Chapter 164

"Zhuo!" Seeing Leng Zhuo walk in, Si Yu became emotional immediately: "You have seen it all, what has she done? My face was almost ruined by her!"

"Really?" Leng Zhuo chuckled, walked up to her and stood still, his deep eyes flashed with sharp light, and the smile on his mouth darkened, "What have you done, you know in your heart !"

"You doubt me?" Si Yu was slightly surprised, but calmed down quickly, "How can you doubt me?"

His cold and introverted eyes moved, and there was a cold smile on his handsome face: "I hate other people's lies, especially the lies that are not considered clever!"

Seeing his piercing smile, Si Yu didn't dare to speak anymore, she knew it was a sign of his anger.She silently lowered her head, grasped the corners of her clothes with both hands restlessly, and kept rubbing them.

"Si Yu!" Leng Zhuo glanced at her, and the expression in his eyes slowly settled down. His face was sullen, and his voice was filled with anger: "Don't touch my bottom line!"

After saying this, Leng Zhuo turned around with a sullen face, and walked out.


Si Yu raised her voice uncontrollably, stared at his back with hatred, and said sharply, "You like her that much?"

Hearing this, Leng Zhuo froze at his feet, he turned his back to her and did not speak, but the tense brows and eyes could not help but relax.

Staring at his softened side face, Si Yu felt sad, she smiled sarcastically, and said, "Have you forgotten the Huo family and the past?"

Si Yu's whole body trembled slightly, and the anger in her heart surged violently: "Do you really think that she has forgotten Huo Shaonan?"

Leng Zhuo's straight back suddenly hardened, he turned around sharply, stared at her sharply, and warned: "Si Yu, don't provoke me, or you will know the consequences!"

Not wanting to get entangled with her, he turned around and walked out, but his handsome face unconsciously tightened.

The tears in her eyes rolled down "patter", Si Yu looked at his unfeeling back, and her heart tightened up and down.Her cheeks were pale, and there was a frighteningly dark look in her eyes.

Trembling, she took out her phone, and Si Yu pressed a series of numbers. After the call was connected, she only heard her say, "Come back quickly, the sooner the better!" She held the phone so hard that her fingertips turned white.

After walking out of the ward, Leng Zhuo saw the figure standing in front of him waiting for him, and the strange feeling in his heart gradually disappeared.He walked up to her in a few steps, held her hand, and led her out of the hospital.

Sitting in the car, Mo Wan looked very disturbed. She sighed and asked, "How is she?"

Leng Yan held the steering wheel with both hands, turned to look at her, and said truthfully, "It's nothing, just a slight burn."

Although she was the one who made the provocation first, it was always her fault to scald someone. Now that she knew that Si Yu was fine, she was also relieved.Turning her head to look at the scenery passing by outside the car window, Mo Wan felt uncomfortable, and said softly: "This matter is not my fault, she did it on purpose!"

The cold little hand was suddenly wrapped in warmth, and Mo Wan turned her head in a daze, only seeing the smile in his eyes: "I have eyes, of course I can see it!"

Mo Wan felt a rush of heat in his heart, and asked him in disbelief, "You... really believe me?"

Smiling and raising her hand, with cold eyes and deep eyes, he lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand, and said in a deep voice, "Letter!"

At this time, he is only a short word, but it is worth a thousand words!

Warmth slid across the tip of her heart, Mo Wan held his hand behind her back, clasped her fingers tightly with him, rested her head on his shoulder, and smiled sweetly at the corner of her mouth.

Neither of them went back to work because of what happened.Mo Wan called, asked for leave from the company, and simply went home with him to be lazy.

Although Si Yu's incident had somewhat affected Mo Wan's mood, but with Leng Zhuo's trust, her gloomy mood instantly cleared up.Seeing that there was plenty of time, she immediately went to the kitchen and cooked dinner by herself.

It was rare for Leng Zhuo to not want to go to work, so he just sat on the sofa and stared at her busy figure, and the occasional glances of each other met, conveying a deep affection.

The sky outside the window was getting dark, Leng Zhuo sat on the sofa, stared at the TV, but didn't see any good programs.He was about to stand up when he heard the beeping of the mobile phone on the coffee table.

Picking up her pink music phone, Leng Zhuo casually glanced at it, and saw that the notification sound was a birthday reminder. Originally, this kind of reminder function was nothing special, but the preset name made him His gaze sank, and the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly darkened.

The villa built on the mountainside is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with a large area of ​​old trees lush and lush. Looking out in the evening, you can only see a winding green pine.

When night falls, there is a crescent moon hanging in the dark sky, the crescent moon is like a hook, bright and bright.

Leng Zhuo stood on the balcony outside the living room, holding on to the railing with both hands, his deep eyes were staring at a certain point in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

Mo Wan put the dinner on the table, untied the pink apron she was wearing, raised her eyebrows and looked into the living room, but she didn't see anyone.He was obviously sitting on the sofa watching TV just now, but the TV is still on now, but his figure has disappeared.

Slightly surprised, Mo Wan stepped out of the kitchen and saw that he was not in the living room. She turned around and looked over, only to see that familiar figure standing outside the open balcony.

Seeing him standing on the balcony, Mo Wan smiled and walked towards him gently.She tiptoed to behind him, with a bright light in her eyes, looking at his broad back, she wanted to reach out to hug him, but she still felt embarrassed.

Although these days, he and her are very close, but she can't do it boldly if she wants her to hug him in a sober state.

Mo Wan's outstretched hands stopped when he hesitated, and her eyes fell over his shoulders and fell on his sharp side face.His chin is very well-shaped, and his thin lips are tightly pressed into a straight line. Although he can only see the profile of his face, his deep eyes are bright, and the elegance emanating from his bones is as charming as before, making him beautiful. People are dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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