Chapter 157

Perhaps, she should muster up the courage to ask out the doubts in her heart, it is too difficult to guess his mind!For so long, she has never been able to guess his mind!Before, they were tit for tat, and she didn't want to guess his mind, anyway, she knew that no matter what, she couldn't escape his clutches.But now, she doesn't want to guess his thoughts because she is afraid!
Choking on food, Mo Wan looked up at him, and was about to speak, but didn't want his cell phone on the table to ring first.She lowered her head and glanced at the display on her mobile phone. It was a series of numbers, but no name.

The chopsticks in his hand froze suddenly, and Mo Wan raised his head abruptly, seeing him pick up the phone, the expression on his face changed slightly, and there was a flash of strangeness.

Putting down the phone in his hand, his cold and handsome face changed slightly. He put down the chopsticks in his hand, reached out and rubbed her head, and said, "I have something to go out, so you can eat obediently!"

He got up, took the mobile phone in his hand, and walked out, but he didn't take a few steps, then turned his head to look at her, and said in a deep voice, "I'll be back soon!"

After speaking, he put on his coat, picked up the car keys, and went outside.

Looking at his back as he walked away, Mo Wan's face darkened, and he suddenly wanted to shout, don't go!But her Adam's apple was blocked, and she didn't even say a word.

Mo Wan almost guessed who it was that call he answered just now?The obvious female voice inside made her heart tighten for a while.Women have a sixth sense, so she guessed that the female voice should be Si Yu.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Mo Wan lost her appetite. She turned her head to look at the lights in the courtyard, and saw the gate opened, and his car drove out until it disappeared into the night.

Sadly putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Mo Wan stood up, walked upstairs step by step, and returned to the bedroom.

Drive to the bar, almost eight o'clock in the evening.The bar is full of people, noisy, explosive music, blurred lights, attracting people's desires, noisy and corrupt.

In front of the circular bar, there was a delicate figure sitting, holding a wine glass in one hand, drinking the amber liquid non-stop.There were many strange men who struck up a conversation around, but they were all driven away by her glamorous appearance, and walked away from her resentfully.

Leng Yan walked into the bar, his slender figure hesitated slightly, and soon saw the person sitting in front of the bar.He looked down, and walked towards her.

Si Yu picked up the full cup and was about to drink it, but someone stopped her and snatched the cup from her hand.She froze for a moment, then pursed her lips and smiled.

She knew it was him.

"Can you drink so much wine due to your illness?" Pulling out the high chair and sitting down, Leng Zhuo turned to stare at her, seeing that she smelled of alcohol, and frowned displeasedly.

Si Yu looked sideways slightly, glanced at him, and a deep bitterness welled up in the corner of her mouth: "Sick?" She paused, and said with a sad smile: "Yes, I'm sick, and it's because I'm sick!"

Leng Zhuo's eyes moved as he looked at her, feeling a little disappointed in his heart.If it wasn't for saving herself at the beginning, she wouldn't have hurt her head. She thought it was just a minor injury, but who would have thought that two years later, it would turn into brain cancer.If he had paid more attention at that time, she would not have suffered from a terminal illness and almost lost her life!

This is what he owes her, all his life!If he can make it up, he will try his best to satisfy her, but life is so precious, how can he make it up?How can I give her back a healthy body?

"Si Yu!" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and said sincerely, "I know you have suffered a lot these years, as long as it is within my ability, I will try my best to help you!"

Si Yu forced a smile, but it was obviously distressed.What she wants is not his compensation, she wants to be with him, and stay by his side as before, to be his woman!But why, he wants to get married, to marry another woman?
He is a heartless man. She thought he would never get married in this life, but why did he change in just five years?

So what is she going to do?For him, she gave not only her youth, but also her life!
"Do you remember today?" Si Yu smiled softly, turned her head to stare into his eyes, her face was full of longing: "Eight years ago today, we met, do you remember?"

Leng Zhuo's eyes sank, his thin lips slowly tightened, he pursed his lips, and did not speak.

Seeing his dodging gaze, Si Yu's heart twitched, she knew he had forgotten.It turned out that he had never remembered it, and he had even left himself behind all these years, so he had already forgotten it all!

"You're drunk, I'll take you home!" He stretched out his hand to hold down the wine glass she was holding, with a gloomy face, he stretched out his hand to grab her wrist and led her out of the bar.

A gray Aston Martin driving in the night.Si Yu was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, staring at his side face in a daze. Many past images flashed in her mind, which ruthlessly plucked at her heart.

Leng Yan held the steering wheel with both hands, his gaze was like a torch, he didn't have any expression on his face, he just kept looking at his watch.

I noticed the subtle movements of him constantly looking at his watch.Si Yuxiu frowned, and a sneer formed at the corner of her mouth. She took a breath, and said in a deep voice, "I'm at school today, and I saw your wife!"

The man's face changed, and he turned his head involuntarily, looking at her with cold eyes: "What did you say to her?"

The hands hanging by her sides tightened tightly, Si Yu stared at the protective look on his face, her heart welled up with anger, she forced herself to remain calm, "I didn't say anything, but she doesn't seem to like me!"

Leng Yan glanced at her and didn't ask any more questions, but his fingers holding the steering wheel tightened tightly.It's sad that her mood tonight is obviously not right. It turns out that she has seen Si Yu.But she behaved so abnormally, did she know something?

In the bedroom of the villa, Mo Wan curled up on the big bed by herself. She was in a daze, and after a long time, she picked up the phone and dialed the number.

The call got through, but the other party didn't answer it for a long time. It wasn't until a busy tone sounded from the receiver that Mo Wan slowly put down the phone.She raised her injured finger, pressed it down hard, and frowned with a "hiss".

It really hurts!She was about to cry in pain...

(End of this chapter)

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