Chapter 186

She walked to the window in her pajamas, only to see two figures playing happily in the garden.The man held the child, and the two ran and shouted, playing non-stop.

In her cognition, that man has always been volatile, cold and resolute, she has never seen him with a childlike smile and such a peaceful expression on his face.

Now seeing him having so much fun with the child, she was also very happy.It turns out that he would be a good father too!

Staring down at her flat stomach, Mo Wan leaned her head against the window, a smile formed at the corner of her mouth.It will be half a year in two months, and she even started to imagine, what kind of picture will it be if they have a child in the future?

After breakfast, a red sports car drove into the yard. Si Yao had already tidied up her things by herself. She was sitting at the gate with her teddy bear in her arms and looking around. When she saw the car driving in, she immediately jumped up and said with a smile : "Mommy, Mommy!"

Si Yu parked the car, and when she opened the car door, she saw the child running towards her. She smiled and bent down, holding the child in her arms: "Yaoyao, do you miss Mommy?"

"Think!" Si Yao stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around her mother's neck, her big black eyes gleaming with water.

Si Yu also missed her daughter very much. At this time, seeing her daughter's eye circles were red, she also felt uncomfortable. She lowered her head and kissed her daughter's face, and turned away to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Leng Yan carried the child's small box in his hand and put it in Si Yu's car, then walked over and said in a deep voice, "From now on, the child doesn't need to bring anything with him."

Seeing his gentle expression, Si Yu felt a little excited in her heart. She was secretly happy, thinking that her step was right, and she could really change his attitude.

Leng Zhuo smiled lightly, raised his hand to touch the child's head, and said with a smile: "Wanwan bought a lot of things, enough for the child to use here."

The smile he raised just now was broken by his words in an instant. Si Yu lowered her face and hugged the child tightly with both hands. It took a long time to say, "Okay."

When Mo Wan saw her coming, she walked out with a smile, wrapped the cookies she made yesterday, and took them home for the children to eat.

Si Yu stayed where she was, with an ugly look on her face. She put the child into the car, and immediately drove away without saying anything.The smiles on the corners of their mouths made her heart tighten and she couldn't breathe.

Si Yao saw that her mother's face was not good-looking, so she didn't dare to speak, she just lowered her head and hugged the teddy bear.

Watching the car drive away, Leng Zhuo also stretched out his hand to pick up the people around him, and sent her to the company to work as usual.After sending her outside the Tia Group building, Mo Wan kissed him very actively, and then opened the door to get out of the car.

Because of her proactive kiss, Leng Zhuo was in a good mood all day long, with a crooked smile on his lips, and even the entire Leng Group felt like a spring breeze.

Waking up early this morning, Mo Wan was about to go out to work, but was stopped by a man who came over, and said in a deep voice, "I'm asking for leave today, can I take you somewhere?"

"Ah?" Mo Wan was stunned for a moment, thinking that there was something important and she was asked to ask for leave: "What's the matter?"

Leng Zhuo raised his eyebrows, a stern look flashed across his face, and he said in a deep voice, "You'll know when you go." While speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Mo Wan's wrist, leading her into the car and leaving villa.

Mo Wan struggled to drive away, and he insisted on taking him into the car to leave. She was full of helplessness, but she had no choice but to take out her mobile phone and lie that she would ask for a day off due to illness.

After putting down the phone, her pretty face was still full of anger, and she was very angry in her heart. She turned her head and looked out of the car window, only then realized that the car was driving towards the suburbs, and it seemed to be heading towards the cemetery.

The gray Aston Martin drove into the cemetery. The man turned off the car, opened the door, and calmly got out of the car.

Mo Wan followed him out of the car suspiciously, looking at the strange cemetery in front of her, her heart skipped a beat, and something suddenly flashed through her.She was about to ask a question, but he had already come over, stretched out his hand to hold her hand tightly, and led her forward.

Looking at his cold side face, Mo Wan held back the doubts in her heart, followed his steps closely, and the two of them stepped up the long white stone steps together.

When she came to the cemetery, Mo Wan's heart felt inexplicably tight, a fine layer of sweat emerged from her palms, she looked up, and sure enough, she saw several familiar figures standing in front of her, all dressed in black.

The steps under her feet stopped, and Mo Wan hesitated for a few seconds, until the man beside her turned her head and stared at her with deep eyes, and then she slowly came back to her senses, and followed his steps again.

Walking to the tombstone, Mo Wan forced herself to calm down. She looked at the names and photos on the tombstone, closed her eyes unconsciously, and sighed heavily in her heart.

"What are you doing here?" When Huo Shaonan saw the man walking over, his red eyes seemed to burst into flames. His forehead was bulging with veins, and he got up and was about to rush over, but Jing Yue stretched out his arms to hold him, and insisted on not letting him move. .

Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, glanced at the past with deep eyes, his handsome face was stained with gloom: "Is there any rule that I can't come?" He spoke in a frivolous tone with obvious provocation.

Huo Shaoqing originally cried like a tearful person, but seeing him coming now, she was also very emotional. She was crying and was about to step forward, but was held back by Si Yu who was beside her.

When Si Yu saw him coming, she had expected it, but she secretly held Huo Shaoqing, but she was secretly planning.

Reaching out to push Jing Yue's hand away, Huo Shaonan walked over with a gloomy face, and walked up to Leng Zhuo step by step to stand still.

When Mo Wan saw him approaching, she immediately became alert. She stepped to Leng Zhuo's side, instinctively stepped forward to block, and stood between the two of them. Whenever she thought of the intense scene last time, cold sweat began to break out on her forehead.

Seeing her standing in front of him, Leng Zhuo's tightly pursed thin lips slowly raised an arc. Although he did not leave, the expression on his face was much better than before.

Seeing her standing over protectively with his own eyes, Huo Shaonan's eyes were obviously darkened, his hands hanging by his sides were tightened tightly, his face was instantly livid: "You are not welcome here, leave immediately!"

"What's the rush?" Leng Zhuo raised his eyebrows to look at him, and a smile slowly emerged from his thin lips. He fixed his eyes on the tombstone, and said sharply: "Maybe she still wants to see me!" While speaking, he lowered his head slightly, Raising his hand to caress the diamond tail ring, the corners of his eyes suddenly appeared sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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