Chapter 198

Seeing his gloomy expression, Mo Wan didn't try to hide it from him. She walked up to him and said in a deep voice, "The cemetery."

Picking up the red wine and taking a sip, his cold fingers tightened slightly, his handsome face fell silent: "Mo Wan, you are so brave! Who gave you the right to allow the Huo family to go to the cemetery?"

Mo Wan bent over and sat beside him, looking at his furious face, her mood was very calm, she knew she couldn't hide it from him, so she simply didn't lie: "Uncle Huo came to see me, I can't bear to make him sad."

"He's sad?" Leng Zhuo's eyes sank, and his beautiful sword eyebrows were tightly frowned, "This is the price he has to pay! He deserves it!"

Mo Wan sighed quietly, reached out to hold his face, and softened her tone: "Don't be like this, okay? He has the right to see his mother, you have to let him see!"

Leng Zhuo lowered his head slightly, and the look in his eyes dimmed instantly: "Does he have the right? Where was he when my mother and I didn't have enough to eat? Where was he when my mother sold blood to support me? The fire torch Where was he when my mother burned beyond recognition? He is enjoying the family happiness, and the whole family is happy!"

Looking at the blood in his eyes that were gradually turning red, Mo Wan's heart tightened. She put her arms around his slightly trembling shoulders and said in a low voice: "Don't blind your heart with hatred! Even if they are wrong, they will always It's your family!"

"shut up!"

Leng Zhuo raised his hand and pushed her away, with a gloomy and frightening look in his eyes, he pinched Mo Wan's throat with five fingers, his handsome face tensed: "I have nothing to do with them!"

Mo Wan was frightened by the cruelty in his eyes, her neck was strangled by him, a trace of tears slipped from the corner of her eyes, but she still looked at him stubbornly, and said word by word: "Leng Zhuo, you can't deny this relationship, Even if you hate him, he is still yours..."

"Mo, Wan!" Leng Zhuo growled, gritted his teeth, and suddenly let go of his five fingers pinching her neck. He was really afraid that he would lose control and strangle her to death.His face was tense, and his eyes were gloomy: "Do you dare to say it and try?"

With her back against the soft sofa, Mo Wan faced him face to face, she could clearly see the pain in his eyes, she wanted to keep silent, but seeing the flame of revenge in his eyes only made her Her heart was trembling, she took a breath, her jet-black Jian pupil fixedly looked at him, and said word by word: "But he is your father after all!"


The crystal wine glass held tightly in the man's hand burst, and the dark red wine mixed with viscous blood fell on the snow-white carpet.Falling down little by little, the teasing is dazzling and enchantingly diffused.

Mo Wan's eyes shrank for a while, she screamed, and hurriedly stretched out her hand, but she didn't want to lose her hand, only to see the man turn around with a sneer, and walk away without looking back.

In the dark study room of the villa, a dim lamp was lit. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a man was sitting on the floor, his muscular body leaning against the dark window lattice, his eyes staring straight at the thick night outside.

His left hand was stabbed by a sharp piece of glass, and the broken glass shards were still vaguely embedded in his fingers, and blood oozes from the wound, dripping onto the log floor.

Leng Zhuo slowly withdrew his gaze from a distance, lowered his head indifferently, looked at the bright red fingers, and used his right hand to remove the broken glass that had penetrated into the flesh, but did not bandage it, just allowing the blood to dry up.

He lowered his head and looked at the diamond tail ring with a gloomy look in his eyes. He raised his hand and caressed the ring, feeling a bit of bitterness in his heart.

That day, the place where they lived was in disrepair for a long time. After one family caught fire, even a large area of ​​houses around it burned down.He and his mother had already run out, but because of this ring, the mother ran home again, but never came out again.

He still remembered that at that time, his mother said to him: Zhuo'er, mom must find the ring, you wait for mom to come out!

At that time, he was still very young, and he could only watch his mother run into the fire, but the fire was so intense that his mother's thin figure was quickly engulfed by the fire.

Later, the mother's body was found. She was burnt beyond recognition, but the ring tightly held in her hand was intact.This is the only thing his mother left him, and it is something she protects with her life!

Mom, you are so stupid, is this ring more important than your life?Is it because that man gave you this ring, yet you don't even want your life for him?

Why?Why are you so stupid?

Leng Yan lowered his head and stared at the tail ring of his finger, with complex expressions in his eyes. He leaned against the window and sat blankly for a long time.

Although he knew he was staying in the study, Mo Wan didn't dare to go in and disturb him.She knew very well that what she had just said hurt him, so she hesitated for a long time before turning around and going back to the bedroom.

After tossing and turning all night, Mo Wan almost kept her eyes open until dawn. She didn't feel sleepy until the sky turned white, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep.In her sleep, she vaguely heard some noise, and she struggled to open her eyes. After waking up, she heard the sound of "squeaking" water in the bathroom.

Sitting up from the bed, Mo Wan lifted the quilt and got out of bed barefoot. She walked to the closet, carefully picked out a set of clothes, put her hands on the bed, and waited nervously for him to come out.

The man quickly came out of the bathroom, and when he saw her waiting outside the door, he was obviously taken aback.But the astonishment on his face disappeared in a flash, too fast for people to catch it.

Seeing him stepping to the wardrobe, Mo Wan walked over to him one step ahead, holding the clothes she took out in her hands, trying to help him put them on.Her eyes swept over his left hand, and saw that gauze had been wrapped on it, and then she let go of her tight heart.

Seeing her flattering appearance, the man didn't appreciate it, he glanced at her lightly, didn't say anything, but stretched out his hand to push away the clothes she handed over, and chose another one to put on, ignoring her embarrassment at all .

Seeing him change into his clothes and rush out the door, Mo Wan couldn't say a word stuck in his throat.She sniffed hard, trying to force back the soreness in her eyes, and her jet-black pupils suddenly dimmed.

When he came to work in the company early in the morning, he looked cold and gloomy. Even from a distance, he could feel the chill emanating from his body.Everyone in the company was extremely careful, for fear of offending him.

(End of this chapter)

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