Chapter 188

The hatred in their eyes made her shudder, fearing that this war without gunpowder would eventually become an irreversible tragedy.Now that some people have sacrificed their lives, how many times will such tragedies happen again?
At dinner, Mo Wan was the only one.Since returning home, he has been in the study and has not come out.

Seeing the empty chairs around her, Mo Wan couldn't help sighing, she understood that he was hiding from her on purpose and didn't want to give her a chance to speak.There was a little bit of bitterness in her heart, she just wanted him well, and also wished the Huo family well, is this idea wrong?
Picking up the rice bowl, Mo Wan lowered her head and ate without taste. She ate very little, and she put down the rice bowl after a few mouthfuls, stood up and went back to the bedroom.

Pushing open the bedroom door, Mo Wan reached out to turn on an orange wall lamp. She walked to the balcony and looked up at the night sky in a daze.Many images flashed through his mind, from the first time he met to now, all the scenes are so clearly remembered.

I still remember that she was only 20 years old that year, a sophomore in college.Mo Lin's condition suddenly deteriorated and he needed a large amount of treatment expenses. The family had no money, and his father sold the original big house to make up one-third of the treatment expenses.Seeing her younger brother suffer from the illness, she was heartbroken. Later, her father gave her an invitation to attend a reception, and hinted to her in words that many celebrities from the business world would be there. To make up for the treatment fee, they have no other way, the only hope is her!

Although she was only 20 years old, Mo Wan understood her father's hint that only if she found a rich man could she hope to get money.But with such a large sum of money, would anyone be willing to give it to her for no reason?of course not!

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. She understood this truth a long time ago!

Although she had struggled countless times in her heart, she understood that if she flinched, then Mo Lin could only wait to die.If you ask her if she hates or resents her?Then her answer is yes.

When Mo Shuyuan handed the invitation to her, she understood everything.Why doesn't she resent her biological father for letting her biological daughter do such a thing?But no matter how resentful she was, she couldn't disregard her younger brother's life, so she didn't refuse, and resolutely attended the banquet, and that's how she met him, coldly.

Recalling those sad memories, the corners of Mo Wan's eyes were wet. She walked back from the balcony and saw that the bedroom was still empty. She couldn't help but sighed, turned and walked into the bathroom.

The Huo family's ancestral house was dimly lit at this time, shrouded in bleakness.

The whole family ate dinner in silence, and the atmosphere was filled with deep sadness. Huo Shaoqing was crying all the time, and hid back in her room without eating a few mouthfuls of dinner.

Huo Shaonan didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but his eyes were so red that they could bleed, and Jing Yue was very worried when he saw his appearance.

After dinner, Huo Ting cheered up and smiled at Jing Yue: "Yue Yue, you and Shao Nan go back! I'm exhausted these days, go to bed early!"

"Dad!" Jing Yue's eyes were sour, and she felt very uncomfortable, "Let's stay here!"

Huo Ting felt very comfortable with his daughter-in-law's filial piety. He reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Forget it, you go back early, there is daddy taking care of the family, don't worry!"

Everyone gets together, seeing each other is just adding to the sadness, it is better not to see each other!

Huo Shaonan glanced at his father, and didn't say much, just pulled Jing Yue up, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go first, let Dad have a good rest." While speaking, he picked up the car keys and walked outside.

Seeing him leave, Jing Yue couldn't say much, so she could only follow his movements and walk out of the house with good things.

When he came outside the villa, Huo Shaonan walked to the car, he opened the car door, and said to Jing Yue who was walking, "I'll go out and let the driver pick you up."

After saying this, he got into the car, started the engine, and drove the car away.

Seeing him drive the car away without looking back, the look in Jing Yue's eyes darkened, she frowned, and tightly squeezed the purse with five fingers.

Seeing the children leave, Huo Ting got up and went to his mother's room. Seeing her resting on the bed, he didn't go in to disturb her.He turned around, went back to the bedroom, and closed the door.

In this room, he is the only one left now, and it looks very deserted.Although these years, he has been very indifferent to Dong Jiarong, but after all, the husband and wife have been married for 30 years, and after such a long period of time, he will not be indifferent.

30 years, the days go by so fast!In a blink of an eye, most of his life was over, and he was already old.

Huo Ting walked to the bed, reached out and opened the lowest drawer, took out the yellowed photo album, and opened the photo album.Those beautiful faces made his eyes sour and his heart empty and uncomfortable.

Ziqing, where are you?

The mobile phone placed on the table suddenly beeped, Huo Ting raised his hand to wipe the wet corners of his eyes, picked up the mobile phone and glanced at it, but his gaze was frozen there.

He stared at the message on the phone, the expression on his face was unpredictable, and after a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Coming out of the bathroom, Mo Wan changed into her pajamas, lifted the quilt and went to bed.Now that the weather is getting warmer, she won't feel cold lying alone in the silk quilt, but she is used to being hugged by him every night to fall asleep. Now lying on this huge double bed, she can only look at the position, dazed.

For his deliberate avoidance, Mo Wan was very angry. She angrily beat the pillow beside her, turned around angrily, and forced herself to fall asleep.After tossing and turning for a long time, she couldn't sleep at all. In the end, she had no choice but to start counting sheep.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I don't know how many sheep have been counted. Mo Wan finally fell asleep, her eyelids closed slowly, and fell into a dream.She was lying on her side, with a peaceful sleeping face. The man who came in came to the bedside, looked down at her slightly pursed red lips, and his frown slowly relaxed.

Leng Yan stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, and couldn't help but hug her in his arms, let her pillow in his arms as usual, and hugged her tightly.Maybe it was to find the familiar feeling from the past, the small body in his arms moved slightly, and moved closer to his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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