Chapter 195

Her body was so soft that she couldn't exert any strength, Mo Wan wanted to push him away, but fell into his tenderness again.With a cold body, she raised her head and bumped into his black pupils, and she was stunned for a moment.

His eyes are as silent as the sea, and people can't see the bottom, like a deep vortex, which can absorb all people's mind into it. His bright eyes are enough to confuse people's hearts.

Mo Wan stretched her arms around his neck, excessive physical exertion made her mind wander.She was dizzy in front of her eyes, and could only vaguely see his handsome face covered in sweat.

"You are mine, and only mine..."

When she was drowsy, with such murmurs echoing in her ears, Mo Wan didn't have the strength to open her eyes, but she smiled sadly in her heart.As expected, he is still so domineering and has not changed. It turns out that she is only domineering towards herself!
The morning light is slightly dew, and the sun shines in through the thin gauze curtain.The eyelids of the person lying on the bed trembled, and the closed eyes slowly opened.

Looking at the bright light in the room, Mo Wan felt uncomfortable for a moment, and when she recalled what happened last night, her face suddenly dimmed.The body under the silk quilt was naked, and when she moved her waist a little, she felt a sore pain.Her whole body seemed to be crushed by something, she hugged the quilt and sat up, the prickly pain made her take a deep breath.

The place beside her was empty, she reached out and touched the pillow he had slept on, the temperature on it had disappeared, and what she touched was only a piece of ice cold.

The cold temperature between her fingers made her frown unconsciously, with her imperceptible loss.

Barely supporting his sore body to get up, Mo Wan went to the bathroom to rinse, and after washing away the sweat all over his body, the discomfort in his body was relieved.She changed and went downstairs, where breakfast was laid on the table.

While having breakfast, he was still not seen. The servants said that he got up very early and drove away without eating breakfast.Hearing these words, Mo Wan didn't say a word, just lowered his head and finished his breakfast.

After breakfast, Mo Wan got into the driver's car with a normal face and went to work in the company.A whole day's work, she handles it well, without any mistakes.

After get off work, the driver was waiting outside the building as usual. Mo Wan was stunned when he saw the black car.Seeing the driver running down to open the door for her, she smiled stiffly and bent down to get in the car.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, the smile on Mo Wan's face gradually dimmed. Looking at the scenery outside the window, her heart felt a little sour.She suddenly thought of her father and her younger brother, and wanted to go to their side to lean on.But she was also afraid that they would see her forced smile, and that they would be worried, so she could only bear it silently.

The car quickly drove back to the villa, the driver parked the car, Mo Wan walked into the living room, only the busy servants, she did not see that familiar figure.

Turning around and sitting on the sofa, she looked up at the direction of the door, dazed.Recalling what happened last night, her heart tightened for a while, and she felt out of breath.Until now, she couldn't understand why she blurted out last night and asked him: Do you love me?

This question is really ridiculous!

Mo Wan lowered her head and smiled miserably, what happened to herself?Would you be so stupid as to ask him about love?A ruthless man like him has no heart at all, how could he love?Even if he really fell in love with someone, she never dared to expect that person to be herself?

Love is a weapon that hurts.Her fruitless love had left an indelible pain deep in her heart.She once warned herself that she would never love again in this life!

Although she lived happily during these days, she still had a trace of reason.All these things are in the palm of his hand.He wants you to laugh and you will feel happy!When he wants you to cry, you feel pain!
Just like this time, she has an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and she can't tell whether it is joy or pain!Has life returned to the days of uncertainty and tit-for-tat?
Mo Wan lowered her head and clasped her fingers tightly. Her jet-black pupils suddenly dimmed. She was unable to guess his thoughts, so she could only try her best to protect herself. This is the instinct of human survival!She didn't want to get hurt, but if she was destined to get hurt again, then she hoped that at least she wouldn't have nothing!
A gray Aston Martin drove up from the mountain road. The man in the car held the steering wheel with both hands and his gaze was like a torch.His sharp eyes, through the rearview mirror, observed the white car following him without any trace.

Leng Yan slowed down the speed of the car slightly, he held the steering wheel with one hand, and put one hand on the window.The refreshing night breeze came in from the lowered car window, blowing his short neat hair up. He stared at the car behind him with a cold light in his eyes.

He is not interested in playing this kind of cat-and-mouse game. The other party has exhausted his patience. He really wants to see, who is it that has such strength and dares to provoke him so blatantly?
The hand resting on the car window reached under the car seat, and coldly took out a pistol. At the same time, he stepped up the accelerator and drove forward at full speed.The car behind saw him speeding up, and immediately shifted gears to catch up.

The gray Aston Martin has excellent performance, the cold wash increases the speed to the highest, a beautiful flick, the wheels rub against the ground, with sparks.With the huge impact of the brakes, the car body turned 360 degrees instantly, and the front of the car turned around at once, facing the white car that was driving.

Along the open window, only two "bang bang" gunshots were heard, and the bullets shot out accurately hit the oncoming white car.

The white car saw the car in front of it turning suddenly, and immediately realized the danger, but it couldn't wait for the brakes. With the two gunshots, the tires on both sides of the front of the car burst, and the car lost control in an instant, facing the guardrail of the mountain road. hit it.


The front hood of the white car hit the guardrail, the deflated wheels were sunken, and puffs of white smoke came out of the car.The driver in the car couldn't move and seemed to be stuck in something.

When Leng Yan saw the car crashing into the guardrail, a sinister smile faintly appeared on the corner of his mouth. He calmly started the engine and drove the car back to the villa.

(End of this chapter)

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