Chapter 177

Seeing that he really likes it, Mo Wan nodded with a smile, stretched out her hand to put the fish meat on the plate, and began to remove the fishbone. She stared at the plate and said calmly: "When I was shopping for clothes today, I saw two people."

Leng Zhuo saw that she was picking the bones of the fish, so he patiently waited to eat, and asked casually, "Who is it?"

After removing the last fishbone, Mo Wan raised her head and put the fish meat into his bowl, "Si Yu, and her daughter!"

The five fingers holding the chopsticks tightened tightly, and he raised his head coldly, his eyes stared at her for a moment, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

After sinking, Leng Zhuo dropped the chopsticks in his hand, stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and said anxiously: "Wanwan, you heard me say that things are not what you think..."

"Eat first!" Mo Wan stretched out her hand to hold his hand, staring straight at him, not angry, but very calm: "Let's talk after eating, I'm hungry."

Picking up the fish with thorns removed, Mo Wan put the fish into his mouth with a gentle expression, and said, "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Leng Zhuo took a deep breath, opened his mouth firmly, and ate the fish that she picked up into his mouth, but he didn't taste anything, and he swallowed it bitterly.

Mo Wan's expression was always calm, and he ate as usual without any signs of abnormality.But the more she was like this, the more worried Leng Zhuo became. He barely ate a few mouthfuls of food, and kept staring at her face.

Seeing her put down the chopsticks, he immediately stretched out his hand, took her by the wrist, led her back to the bedroom, and closed the bedroom door.

Pulling her back to the bedroom, Leng Yan stretched out his hand to push her down on the sofa, and he leaned over to sit beside her.

Her expression was very peaceful, and now she was being pushed down on the sofa by him, she didn't have any expression on her face, she just stared at him with her black eyes open.

Seeing her eyes like this, Leng Zhuo's heart shrank for a while, those words were blocked in his throat, and he couldn't speak them out.

There was silence all around, seeing his silent appearance, Mo Wan finally sighed slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Speak, I'll listen."

His cold and introverted eyes sank, he looked at her pure eyes, his heart tightened for a while, but he still had to tell all, without hiding anything.

Mo Wan sat on the sofa, listening to him quietly, her heart was ups and downs, filled with many emotions.When she saw the child in the morning, she was really shocked, but after she calmed down, she realized that this matter was not simple.

Listening to what he said one by one now, things are really as she thought, it's not that simple!
"Have you finished?" Seeing his anxious and restless expression, Mo Wan deliberately sullenly showed no expression on his face.

Leng Zhuo was once again surprised by her calm expression, he frowned tightly, and said darkly, "It's over."

"Then I'll get you bath water!" Mo Wan nodded, stood up from the sofa, and went into the bathroom to fill in the water.

Leng Zhuo was completely shocked by her reaction, she didn't cry or fuss, she didn't even show an expression, which made him flustered and didn't know what to do.

Soon Mo Wan put hot water in the bathtub, then walked out, took his hand, brought him into the bathroom, and said in a deep voice, "Go and wash, the water temperature is just right."

"Do you have something to say to me?" He stretched out his hand to hold her, his throat was dry and his face was ugly.

Mo Wan raised her head and glanced at him, her pretty face was silent, "I'll wait for you outside!" While speaking, she raised her hand to pull his hand away, and walked out.

Seeing that his hands were empty, Leng Zhuo's heart also trembled. He subconsciously wanted to chase after her, but when he saw her quiet side face, he insisted on holding back the panic in his heart. According to what she said, he went to take a bath first.

Hearing the sound of "squeaking" water from the bathroom, Mo Wan's suppressed smile quietly unfolded. She let out a muffled laugh and bent over to sit on the sofa.

Bastard, do you know you are afraid now?Let you keep it from me, let's see if you dare next time?

Mo Wan looked up at the bathroom door, the naughtiness on her face gradually subsided.It would be a lie to say that she was not shocked or sad when she saw that child at all!
All afternoon, she had been thinking about that child and about this matter.Just now Leng Yan told her the whole story, which also confirmed some of her guesses!Although sad in my heart, there is a tinge of relief.

Anyone who saw such a big child falling out of thin air would be surprised, and Mo Wan was no exception, and this child was also her husband's daughter. It was really difficult for her to accept such a thing.

Five years ago, she and Leng Zhuo didn't know each other, so he had the right to be with other women.As for the fact that Si Yu secretly left the child behind, that also happened at that time and has no direct connection with the present.Then what is she going to be angry about?Blame it on what?

If it is to blame, then five years ago, she was only 18 years old. At that time, she was thinking about Huo Shaonan all day long, wanted to marry him, wanted to be his wife, and spend her whole life with him.But as fate would have it, it all came to nothing.Things are changing now, so what's the point of mentioning those old things?
People have the same heart, and the heart has the same reason.

Mo Wan took a deep breath, his face gradually calmed down, and the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.Although she is young, she can understand some things.

Si Yu dragged her daughter out because she had her own purpose, and she was well aware of her purpose!

Mo Wan pursed her lips and smiled, a gleam of light flashed across her eyes, she would not be so stupid, she would never let someone with a heart get her way!
The door of the bathroom opened, and the man who came out had a stern face. He looked at the thoughtful person sitting on the sofa, and his face became more and more ugly.For the first time, he realized that the little woman opposite had thoughts that he couldn't figure out!
Seeing him coming out, Mo Wan pulled him to sit on the sofa, reached out to take the towel in his hand, pushed him to sit on the sofa, and said, "I'll wipe it for you."

Her hands gently slid through his hair, and his head was dazed by her. He thought she would have a fight with him, a hysterical fight, and he had already been prepared for that, and even wanted to He wanted to send Si Yu and the child back to the United States, and they were not allowed to come back.

(End of this chapter)

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