Chapter 175

"Woooo..." Si Yao shrieked and backed away, tears falling from her eyes: "Mummy is lying, Mommy is lying! Yaoyao don't get injections, Yaoyao is afraid!"

"Yaoyao!" Seeing that she was disobedient and unwilling to cooperate, Si Yu immediately lowered her face and said sharply, "Don't make trouble!"

Si Yao was frightened by her, and immediately shrank to the side, but she didn't know the people around her, so she ran towards the gate, shouting as she ran, "Grandma, grandma! Yaoyao wants grandma!"

Si Yu was annoyed by her appearance, thinking why this child is so ignorant.Why didn't she understand what today's test meant to their mother and daughter!
The child ran to the door and patted on the door panel with both hands, but because the door panel was specially treated, the movement inside could not be heard from the outside.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Si Yao cried like little tears, her little hands turned red: "Yaoyao wants to go home, Yaoyao is afraid!" While sobbing, her small body was suddenly picked up by someone, In an instant, she fell into a warm embrace.

Si Yao raised her head, and when she saw the person who picked her up, her face turned pale, she even forgot to cry, she just opened her big red eyes and stared at him for a moment.

Seeing him pick up the child, Si Yu was also stunned. She wanted to go forward to pick up the child, but she thought of something and stood there without moving.

"Are you afraid of me?" Leng Zhuo hugged the child in his arms, looked down at her, the expression on his face was calm, and his tone of voice was still cold as usual.

There were still tears on Si Yao's face. Seeing him now, she didn't dare to cry loudly, but the tears still rolled down silently, and she was even more lovable than before.

The child didn't dare to speak, and nodded his head vigorously. The frightened look clearly showed that he was afraid of him.

Leng Yanding looked at her, didn't say anything, just hugged her and came to the table, his tone softened: "Don't be afraid, uncle just pricked your arm, not giving you an injection!"

His voice was deep and magnetic, with a natural magic power, Si Yao slowly calmed down, looked at those people, and suddenly understood what was coming.

Jumping off his lap, Si Yao ran into her mother's arms, pouted her small mouth, choked up and said, "Mummy, you don't want Yaoyao anymore, do you?"

Originally, Si Yu was secretly happy when she saw the softened face of the man across from her, but when she suddenly heard the child's question, she was immediately puzzled, "Yaoyao, why do you say that?"

Si Yao pouted, her tear-stained face gradually turned pale, she hugged her mother's neck with both hands, and cried: "Yaoyao sees children like this on TV, their mothers don't like them , bring them to get the needles, and then don’t want them! Woooooo, Mommy, is Yaoyao obedient? Don’t leave Yaoyao behind, Yaoyao will be very good!”

Si Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then her heart ached again when she heard the child's intermittent words.That's right, a good daughter, she insisted on bringing her for an appraisal. Although the child is young, she understands many things.She has never had a father since she was a child, and she is very sensitive in the first place. Now that something like this is happening, it will definitely leave a deep shadow in the child's heart.

Her eyes were sore and uncontrollable, Si Yu burst into tears, she opened her arms and hugged her daughter tightly, and said softly: "Yaoyao is good, Mommy will never want to, never will!"

But the child still felt scared, trembling with fright, huddled in her arms and couldn't come out, his hands were tightly clenched, and he couldn't pull them away.

The laboratory was full of people in the room, and their faces became silent.The child was crying like this, and everyone felt uncomfortable, even Yan Hao's face was not good-looking, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the man opposite, without saying a word.

Sitting in the chair, Leng Yan saw the child's shivering little body, and his cold heart softened.The words the child said echoed in his ears, making his heart tighten, and he was speechless in a daze.

He once had such a gray and gray childhood, until today, when he thinks of his childhood, he still trembles and trembles.The kind of pain that went deep into the bone marrow was branded in his heart for life, and it would never disappear in this life.

He took a hard breath, his cold and deep eyes flickered slightly, he only felt depressed, stood up resolutely, and walked out of the laboratory.

Si Yu was comforting her daughter, when she saw him stand up and leave suddenly, her face was blank for a moment, but when she saw the look in his eyes before he left, something flashed in her heart, and she suddenly lit up.

The door of the laboratory opened, and he walked out with a cold and gloomy face. He didn't notice the person standing beside him. His slender figure quickly turned around and disappeared.

Seeing him walking out with a cold face, Si's mother raised her heart to her throat. She looked inside anxiously, but saw Yan Hao walking out head-on.

Yan Hao stepped out, just in time to see her devastated expression, he was slightly stunned, and accurately caught the dodging light in her eyes.Although he was surprised by her expression, he didn't think deeply, but walked downstairs, eager to chase her.

Not long after, Si Yu came out with the child in her arms. Seeing their mother and daughter coming out, Si's mother immediately rushed forward and said anxiously, "How is it? Have you been tested?"

"No test!" Si Yu exhaled, and looked at her mother helplessly. She told her mother what happened in detail, but she didn't notice her heavy sigh of relief.

After such tossing, the child seemed a little sleepy, and fell asleep on her shoulders.Si Yu hugged her and went downstairs with her mother.

As soon as I walked to the gate of the hospital, I saw the gray Aston Martin driving towards me. The window was lowered slightly. The man looked at the sleeping child on her shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Wait for my call." !"

After saying this, he stepped on the accelerator and drove the car away with a bang.

Si Yu stared at the car body that was gradually disappearing in front of her, and it took her a long time to realize that the silent expression on her face suddenly became brighter, filled with a bright smile.

Elegant villa area, tree-lined.A black car drove into the villa, the driver parked the car, hurriedly opened the door, and helped the people inside get out of the car.

Si Yu got out of the car with the child in her arms. The child was fast asleep, with his small body huddled in her arms, and a pair of small hands were still holding her clothes tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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