Chapter 187

Huo Shaonan was furious in an instant, he raised his hand and pushed Mo Wan away, grabbed his shirt collar with one hand, and shouted: "Cold wash!"

Staggering, Mo Wan almost fell down. Seeing Huo Shaonan's murderous expression, she didn't care to think too much, and immediately stepped forward, nervously trying to separate the two of them: "Shaonan, let go!"

Jing Yue also panicked when she saw this scene, she raised her foot and ran over, and together with Mo Wan, the two began to pull people, one on the left and the other on the right.


Suddenly, there was a stern sound in the cemetery. Huo Ting turned his head to look over, and glanced at Leng Zhuo.

"Shaonan, don't mess around!" Huo Ting spoke again, his deep voice came through, although his voice was not loud, it had a kind of majesty.

Seeing the look in his father's eyes, Huo Shaonan managed to hold back the surging anger in his heart, let go of the hand that was holding his clothes, and let go of his clothes weakly.He understood what his father meant, today was the day when his mother was buried, and he couldn't make her feel uneasy!

Seeing him let go, Mo Wan's tightly held heart slowly let go, she stretched out her hand and tugged at Leng Zhuo, wanting to let him go.

Leng Zhuo pulled Mo Wan to his side with his backhand. He lowered his head and smiled at her, but the moment he raised his head, his expression darkened.He took a step forward, walked in front of Huo Shaonan, and said in a deep voice: "Huo Shaonan, have you seen it, this is what you deserve!"

He pointed at the tombstone with a gloomy expression in his eyes. Although she was dead, what she had done could never be erased.If it weren't for her, their mother and son would not have been unable to guarantee food and clothing in those years, and their mother would not have been buried in that fire.

This blood debt was caused by the Huo family, and no one can escape the responsibility!

His voice rang in her ears, Mo Wan's heart sank, and she felt unspeakable suffocation. Her hands and feet were cold for a while, and her whole body couldn't help shivering.

Si Yu watched this scene quietly, doubts gradually arose in her heart.Didn't anyone see the photos she sent to Huo's family last time?How come the old lady of the Huo family and Papa Huo, after seeing Leng Zhuo, can have such calm expressions, without seeing anything unusual?

Feeling the trembling of the small body in his arms, Leng Zhuo suddenly came back to his senses, he looked down and saw her pale face, the beautiful sword eyebrows frowned unconsciously.He clenched her five fingers with his backhand, he didn't speak, and took her away together.

Watching their backs gradually walking away, Ye Zhenshu's brows were tightly frowned, with a complexness that was not easy to detect.

Si Yu happened to see Mrs. Huo's weird eyes, and after thinking about it, she seemed to understand.She raised her eyebrows and glanced at Huo Shaonan, seeing the pain clearly in his eyes, a strange smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

That's right, and Huo Shaonan, why did she forget about it?Seeing his unwilling appearance, he must love Mo Wan very much, and love him now, right?

Driving home, Mo Wan kept her head down all the way and didn't say a word.Now that Huo's mother has passed away, things are finally going in the worst direction. She feels depressed, as if a big rock is blocked.

Leng Yan parked the car and took her home. As soon as he stepped into the living room, Mo Wan took his hand and grabbed him.

Turning around slightly, Leng Zhuo looked at her fixedly, seeing that her brows were furrowed, and a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes.He doesn't like to see her expression like this, especially for the Huo family.

Mo Wan looked up into his deep eyes, and sighed secretly. She slowly asked the doubts in her heart: "What is the relationship between you and Huo Shaonan?"

His cold and deep eyes moved, he let go of her tightly held hand, turned around and sat down on the large sofa, his expression became silent: "What kind of relationship do you want me to have with him?"

He calmly threw the question back. Mo Wan was caught off guard, and the look in his eyes changed slightly.With all the things that happened together, she had already had some vague guesses deep in her heart, but she didn't dare to think deeply!
"I..." Mo Wan was startled, her tone faltering.Yeah, what the hell does she want them to be?If it was really the kind of relationship she guessed, then she would only feel more embarrassed.

The moment she was in a daze, the man had already stood up, walked in front of her, stared at her with burning eyes, and his eyes gradually darkened.

Looking up at his deep eyes, an inexplicable emotion flashed in Mo Wan's heart. She stretched out her hand and clenched his five fingers tightly, and held them firmly: "I just hope...everyone is well!"

She hesitated to speak, although her tone was hesitant, but there was firmness from the bottom of her heart.

There was her slightly cool temperature between his fingers, Leng Zhuo lowered his head and stared at the ten fingers she clasped with him, a sharp light surged in his dark pupils, he raised the five fingers clasped together, and said in a deep voice: " The person you are holding by your hand is me! So, as long as I am good is enough!"

Hearing his indifferent voice, Mo Wan's face changed suddenly. She frowned and said anxiously: "I didn't mean that, I just hope everyone..."

"Okay!" Leng Zhuo raised his hand to stop her from speaking, he raised her face, his eyes were dark, "I understand what you mean, but I can't do it! You don't need to waste your energy, just stand by me Just be around!"

stand beside him?Watching him drive the Huo family to extinction with his own hands?

Mo Wan trembled slightly, her jet-black pupils suddenly dimmed, she frowned, she didn't speak, and she didn't know how to answer.

Seeing her dazed look, her cold face turned gloomy, he squeezed her jaw tightly, and said in a low tone, "put away your overflowing sympathy! This matter is beyond your ability!"

His eyes were as sharp as ever, and he could accurately see her inner thoughts, hitting the nail on the head!

Mo Wan bit her lip, seeing him turn away and walk into the study.Looking at his cold back, she felt chills in her heart. If the situation is allowed to develop, she really doesn't know what will happen?
What will this hatred turn into?If he continues to use unscrupulous means, what will happen to the Huo family?
In the cemetery today, she also saw Huo Shaonan's eyes, the fierceness and hatred in those eyes were fatal.She had never seen Huo Shaonan look like that!

(End of this chapter)

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