exert any strength.

After being eaten and wiped clean, Mo Wan thought angrily, sure enough, she has never been in charge of things like sleeping!
Waking up early the next day, Mo Wan still got up with a sore back and backache. She looked at the energetic man beside her, and took a deep breath in her heart.Obviously the body structure is the same, why is there such a big gap between people?
"Didn't sleep well last night?" The man looked at her obvious dark circles with a teasing tone.

Mo Wan stood in front of the mirror, staring at his hateful face, really wanted to bite into it, bastard, bastard!

"What do you think?" She bit her lip, squinted her eyes and growled.

Leng Zhuo turned around and looked at her, shrugged with a smile, lowered his handsome face, and said close to her ear: "But I feel that you should have slept well, you were not very tired last night, and you were screaming..."

"Shut up, shut up!" Mo Wan reached out to cover his mouth, wailing inwardly.What evil did she do, how could she provoke such a man!
Seeing her blushing cheeks, he stretched out his hand with a cold smile, hugged her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her face, "I will pick you up at night and take you to eat delicious food?"

"Delicious?" Mo Wan pouted, blinked her dark eyes, and nodded unconsciously.This man is very picky about food, and what he says is delicious must be delicious!

Seeing his passionate kiss rushing towards her face, Mo Wan panicked, thinking that if he made such a fuss, she would definitely be late for work this morning.She reached out and pushed him out of the bathroom, and she stayed in it alone to wash.

With a toothbrush in hand, Mo Wan looked in the mirror and suddenly noticed a problem.Are he and her reconciled?
Such foolish laughing made her confused too. Yesterday she was clearly angry with him, but in the blink of an eye they were playing together again. Could it be that this is what people say, husband and wife quarrel, quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed?
Unable to sort out those messy thoughts, Mo Wan quickly tidied herself up, quickly changed into her clothes, and rushed to work in the company.

After a hasty breakfast, Mo Wan put on her coat, hurriedly left the villa, and rushed to the company by car.

Beside the window of the villa, Leng Zhuo watched that radiant figure go away, and smiled unconsciously from the corners of his tightly pursed lips. He stood by the window for a long time until her figure was no longer seen.

In the study on the second floor, the man was sitting in a swivel chair, looking down at the diamond tail ring in his left hand, with a secret expression in his eyes.He caressed the ring with his fingers, his sharp jaw showed a sharp arc.

Not long after, Steward Song walked into the study, and respectfully returned, "Young Master Leng, Mrs. Huo is here."

Leng Luo supported his chin with one hand, stared straight out of the window, and took a long time to look away.He raised his eyebrows slightly, with a piercing smile on his lips, "Ask her to come in."

In the large study room, the man has a stern face. He sits in a swivel chair with his legs crossed, his eyes are long and deep.Those jet-black pupils looked at a certain point in the distance, filled with endless melancholy and loneliness.

Subtle footsteps sounded next to his ears. Hearing the sound, Leng Zhuo restrained his thoughts, turned around, and looked at the person who walked in.

Dong Jiarong walked into the study with a calm expression. She stood in front of the desk and looked at the man opposite with mixed feelings in her heart.

"Sit!" Leng Zhuo looked at her with raised eyebrows, raised his chin slightly, and stared at her.

Dazed for a while, Dong Jiarong still squeezed the bag in her hand and slowly sat opposite him. Her complexion was not very good, and she was bluish white.

(End of this chapter)

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