Chapter 189

Feeling her subtle movements, Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, lowered his head, and kissed her face.

Mo Wan still closed her eyes and slept deeply. His light kiss fell on her cheek, making her smile naturally, and she pressed her small head to his heart, "You are here..."

Although she only said three words, it made the man's heart tighten, and an inexplicable feeling surged up in an instant.He lowered his head and stared at her upturned mouth, and it took a lot of effort to resist the thought of stripping her naked.

The man's handsome face was filled with unbearable sweat, he couldn't bear it, he could only let go of her slightly, and moved his body out.But the little woman in her arms felt the heat disappear, she immediately twisted her small body and leaned over, wrapped her arms around his waist, and insisted not to let him move.

Leng Zhuo took a deep breath, his fingers had already reached her neckline, but seeing her little face sleeping soundly, he couldn't bear to torment her!
This night, the little woman in his arms slept unconsciously, it was a pity that he opened his eyes until dawn and endured the torment.So much so that he swore that he would never show kindness in the future, and would make up for what was missing tonight.

Early the next morning, when Mo Wan saw him with dark circles under his eyes, he laughed unkindly.She ate breakfast happily, thinking that he would be punished for deliberately avoiding me last night, right?It turns out that he also suffers from insomnia!

Seeing her smug little face, she ground her teeth in cold anger, and really wanted to push her down on the breakfast table and eat her as breakfast!He kindly didn't torture her, let her have a good night's sleep, but she was lucky, and dared to arrange him secretly?

This little girl, let's see how I deal with you tonight!
Suddenly seeing his fierce eyes, Mo Wan couldn't help shrinking her neck, immediately put on a smiling face, lowered her head to eat breakfast, and never dared to provoke again!

After breakfast, Mo Wan packed his things and stood at the entrance waiting for him to go out together.He came out in a suit and took her to the yard, but didn't get into his car as usual.

A black car was heard in the yard. The driver who opened the door and walked out was wearing a black suit with a stern face.

"This is?" Mo Wan looked at the driver, no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be a bodyguard, and there was no extra expression on his face.

Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, raised his hand to rub her head, and said, "From now on, he will pick you up when you get off work in the morning and evening."

"What about you?" Mo Wan was puzzled, raised her head and asked him.

A dark light flashed in her restrained eyes, Leng Yan stretched out his hand to rub her head, and said softly, "Recently, there are a lot of things in the company. When I don't have time, you have to take the driver's car."

Mo Wan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the expressionless driver, and said calmly, "I can take the car myself, without a driver."

"No!" Leng Zhuo frowned, and refused without hesitation, "There is no discussion on this matter, and when you have nothing to do recently, try to stay at home and don't run around!"

"Did something happen?" Hearing such a strict request from him, Mo Wan was puzzled and worried.He has been leaving early and returning late recently. Could it be that something happened?

"Nothing!" Leng Zhuo smiled lightly, reached out to hold her hand, took out the car keys, and walked over with her own car, "Today I will send you to work, but you have to remember my words, so that I can rest assured !"

Originally, he wanted to refute, but when Mo Wan heard the words "let me feel at ease", a sweet smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.The unhappiness that was simmering in my heart last night faded away with his words and disappeared.

Sitting in the car in a good mood, Mo Wan had a smile on her cheeks all the way, and the car stopped outside the company building.Mo Wan opened the car door and was about to get out of the car. She paused in her forward movement. After thinking of something, she immediately turned around and pressed her red lips to the corner of the man's mouth.

"Thank you!" She raised her head and kissed the corner of his mouth. Mo Wan blushed slightly, lowered her head and opened the car door, and quickly got out of the car.

Raising his hand to caress the place she kissed, Leng Zhuo was in a daze, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was filled with endless warmth.After driving the car to the company, he came outside the office and saw the trembling look of the secretary at a glance.

"What's the matter?" Leng Zhuo walked over quickly, seeing the secretary's hesitation, he vaguely realized something in his heart.

The secretary took a breath, stepped forward bravely, and said, "Chairman Huo came to look for you early in the morning, I can't stop him!"

Raising his eyebrows, he glanced towards the opposite office. Through the open door, Leng Zhuo saw the figure sitting on the sofa with his back turned to him, and his expression suddenly turned cold.

Leng Zhuo raised his head, looked at his back and smiled sneeringly, then stepped in, with a dangerous aura exuding from his whole body.

Hearing the footsteps coming from outside the gate, Huo Ting stood up excitedly. He turned his head and looked at the man who walked in. Another face that he missed day and night gradually appeared in front of him.

"Chairman Huo!" He walked in with a smile on his face, but if you looked closely, you would find that the smile on his lips didn't reach his eyes.

Huo Ting stared at him blankly, with waves of warmth in his heart. He strode forward and said anxiously, "You are Ziqing's son! You are also my son!"

The expression in his cold eyes darkened instantly, he stared at Huo Ting coldly, and said with a chill in his tone, "Your son? Your son is Huo Shaonan!"

"No!" Huo Ting was impatient, reached out to hold his hand, and said, "You are my son, you are the son of me and Ziqing!"

"Hehe..." Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, pushed his hand away, and the color of his eyes gradually darkened: "Your surname is Huo, and my surname is Leng! There is no relationship between you and me!"

Seeing his indifferent attitude, Huo Ting felt very sad. His expression was agitated, and his voice trembled: "My child, I know that you have wronged your mother and son all these years, but I am really your father!"

"Father?" Leng Zhuoxiu's sharp eyes, looking at him with sharp eyes like a knife: "I don't have a father, never have!" In the last sentence, he gritted his teeth, and the chill in his tone was terrifying.

Huo Ting's whole body froze. He stretched out his hand to cover his heart, feeling pain in his heart, and lowered his voice: "Where is your mother? Where is Ziqing?"

(End of this chapter)

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