Chapter 165

Although Leng Zhuo turned his back to her, his hearing was always excellent, and those tiny sounds had already fallen into his ears.It's just that he didn't want to move, just to see what she would do.

Although her arms were raised slightly, he could still feel her movements accurately. When she stopped her arms in mid-air, his restrained eyes sank, almost with some expectation.

Looking at his muscular figure, Mo Wan blushed slightly. She was afraid that the servants at home would see the joke, and she was still not used to being exposed to outsiders with some too intimate movements.

The raised hands slowly changed direction, and patted his shoulder in an instant. Mo Wan put her hands on his shoulders, her height was only below his chin. She raised her head with great effort and looked at his face. His eyes sparkled, "Why are you here alone?"

His shoulders sank, a glint of light flashed in his cold and deep eyes, he turned his head slowly, staring at her, his thin lips were tightly pressed, but he didn't speak.

Seeing his eyes suddenly darken, Mo Wan's heart moved slightly. She stretched out her hand to hold his hand tightly, and said, "Dinner is ready, let's eat!"

As soon as she finished speaking, he clasped her thin chin with his backhand and pinched it between his fingers.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, his black pupils exuded the brilliance of the dark night, he pursed his lips tightly, his deep eyes flashed with emotions that Mo Wan couldn't understand, "I...should believe in you, yes wrong?"

He pinched her chin with his fingers unconsciously, and Mo Wan frowned slightly, feeling very inexplicable about what he said.She couldn't see his eyes clearly, those dark eyes were too deep for anyone to peek into.

Didn't he say he believed her?Why do you say you should believe it now?Could it be that in his heart, he still has any doubts about her, is there any uncertainty?
Didn't he see everything that happened at noon today, so why would he ask her such a thing?
Mo Wan was in a daze, unable to speak, but because of his questioning, he felt uncomfortable and even felt aggrieved.When her mood changes, it will naturally appear on her face, and she will not cover up or pretend.

Seeing her dazed little face, his cold and deep eyes sank, he pursed his lips and smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to hold her drooping little hand, his tone softened: "Eat, I'm hungry."

Pulling her back from the balcony to the dining room, he opened the chair with his own hands and let her sit next to him. The expression on her face was always calm, and nothing unusual could be seen, as if the coldness just now was just Mo Wan's. Just an illusion.

On the dinner table, there was his favorite steamed mandarin fish. Looking at the plate of steaming fish, Leng Zhuo couldn't help but smile.He stretched out his hand to pick up a piece of fish, put it in front of him, removed the fishbone first, and then put it into her bowl again.

"Eat more, you've lost weight recently!" Putting the fish into her bowl, she leaned over with a sneer smile, her handsome face was next to her ear, and a smirk formed at the corner of her mouth: "I don't like you being thin, It doesn’t feel like touching it!”

The hot air of his words sprayed over her ears and spread all over her body. Mo Wan's whole body trembled. She bit her lips tightly and stared at him fiercely. Her black and white pupils were like a pair of eyes. Wang Qingquan, pure to the bottom.

Staring at her big watery eyes, Leng Zhuo's heart softened, he couldn't help lowering his head, and kissed her on the lips.

Being made such a fuss by him, Mo Wan's cheeks were flushed, and her heart was beating wildly. The previous strangeness had long since disappeared.Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the servant standing beside her, and she raised her hand to give him a slight push, saying in a coquettish tone, "Stop making trouble, eat quickly!"

Although her tone was very firm, there was always a smile on the corner of her mouth, which did not disappear for a long time.Take all his favorite dishes to him, but considering his appetite, she has just the right amount, no more and no less.

Seeing his mild features and delicious food, Mo Wan's uneasiness dissipated.In fact, he has always been like that, his words are difficult to guess, and his behavior is even more unpredictable. It is difficult to guess his thoughts, so she will not waste her energy trying to guess something.If there is anything, he will always come to ask!
After dinner, Leng Zhuo went upstairs as usual and went to the study to deal with business.Seeing him go to work, Mo Wan thoughtfully asked the servant to make ginseng tea and send it to his study.

Back in the bedroom on the second floor, Mo Wan also felt very tired. She felt uncomfortable all day, so she went to the bathroom to take a shower.After taking a shower, she changed into a set of pajamas and went to the vanity mirror to dry her hair.

The mobile phone on the table rang, and Mo Wan put down the hair dryer, picked it up and looked at it, his face slowly changed.

Tomorrow is Huo Shaonan's birthday, this reminder was set by her many years ago.

It's another year, and the days go by so fast!

In the past, every time she saw this reminder, she would be filled with joy.In fact, at that time, she didn't need the mobile phone to remind her. His birthday had long been remembered by her, and she even started preparing gifts very early.Setting the reminder on the phone is just in case, but after all these years, it has become a habit.

But too many things have happened recently, but in just over half a year, she and him have married men and women, and each has a destination.

Mo Wan sighed secretly, turned around and took out a pink box from the drawer of the dressing table.Open the lid, and inside is a diamond-encrusted brooch in the shape of snowflakes, which is novel and unique.

This brooch was a gift from Huo Shaonan on her birthday, and she kept it carefully all the time.

Raising her hand, she took out the brooch and placed it lightly in her palm. Looking at the dazzling colorful light of the diamond, Mo Wan felt mixed emotions in her heart.Holding the brooch in the palm of her hand, it was heavy and weighty, extending along her palm to the bottom of her heart.

Her heart, like the touch in her hand, is heavy and has a certain sense of oppression.

Not long ago, she believed with all her heart that she could survive in this life as long as she guarded the beauty of the past.But she realized more and more that she was so innocent and naive at that time, how could there be anyone in this world who could let you keep it in my heart and stay with you for the rest of my life?

After the recent days, Mo Wan deeply realized that she hadn't thought of Huo Shaonan for a long time, and the throbbing feelings she used to have became less and less, more and more blurred, and she was almost unable to remember them.

(End of this chapter)

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