Chapter 139

After drying her hair, he covered her with the quilt before going to the bathroom to wash himself.

Mo Wan was very sleepy, and she vaguely felt that someone was giving her a bath. Although she couldn't open her eyes, her brain was still somewhat awake.However, the man's movements were too gentle, which made her reluctant to wake up, so she fell asleep intermittently.

When she was confused, she thought vaguely, after taking a bath like this, wouldn't he know that she lied about what she said just now?But the man next to her remained the same, without the slightest intention of getting angry. She smiled drowsily and continued to sleep peacefully.

After a good night's sleep, when I opened my eyes the next day, it was already bright outside.Mo Wan was the first to wake up, and turned to look at the clock. It was past ten o'clock.On the morning of the first day of the new year, she woke up so late, didn't she want to make the family laugh?
Turning her head to see the man beside her who was sleeping deeply, she hesitated for a while and didn't move, for fear of waking him up.Fortunately, the man has always been a light sleeper, and he opened his eyes immediately after hearing the slight movement.

After the two got up, they washed up and went downstairs immediately. The servants at home had already prepared lunch.Father and younger brother didn't get up too early, which made Mo Wan not so embarrassed.

After the family had lunch, Mo Shuyuan took Mo Lin home, Leng Yan asked the driver to take them home, and prepared a lot of fireworks at the same time.Mo Lin was very happy, smiling all the time, and thanked Leng Zhuo personally until he left in the car.

Looking at the smiling faces of his father and younger brother, Mo Wan was very happy and comforted.Such a new year makes her infinitely satisfied.

After sending them away, Leng Zhuo called his parents in Europe. The time difference between the two sides was not much, so they also just had dinner.On the phone, Su Xiaoxiao gossips as always, asking how Mo Wan is all the time?Ask if the two of them are reconciled?
Mo Wan couldn't make trouble with her, so she could only deal with her patiently, and finally had no choice but to hang up the phone.Because it was the new year, Mo Wan thought about giving the servants at home a few days off so that they could also go home for a reunion.

In this regard, Leng Yan didn't have any objections, and followed her arrangements.The servants were very happy, they took the big red envelopes, and they were able to go home to celebrate the New Year. They were all very grateful to Mo Wan.

After the servants left, Mo Wan only saw Leng Zhuo put on her coat, and at the same time brought her coat and put it on for her.

"Where are you going?" Mo Wan asked him while getting dressed.

Leng Zhuo smiled, his eyes dimmed, he picked up the car keys, took her hand, and walked outside, "I'll take you to meet someone."

Mo Wan didn't know why, so she could only follow him into the car, and saw the car drive out of the city and head towards the cemetery.

When they came outside the cemetery, Leng Zhuo turned off the car, took her down, and walked in. They stopped in front of a white marble tombstone.

Mo Wan raised her eyebrows and looked over, only to see a photo on the top of the tombstone. The woman in the photo had a beautiful face, and her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to the man beside her.Looking down the photo, there is a person's name engraved on it, Shang Ziqing.

Her heart sank suddenly, Mo Wan looked up at him, and asked softly, "Who is this person?"

Leng Yan squatted down and raised his hand to caress the photo. After a long time, he said in a deep voice, "She is my mother!"

Mo Wan's eyes widened in disbelief, and the expression on her face changed drastically. She squatted beside him in a hurry, turned her head to look at him, and only saw his silent eyes, gathering a violent storm.

The cemetery on the outskirts of the city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the garden is planted with lush green cypresses all year round, standing straight in rows.The cemetery is close to the north, surrounded by ancient pines that block out the sky and the sun. The huge branches and leaves are lush, and they are still green in winter.

In front of the white marble tombstone, the man squatted down, his restrained eyes stared straight ahead, the loneliness gathered in his eyes, a little bit overflowing, desolate and lonely.

Mo Wan stood behind him, saw his stiff back, and slowly squatted down. She raised her hand and placed it lightly on his shoulder, her black eyes filled with infinite surprise.

Looking at the tombstone in front of her, Mo Wan's heart was heavy. When she heard him say that the woman in the tombstone was his mother, she was extremely surprised.I still remember that the last time I saw my mother-in-law, I thought of their mother-child intimacy, and their genuine feelings were revealed. It would definitely not be fake, but why did he still have a mother?
"She..." Mo Wan sighed, hesitated to speak, she watched his expression carefully, wanted to ask but dared not.

Leng Zhuo withdrew his gaze from a distance, raised his hand, and caressed the photo on the tombstone, with a calm expression on his face: "She was my biological mother, who... died when I was ten years old."

Although his tone was calm, Mo Wan could hear the tremor in that voice.

With a slight twitch in her heart, Mo Wan moved towards him, and next to him, she stretched out her hand, couldn't help holding his fingers, and clasped them tightly together.

Sensing her movement, Leng Zhuo looked sideways slightly, and the corners of his tightly pursed mouth suddenly opened an arc. He clasped her fingers behind his back and held them tightly in the palm of his hand.

"What about you?" Mo Wan frowned, her pretty face turned pale: "How do you live?"

The cold and deep eyes moved, and he couldn't help but recall those days when life was worse than death.How difficult is it for a child who is only ten years old to survive in a foreign country?How he survived, even he himself doesn't want to think about it now, the tragic scenes back then are still his nightmare!

Seeing him bowing his head and not speaking, Mo Wan's expression also darkened. She suddenly remembered the scars on his body, and her heart tightened for a while.She also understood the pain of not being taken care of by relatives when she was a child.Fortunately, she still has a younger brother. Although her father often doesn't come home, she can still support them after all, it's just that life is hard.

But thinking of him, Mo Wan's eyes were a little sour. According to him, his mother was his only relative.For a child who is only ten years old, losing his only family member is like a collapse of the world. How can he survive?
Thinking of this, Mo Wan felt very uncomfortable. She reached out to take his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. She didn't know what to say to comfort him, but she could only lean close to him, trying to give him warmth.

(End of this chapter)

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