Chapter 178

But looking at her expression now, why couldn't he see what she was thinking at all?

"Wanwan?" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to hold down the wrist where she was wiping her hair, and his tone became low.

Mo Wan looked down at him, thinking about something in her head, when she saw him calling her, she instinctively responded, "Huh?"

Stretching out his hand to pull her into his arms and sit down, Leng Zhuo took a breath and said in a low voice, "I am at fault for this matter! What do you think, can you tell me?"

Mo Wan stared at his nervous expression, secretly laughing.It's rare to see such an expression on his face, it's really beautiful!

Slightly silent for a while, Mo Wan kept his face straight on purpose, staring at him, and said, "I want to see them tomorrow!"

"Ah?" Leng Zhuo was startled, and subconsciously asked her, "Who are you seeing?"

Mo Wan glanced at him unhappily, and snorted coldly, "Si Yu, and your daughter!"

"..." Leng Zhuo took a deep breath, and was immediately choked by her speechless. The always domineering man frowned at this moment, unable to speak a word.

"You arrange it!" Mo Wan stared at him with her small chin up, her black eyes gleaming with slyness, then she stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

This time it was Leng Zhuo's turn to frown, what did she mean?What would you like to see them do?

Leng Zhuo raised his hand irritably, caressing his forehead, and found that his head hurts, and he has never felt this way when dealing with difficult things.But at this moment, he felt very powerless, unable to understand her thoughts at all, but he was afraid that she would get angry, so he could only do what she said!

Waking up early the next morning, Mo Wan immediately pulled the helpless man out after getting dressed.Asking him to drive to the commercial street, Mo Wan first took him to the third floor, the children's area.

"What are you doing here?" Leng Zhuo followed her into the toy store, immediately frowned, and asked unconsciously.

As soon as Mo Wan entered the store, she walked inside, and said as she walked, "Choosing a gift, this is the first time I see a child, should I be empty-handed?"

Startled by her words, he stood there coldly, and it took him a long time to regain his senses. He didn't dare to question her, so he had to timidly follow behind her, step by step.

Mo Wan walked to a counter and looked at the cute doll in a skirt.

At this time, a salesperson came over and introduced, "Miss, this is a smart doll that can talk to babies."

"Conversation?" Mo Wan pointed at the doll and asked suspiciously, "Can it talk?"

The salesperson nodded, picked up the doll, started the demonstration, and gradually introduced: "This doll can speak more than 200 simple sentences, and can talk directly to the baby."

Mo Wan's eyes lit up, and she immediately laughed. She reached out and shook the arm of the man beside her, and asked, "Just buy this?"

The man didn't have the slightest patience for this kind of thing. Seeing her happy, he just nodded and went to pay the bill.

Holding his arm, Mo Wan frowned and stared at him, saying, "I'll pay for this, it's a gift from me!" While speaking, she turned and left, and ran to the cashier to swipe her card.

Leng Zhuo was taken aback for a moment, and stood there awkwardly, his handsome face sank, and his heart became more and more full of doubts, what did she want to do?

After buying something, the two left the mall together and rushed to the restaurant.

The restaurant built on the pedestrian street is full of customers on weekends.Because Si Yu had reserved a seat in advance, there was a reservation.She received a call from Leng Zhuo last night, and was so happy that she couldn't sleep the whole night.When YouQi heard him say that bringing the child together, she was overjoyed. It seemed that he had begun to accept their mother and daughter!

"Yaoyao," Si Yu stretched out her hand to touch her daughter's head, and told her gently: "When you see Daddy, you must call someone, you know?"

When Si Yao heard her mother's words, her small face was a little unhappy. Thinking of that fierce father, she was still very scared, but she was also afraid that her mother would be angry, so she could only agree in a low voice: "Got it."

Seeing that she was very obedient, Si Yu immediately smiled, lowered her head and kissed her tender little face, waiting and looking forward to it with joy.

Not long after, Leng Zhuo drove the car over, parked the car in the restaurant, then took Mo Wan's hand, and the two walked into the restaurant together.

When he was about to enter the door of the restaurant, Mo Wan suddenly grabbed him, stretched out his hand to smooth out the folds of his shirt, with a crooked smile on his face: "Okay, he's handsome!"

Seeing her surprised and joyful appearance, Leng Zhuo couldn't even laugh, he just looked at her fixedly, feeling guilty for a while.

Seeing his funny expression, Mo Wan chuckled from the bottom of her heart, she reached out and took his arm, and led him inside.Looking at him like this, it seemed that he was really frightened by himself.But it's not her fault. Although she can forgive the child's matter, it is his fault that he deliberately concealed it, so he must be punished!
Pushing open the glass door of the restaurant, Mo Wan glanced around, and immediately saw the two people sitting in front of her.She slowly evoked a smile, affectionately held the man in her arms, and walked towards them.

Si Yu kept staring at the door. When she saw the man walking in, her pretty face was full of joy, but when she saw the woman next to the man, the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't spread, but it was stiff.

"Daddy!" Si Yao called out obediently when she saw the person approaching. She turned her head to look at Mo Wan, her small eyes blinking.

Leng Zhuo was still not used to such a strange address, he pursed his lips and did not agree, but his face was not so ugly.

"Pretty auntie!" Seeing Mo Wan approaching, Si Yao immediately smiled and called out to her sweetly.

Mo Wan pulled the dull-faced man to sit down, with a smile on her face, she nodded with a smile, and said, "Yaoyao is so good!" Pushing the doll in front of the child, her eyes were gentle, "Give it to you. "

When Si Yu saw her coming, her heart sank, and she suddenly felt bad.Her hands hanging by her sides tightened tightly until her fingertips turned white.

The child was very happy to see the doll, so he took it out to play on his own, but because what the adults had to say was not suitable for the child to listen to, Si Yu hired a waiter and took the child to play in the play area of ​​the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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