Chapter 138

His voice was a little hoarse, and there was a taste of grievance. Mo Wan suddenly softened, and turned to stare at his frowning brows, the anger in his heart slowly subsided.

She sighed, and finally stretched out her hand to his abdomen, rubbing her palms slowly, gently and carefully.

A pair of frail and boneless hands slid across his abdomen, his cold and tense face softened, he squinted his eyes slightly, and fixedly looked at her face, his handsome face was full of smiles.

After rubbing for a while, Mo Wan saw his brows and eyes stretched, and couldn't help asking him, "Are you all right?"

The man squinted his eyes comfortably and was almost asleep. Hearing her words at this moment, he immediately said in a deep voice: "No, continue!"

Mo Wan gritted her teeth. Seeing his relaxed and relaxed appearance, she felt angry. She let go of her hand, never wanting to be fooled again.

You bastard, another liar!

The comfortable feeling disappeared, and he raised his eyebrows coldly. Seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed, he smiled and stretched out his hand to pull her down, letting her lie under him.He propped up his arms and looked down at her condescendingly.

Mo Wan was pressed under him and couldn't move. When she saw his handsome face, she felt her heart beating wildly and her cheeks flushed unnaturally. She stretched out her hand and pushed him, saying, "Let me get up!" ?”

"Why do you want to fight for him?" Leng Zhuo stared into her eyes, and suddenly said, his voice was low and tense.

Mo Wan frowned, thinking that she had explained everything just now, why did he still ask?She didn't want to answer, but looking into his deep eyes, her mind moved, and she said softly: "Do you want me to watch you kill? Do you know what crime is to kill?"

After saying this, Mo Wan was stunned for a moment. Shooting and killing people didn't seem to be a big deal to him. Last time in the underground parking lot, someone shot at them. At that time, he also fired a lot of guns. I didn't see anything with my own eyes, but presumably those people are not much better?

Maybe he has experienced shooting and even killing people!But in the past, she could do nothing and didn't care about those things, but now she can't!Now she will think about the consequences after things happen, and what will happen to him?This feeling made her a little flustered, something she had never experienced before!

Looking at her pure eyes, Leng Zhuo's frowning brows loosened, and the corners of his tight mouth curled into a smile. The expression in his eyes gradually softened, and the sharp haze was buried.

Mo Wan sighed, staring fixedly at his face, something flashed in her mind, she opened her mouth and asked him: "Will you really... shoot?" She trembled, her tone was hesitant, but in fact she What I want to ask is, will you really shoot me?But she didn't dare to say it, because he did fire a shot. Although it missed, the bullet actually brushed the back of her hand and fired.

The man raised his lips and smiled, raised his hand to caress her cheek, and said softly, "No!"

Seeing that the fundus of her eyes lit up, she narrowed her long and cold peach eyes, and added a sentence seemingly unintentionally, "I'm not stupid, of course I wouldn't kill someone in my own home!"

Mo Wan's face turned cold all of a sudden, and she raised her head excitedly, but only saw the sternness in his eyes.Realizing her emotional ups and downs, she hurriedly looked away from his face.

Looking at her expression changes, Leng Zhuo felt soft in his heart. In fact, he already knew what she wanted to ask, but he was just teasing her on purpose.Holding her face with his hands, he lowered his head and pressed it against her forehead, "I promise you, I will never point a gun at you again, okay?"

The hot air he exhaled sprayed warmly on the tip of his nose, Mo Wan trembled, a little at a loss, she didn't know what to say, she just stared at him with her dark eyes.

Her dark eyes glowed with moist light, staring at her with a stern smile, all the troubles in his heart calmed down, he hooked his lips, and said with a smile: "I won't shoot you, really. meeting!"

Mo Wan didn't expect him to say that suddenly, her eyes became slightly hot and swollen, she took a deep breath and forced back the tears from her eyes.

Reaching out to pull her up, Leng Zhuo hugged her tightly, as if to rub her into his body, "Mo Wan, I should trust you, but you can't let me down, you know?"

Mo Wan covered his heart, and now hearing his steady heartbeat, she couldn't help but nodded.Although she didn't quite understand his words, hearing his dim voice still moved her, and she agreed with him obediently.

For a while, the two of them didn't speak any more, and each other's hearts calmed down.The irritability of the past few days has now become comfortable and calm.

The night sky in the distance was filled with gorgeous fireworks from time to time. They leaned against the head of the bed and looked at the bright fire in the night sky together, feeling peaceful in their hearts.

Although Mo Wan was still angry in her heart, she was much better than before. Later, when she chatted, she didn't know what was going on. She just talked about the things before, and the more she talked, the more angry she became, and finally she was ruthless. He began to accuse the bad man beside him ruthlessly.

Listening to her memories of each incident, Leng Zhuo's face gradually became ugly. Was the him who did things really so abominable?Did he really ravage her like that before, making her experience so much humiliation and torture?
Raising his hand to touch the bridge of his nose, his cold and handsome face was tense, he didn't dare to quibble, just listened quietly, but the emotions in his heart changed a lot.He slowly recalled, but he couldn't remember what kind of mood he was in when he was punishing her.Although he couldn't remember what kind of mood he was in back then, he clearly understood what his heart was feeling at this moment.

Listening to what she said, he felt his heart tighten, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. He knew that his heart hurt!

Speaking out the backlog of things in her heart over the years, Mo Wan felt much more relaxed. Although she felt uncomfortable and wronged when recalling those things, she felt much happier when she said them all. Those resentments and unwillingness, Also dispersed a lot.

Having not slept well for several nights, coupled with the ups and downs of mood tonight, Mo Wan snuggled into his arms as she talked, and became dazed, and soon closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing her silent, Leng Zhuo gently picked her up, walked directly into the bathroom, and washed her.Putting her in the bathtub, his movements were gentle and careful, he washed her quickly, and carried her to the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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