Chapter 174

Yan Hao and him are life-and-death friends, although the two usually laugh and scold, but in major matters, the tacit understanding between them can be seen.Since Yan Hao said that he could trust that person, it meant that this matter was true!
"Zhuo!" Yan Hao raised his hand to touch his forehead, and his tone was unconsciously heavy: "If you still have doubts, then do another DNA test today, and I'll get someone ready."

The meaning in his words is so obvious, how could Leng Zhuo not hear it?That is to say, even he is sure that the little girl is his daughter, his own daughter?

The walkie-talkie on the table rang suddenly, Yan Hao turned around and walked to the table, and pressed the green button: "What's the matter?"

"Miss Si is here." The secretary replied respectfully, and asked for instructions, "Where are you taking them?"

Yan Hao turned his head to look at the man opposite, seeing his gloomy face, he immediately understood, "Take them to the examination room."

"Yes!" Secretary Nuonuo agreed, and the walkie-talkie was randomly turned off.

Yan Hao sorted out the materials on the table, walked to his side, patted his shoulder, and said, "Let's go, we have to face it!"

Hearing this, the cold and handsome face sank, and he frowned unconsciously, a white face suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, she smiled and said to him not long ago, go home early after get off work, I will cook for you you eat!
A lingering sense of melancholy surged up in his heart, his cold and beautiful sword eyebrows were tightly frowned, and with imperceptible nervousness, he stood up, opened the door and walked out, but felt the steps under his feet for the first time, unexpectedly so heavy.

When they came outside the laboratory, Si Yu took her daughter and Si's mother. The three of them sat on the bench with nervous faces.Especially Si Yao, when she saw a hospital, she would be afraid. When her child was sick, uncles and aunts in white clothes would give her injections. It hurt so much, so she was afraid of this place!
"Mummy!" The child grabbed Si Yu's clothes, his face was wrinkled, and he was about to cry, "Why are we here? Yaoyao doesn't want to get an injection, Yaoyao wants to go home."

Si Yu stretched out her hand to hold the child in her arms, and comforted her softly: "Yaoyao is not afraid, we don't have injections today, we just came to check!"

"Really?" The child's pure eyes flickered, and there was a smile on his face: "Are you really not getting injections?"

Si Yu smiled, hugged her in her arms, and said with a smile, "Don't hit me!"

After hearing her mother's assurance, Si Yao finally laughed, but she was still very scared when she saw the hospital.

Mama Si was sitting next to their mother and daughter, her hands clenched nervously. Ever since she stepped into this hospital, she began to be nervous.This hospital is a private hospital, and she doesn't know any of the doctors and nurses in it.It is said that the management of this hospital is extremely strict, how can this be done?If he really finds out something, according to that man's behavior, it will not only be a matter of the child's identity, but it may also implicate the entire Si family, and maybe even lead to a catastrophe!

Thinking of this, Mama Si's face turned even paler. She was like an ant on a hot pot, so anxious that she didn't know what to do?

A series of footsteps sounded in the corridor, Si Yao's ears were the sharpest, she looked up, and when she saw the man approaching, she immediately changed her face and shrank into her mother's arms: "Mommy, what a fierce daddy is here! "

Si Yu raised her head abruptly, and she saw the man walking over. She pursed her lips and smiled, but felt very relaxed in her heart.After today's examination, she wanted to see how he would react?How to treat their mother and daughter?
The sound of the man's steady footsteps was getting closer and closer. Si's mother looked at his stern face, and her back felt chills.Although I haven't seen him for a few years, he is still as handsome and handsome as before. No wonder her daughter never forgets her, and is even willing to sacrifice her life for him?

Hey, evil fate, evil fate!

"Dean." The little nurse in the laboratory came out and said respectfully after seeing Yan Hao: "Everything is ready, you can start blood tests."

"Okay." Yan Hao nodded, went in to check it himself, and after confirming that it was correct, he came out again and said to everyone: "You can come in."

With a cold and sullen face, he lowered his head and glanced at the child subconsciously. When he saw the child's terrified eyes, something flashed in his heart, and he slightly retracted the haze in his eyes.

He didn't say anything, and went straight into the laboratory.

Seeing him walk in, Si Yu smiled, reached out to hold her daughter's hand, and strode into the laboratory.Mama Si was so dazed that when she saw them walking in, she immediately stood up, trying to hold them back.

"I'm sorry!" The little nurse blocked Mama Si who was coming, and said in a formulaic tone, "Please wait outside!"

Mama Si's face froze, and she stood there in embarrassment, in a dilemma.

"Mom!" Si Yu turned to look at her mother, cast a stable look at her, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Mother Si was extremely anxious, she was about to say something when she suddenly saw Yan Hao's gaze.Her heart trembled, and she hurriedly squeezed out a smile to cover it up: "Take care of the child, mother is waiting for you outside."

Si Yu nodded with a smile, then took her daughter's hand and walked inside.The door of the laboratory was closed, and there was no chance to peek at it. Mama Si was neither standing nor sitting, and she was in a panic.

In the clean and tidy laboratory, the air-conditioning room temperature is controlled at the set temperature.The cool wind swept over, causing the child's small body to shiver.

Si Yao didn't feel safe, she kept holding on to her mother's clothes with both hands, she opened a pair of black eyes, and slowly looked at everyone in the room.

When she saw the doctor in white clothes sitting at the table, she immediately started to be afraid.

"Yaoyao, don't be afraid!" Si Yu stretched out her hand to pull her daughter who was hiding behind her, pulled out her small arm, and stretched out her hand to push up the cuff button, revealing her fair forearm.

Seeing such actions, Si Yao immediately started to resist, especially when she saw the doctor on the opposite side take out the needle, her face turned red with fright: "Don't get the shot, Yaoyao don't get the shot!"

She twisted her little arm vigorously and refused to cooperate. Si Yu didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of twisting the child's arm, so she could only persuade her with good words: "Yaoyao is good, uncle just pricked it lightly, it won't hurt!"

(End of this chapter)

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