Chapter 194

Standing up and walking to Leng Zhuo's side, Huo Shaonan's face was calm, and the corners of his mouth were filled with a smile: "Mr. Leng, the Huo family is in your hands now, it's really booming!"

When Leng Zhuo saw him coming, his face darkened. He raised his hand and threw the gold pen on the table, and said coldly, "What do you want to say?"

Huo Shaonan smiled, stroked the black Parker pen between his fingers, turned his head and stared into his eyes and said: "But this Huo's does not belong to you, it belongs to me! I will take back everything that belongs to me !"

"Your?" Leng Zhuo smiled, his eyes slipped over the pen in his hand, and his expression was instantly sullen: "But they are all in my hands, how could they be yours?"

Seeing the cold expression in his eyes, Huo Shaonan smiled without anger, and he didn't want to avoid it, so he said bluntly: "Really? You are really confident!"

Putting his hand on the table, Huo Shaonan bent slightly, stared at him with burning eyes, and said in a deep voice: "But the person she me, don't you know?"

Hearing this, he stood up coldly, a burst of anger surged in his deep eyes, and even his heart tightened. His thin lips were tightly pursed into a straight line, but he was speechless in a daze.

In early summer, the evening breeze is warm.Mo Wan got off work and walked out of the Tia Building. She walked with her head down, her mind drifting away.It happened that the special elevator arrived, and the door of the elevator opened. Jing Chen strode out, and a familiar figure caught sight of a corner of his eyes, which stopped his turning around.

Jing Chen stood at the same spot, raised his eyebrows and looked at the figure walking away, only seeing her dejected back, a black car parked on the side of the road drove over in good time, the driver got out of the car in a suit, opened the door, respectfully Ask her to get in the car.

Looking at her mechanical movements, something flashed across Jing Chen's silent face. He pursed his lips and watched the black car drive away until he could no longer see it.After hesitating for a while, he turned and walked towards the parking lot.

The black car drove back to the villa smoothly, the driver opened the door, Mo Wan got out of the car, nodded to the taciturn driver, and then walked into the house.

The living room at home was brightly lit. Butler Song was arranging for the servants to do something. When he saw her come back, he burst into a smile, "Madam, you are back. Master Leng is upstairs."

The housekeeper's unintentional words made Mo Wan's heart sink. He came back so early?

Mo Wan glanced at the kitchen, everyone was busy preparing dinner, there was nothing unusual, and everyone's expressions were the same as usual, no difference could be seen.

Sighing slightly, Mo Wan smiled and nodded, seeing the kindness in Butler Song's eyes, she didn't say much.Although seeing that her expression was not very good, the housekeeper didn't ask any more questions, and was busy with his work.

In the center of the living room, a crystal lamp hangs down, and the scattered colorful glare illuminates every corner of the room.The ground is covered with light yellow marble, with intricate patterns spliced ​​on it, and everything here exudes a gorgeous style.

Mo Wan stared at the familiar corner of the past, feeling a sense of loss in her heart. She suddenly realized that this kind of luxury was incompatible with her. The inexplicable sense of loss only made her feel flustered.

Slightly startled, she lifted her foot up the stairs and walked towards the bedroom.When passing by the study, she deliberately looked inside, but did not see anyone.

Pushing open the bedroom door, the room was quiet except for a dim wall lamp.Although he didn't see him for the first time, Mo Wan could feel his breath keenly. He must be in this room.

After closing the bedroom door casually, she walked in lightly, and looked towards the balcony, as expected, she saw that familiar figure.

After walking two steps forward, Mo Wan stood behind him, at a distance from him, did not approach him, but just stood there, staring at his back.

Standing directly behind him, she looked from her raised angle, looking across his broad shoulders and onto his perfect profile.Although it was against the light, the light coming in from the window was enough for her to see his tight jaw draw a sharp arc.

The crimson afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled down through the glass window and landed on his shoulders. The thick color smudged along the curvature of his shoulder blades, outlining a charming face.

The man's handsome face was shrouded in a faint halo. Even if Mo Wan couldn't see his face, he could still picture that dazzling face in his mind.His eyes are deep, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, under his straight nose bridge, his thin lips are ruthless.

It turned out that his appearance had been imprinted so deeply in her heart that she was able to close her eyes and see his face accurately in front of her eyes, exactly.

A certain place in my heart trembled slightly because of this recognition.She held her breath to restrain the strange feeling in her heart.

As the sunset glow falls, the crimson in the sky slowly disappears, and the last touch of bright red disappears, falling into the boundless darkness.The man standing by the window turned around slowly, his eyes shot straight at him, and he tightly grasped the person standing behind him.

The look in his eyes was bleak, filled with an inexplicable sadness that people couldn't see clearly, Mo Wan didn't understand his eyes, but felt that those eyes made her feel distressed, and her heart felt suffocated.

Seeing his approaching figure in his eyes, Mo Wan's heart moved slightly, frightened by the sharpness in the depths of his eyes, she couldn't help but retreat, step by step, until her body touched the cold wall.

His breath rushed towards his face, Mo Wan could not retreat, his heels had already touched the cold and hard wall.She raised her head, staring at his handsome face with her jet-black eyes, with many complicated emotions flashing in her eyes.

Leng Zhuo approached step by step, seeing her receding to the wall, but he had no intention of stopping at all.In front of her, she was like a little beast, driven into a desperate situation by him, and he was the hunter who controlled her life and death.

Trapping her between the wall and himself, Leng Yan stretched his arms to support both sides of the wall, his slender figure slowly pressed down, he lowered his head slightly, stared straight at her with deep eyes, and asked: "Are you afraid of me? "

There hadn't been such a strange feeling between them for a long time, but now seeing her defensive eyes again, his heart tightened suddenly, and a slight sourness spread.

(End of this chapter)

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