Chapter 197

After a hasty lunch, Mo Wan asked for leave from the company and took Huo Ting to the cemetery.He was not in a hurry to get in the car, but looked for a flower shop everywhere.

Mo Wan didn't understand his intention, so she could only help him find it together.I thought he was just buying white chrysanthemums for the grave, but who would have thought that he would buy lotus flowers.

In ordinary flower shops, lotus flowers are rarely sold, and there are not many people who buy them, and there is no market, so the merchants naturally do not sell them.But Huo Ting insisted on buying lotus, Mo Wan had no choice but to look for it with him.

Fortunately, I met a kind flower shop owner who helped them introduce them to their friends.Because his friend likes lotus, so it is often placed in the store, not for sale, but just because he likes it.

When they came to the flower shop, the boss was very enthusiastic and gave them a bunch of lotus flowers that had just been purchased, and the price they charged was not high.Huo Ting held this bunch of lotus flowers as if he had found a treasure, and his cautious appearance made people feel distressed.

Mo Wan guessed that there must be a reason for this period, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions, she just took him into a taxi and went all the way to the cemetery.

Leng Yan brought her here last time, so she still remembered the place.After getting off the taxi, Huo Ting's complexion has been bad.Mo Wan worried about his body, reached out to caress him, comforting him softly from time to time.

After finding the tall white marble tombstone, Mo Wan paused, stepped aside slightly, and stepped back.Looking at Huo Ting's instantly tense back, she sighed heavily.

Standing in front of the tombstone, Huo Ting didn't move for a long time. He stared at the photo without blinking, and the hot tears in his eyes rolled down.

"Ziqing..." Huo Ting murmured hoarsely, with endless sadness in his voice: "I'm here to see you." He slowly squatted down, raised his hand to caress the small photo, and the corners of his mouth twitched smile.

Putting the lotus in his arms in front of the tombstone, with a smile in his eyes, he fell into the memory: "This is your favorite lotus. I have never forgotten it, and I have never forgotten it."

Mo Wan stood behind, looking at Huo Ting's gently trembling shoulders, her eyes were a little red, her lips were tight, her eyes were fixed on the bunch of lotus, her thoughts drifted away.

It turned out that his mother liked lotus, no wonder there is a word Zhuo in his name?Zhuo Qinglian is not a demon.

"Xiao Wan," Huo Ting said suddenly, turned his head to look at Mo Wan with a dull face, and said with a half-smile, "He is... Ziqing and I's son!"

Her heart froze suddenly, and Mo Wan opened her mouth slightly, because the "he" Huo Ting said trembled in her heart.Although she had already had such a guess in her heart, she was still surprised when she heard the answer with her own ears.

It turns out that he is really a child of the Huo family!
"Scared you, didn't you?" Huo Ting smiled suddenly, his eyes softened naturally, he looked at Mo Wan, opened his mouth slowly, and briefly told what happened in the past.

Mo Wan listened quietly, but her heart was ups and downs because of his words. When she thought of Leng Zhuo's attitude and hatred towards the Huo family, the joy in her heart was immediately diluted by worry!
Such an unimaginable entanglement is mixed with too much grievance and hatred, I am afraid that it will continue to be entangled!
In the past, who was right and who was wrong, now I feel pale and powerless to distinguish.Even if it is possible to tell right from wrong, the tragedy has already been done, how can it be undone?

After several changes in Mo Wan's face, she finally returned to calm. Originally, she should stay out of this matter, but with this complicated relationship, she cannot be left alone.She seemed to be inexplicably involved in this dispute, powerless to quit, and powerless to stop, she could only watch the vicious cycle of the situation helplessly!
Huo Ting sat alone in front of the tombstone for a long time. Facing the photo, he murmured sadly and didn't know what he was talking about. Sometimes he was silent and sometimes he laughed.

Seeing his appearance, Mo Wan didn't dare to disturb him easily, but she was worried about leaving him here alone.No matter how you say it, he is Leng Zhuo's father, and he can be regarded as her relative!

It wasn't until the sunset that Huo Ting stood up tremblingly, wiped the area around the tombstone with a handkerchief, and said something with a smile before turning around and walking back.

Helping him out of the cemetery, Mo Wan got into a taxi and asked the driver to take him home first.Huo Ting opened the car door and got out of the car, walked to the back seat hesitantly, and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Wan, if Shao Nan and him make things difficult for you, you will be wronged!"

Mo Wan's complexion changed, she opened the car door and walked down, her eyes were slightly hot, she forced a smile and said, "Uncle Huo, don't worry, I understand."

Huo Ting reached out and touched her head, feeling very comforted in his heart, "Xiaowan, you are a good boy! If Shaonan... I hope you can play around more!"

His words were to the point, but Mo Wan knew it well. She knew that Huo Ting was begging her for help. Even he was aware of the tense relationship between Huo Shaonan and Leng Zhuo. It seemed that this was not the case. She worries too much alone!

Mo Wan took a deep breath, the expression in her eyes darkened, she was already deeply involved, so she could only do her best, "Don't worry, I just hope that they will all be well!"

Her serious eyes and earnest words made Huo Ting's heart warm, and he let go of his tightly held heart.Shaonan's feelings for her, he naturally knew very well in his heart, and now he has been holding on to the cold, probably because of her.The palms and backs of the palms are full of flesh. He just hopes that the grievances of the previous generation will not affect the children. They are also brothers after all!

After watching Huo Ting leave, Mo Wan turned around and got into the taxi, his expression darkened.What she guessed in her heart has now become a fact. Even if Huo's mother is wrong, after all, the Huo family is his relatives. Should she see with her own eyes that he treats his relatives cruelly and kills them all?

If his mother was still alive, would he be willing to see the current situation?Mo Wan thought, such a quiet and beautiful woman like her must not want to see her son like this!

After returning to the villa, Mo Wan walked in with a depressed expression. The living room was very quiet, and the servants didn't seem to be there.

Next to the sofa, a floor lamp was lit.The man sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, holding a glass of red wine in his hand. When he saw her come back, he cast his eyes sharply, "Where did you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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