Chapter 156

Before the smile on the corner of Si Yu's mouth spread out, she froze hard. She stared blankly at Mo Wan's face, unable to speak for a long time.

Women are born with a desire to protect. They will carefully guard what belongs to them. That kind of strong exclusivity is no less than a man's possessive desire!

Mo Wan held her breath in her heart, thinking of what Su Xiaoxiao had said to her, and of the pair of identical cuff buttons, no matter how stupid she was, she could still detect the other party's intentions.What's more, isn't it an obvious provocation that she deliberately said this in front of her?
The Ni Lin on Mo Wan's body was touched by her, and her teeth and claws began to sharpen.

Taking a breath, Mo Wan had a smile on her lips. She turned her head to look at the photo with a calm expression: "You took that photo a long time ago, right? It's very different from your current appearance..."

The expression on Si Yu's face darkened in an instant, she stared straight at her face, her heart burning with raging anger.

She has always been taboo about people discussing her age. Compared with young girls like them, she is indeed no longer young. She is 28 years old, and she is in an embarrassing position.What's more, due to medical treatment in the past few years, her appearance was indeed damaged, and her skin was no longer as delicate and silky as before.

Si Yu squinted her eyes, her forced smile was gone, she said with a gloomy face, "Do you know who I am?"

"Don't you know who I am?" Mo Wan asked back, seeing her slightly surprised expression, she was even more sure of her guess.

Her tone was calm and calm, without a trace of panic, which made Si Yu unsure. She pursed her lips and smiled softly, "It seems that you are very smart!"

Mo Wan glanced at her, eyes flickering slightly: "You don't have to think about it, I'm not interested in the things between you. If you want nostalgia, then you're looking for the wrong person, I'm not interested!"

Listening to her sonorous words, the expression on Si Yu's face became more and more ugly. She held the leather bag in her hand and tightened her five fingers so hard that her fingertips turned white.

She never thought that a young girl could talk to her calmly and calmly.This is completely different from what she expected!
Si Yu originally thought that Mo Wan would be sad or frightened when she saw this photo, but she didn't.The astonishment on her face was only fleeting, and she soon returned to this indifferent look.

Could it be that she underestimated this girl, yes, how can she underestimate a woman who can walk between Huo Shaonan and Leng Zhuo?

Mo Wan finished those words in one breath, and left with a calm expression, without saying anything more.But when she passed Si Yu and walked out, the pretended lingering on her face gradually collapsed until her pretty face turned pale.

The driver who was waiting outside saw her coming out with a displeased face, and immediately opened the car door without daring to say anything.After starting the engine, the driver drove the car out of the school and returned to the villa soon.

After returning to the villa, Mo Wan went straight back to the bedroom with a sullen face, and never came out again.The servant prepared the lunch and asked her to come down to eat, but she refused.

Sitting alone on the sofa on the balcony, Mo Wan's heart was heavy, as if a big rock was pressing on her. No matter how hard she tried to smooth it, the oppressive feeling could not be dispelled.

Throughout the afternoon, she sat here alone, listless, and barely moved. A pair of black eyes stared straight out of the window, looking at a certain point, completely out of focus.

The setting sun was falling outside the window, and Mo Wan's body was rendered by the setting sun, casting a crimson halo.She lowered her head, moved her sore neck, looked at the blush on her body, and gradually returned to her thoughts.

Raising her hand and looking at her watch, she remembered that he said last night that she would eat the rice cooked by her tonight, and there was a slight expression on her cheeks that had been hard for a long time.She stood up from the sofa, opened the closed door, and walked downstairs.

Seeing her gloomy face all day long, the servants didn't dare to joke with her, they just bought the ingredients according to her instructions, put them in the kitchen, and waited for her to cook them herself.

Mo Wan put on her apron, stood in front of the pool, and began to clean up the mandarin fish.She held the knife in her hand, but her mind began to wander. Although she repeatedly warned herself not to think about that photo or what Si Yu said, her heart was in a mess. It felt like a tangle she had never experienced before!

The hands of the clock were less than six o'clock. A gray Aston Martin drove into the courtyard of the villa. The man turned off the car and stepped out of the car gracefully. He looked up at the bright light inside the house and smiled .

Leng Yan walked into the living room and saw that the servants were all cautious, this situation was slightly different from when he came back in the past.Usually when he came home from get off work, as long as she was at home, the house would be filled with joy and laughter. Only when they saw him again, would they refrain from playing around. Why is the atmosphere at home so tense today?
Dismissing the servant who came to serve him, Leng Yan took off his coat and walked into the kitchen.When the servants saw him walk in, they immediately backed away and hid in other places to tidy up.

In the bright kitchen, a woman standing in front of the kitchen counter wears the pink apron she often wears. She lowers her head and presses her hands on the pallet, picking up mandarin fish.

Looking at her busy figure, Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, walked behind her, wrapped her waist habitually, held her in his arms, lowered his head, put his thin lips next to her ears, and whispered softly Said: "I'm back."

Mo Wan's wrist paused, and she leaned back against a warm embrace, smelling the faint scent of cologne on his body, which reassured her.She took a breath and made her voice sound calm: "It's so early today?"

"En!" The man held her in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her on the cheek.With a smile on his lips, he didn't explain much.He was busy all day long, and he didn't have a good lunch, just to get things done early so that he could go home and see her.

"How about going to school? Are you happy?" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to brush away the broken hair around her ear, staring at her white and tender earlobe in a daze, and couldn't help but take a bite.

Hearing his question, Mo Wan's expression suddenly changed, and the knife in his hand slipped past, cutting his finger.

(End of this chapter)

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