Chapter 203

The red dot of the infrared ray from the precision sniper gun hit Mo Wan's heart, impartial and not easy to be noticed.

His cold and introverted eyes sank, and he tightened his five fingers holding the child tightly until his fingertips turned white.He understood the other party's intention in an instant, his eyes were fixed on the red dot shot on her chest, and he could only retreat the steps he took, not daring to move any more.

The two motorcycles moved forward at full speed, but it only took a few seconds.The man sitting on the motorcycle, holding a baseball bat in one hand, drove the car towards the crowd. The car moved forward at full speed, and everyone fled in fright.

Mo Wan saw two motorcycles rushing towards them, obviously one was driving towards Leng Zhuo and the other was driving towards her, her heart tightened, she subconsciously turned her head to look at the opposite side, and at the same time stretched out her hand to Su Xiaoxiao beside him pushed hard.

In just a few seconds, the motorcycle roared towards him. Mo Wan looked up and saw with her own eyes that the man on the opposite side opened his arms and held the child and Si Yu tightly in his arms, avoiding the vehicle that attacked them. motorcycle.

The position of the heart was tightened for a while, and Mo Wan held her breath for a moment, and the sound of a motorcycle starting up around her, before she had time to dodge, she felt something waved towards her, causing a sharp pain in her back, which made her Even the cry of pain was stuck in his throat.

It hurts, it hurts!

The back was hit hard by a heavy object, and Mo Wan only felt a churning in her chest, as if all her internal organs were dislocated. The severe pain made her unable to even make a sound.

The body suddenly fell to the ground, and the moment before Mo Wan passed out, she seemed to see the panicked expression of the man opposite and the figure running towards her.

In the private hospital, in the corridor on the second floor, there were bursts of low-pitched cries.Su Xiaoxiao sat in the chair, tears kept rolling down, her eyes were red and swollen, crying like a tearful person.

Standing outside the emergency room, Leng Zhuo had an unprecedented haze on his face. He suddenly turned around, took out a pistol from his pocket, and pointed the muzzle directly at Su Xiaoxiao.

Seeing him turn around, Leng Yi immediately realized that something was wrong, he quickly stepped aside, pulled Su Xiaoxiao behind, and tightly protected her, "Don't touch her!"

"Get out of the way!" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to pull the trigger, the expression in his eyes was furious, his whole body was tense, and the hostility exuded was overwhelming.

Leng Yi's face was also ugly, he stretched out his hand to hold Su Xiaoxiao in his arms, and said firmly, "Don't even think about it! With me here, don't even try to move her finger!"

Leng Zhuo's eyes gradually darkened, apparently irritated by Leng Yi's attitude, he raised his hand and turned over the handle of the gun, and suddenly buckled it heavily towards Leng Yi's shoulder, using all his strength.

Leng Yi didn't dodge, and took him forcibly. Judging from the frown, one could tell how much strength Leng Zhuo had used for this blow.

Seeing Leng Yi's forbearing face, Su Xiaoxiao felt very anxious. She struggled and was about to rush over, but was held tightly in Leng Yi's arms, not letting her move.

Seeing the cold sweat coming out of Leng Yi's temples, Su Xiaoxiao was so anxious that she shed tears, raised her head to look at Leng Zhuo, and cried: "This matter is my fault, you want to kill or cut for me!"

The anger in Leng Zhuo's heart hadn't been vented at first, but when he heard Su Xiaoxiao's words, his face turned livid with anger. He turned his backhand and was about to point at her when he saw the door of the emergency room open. , Yan Hao walked out from inside.

"Why are you arguing?" Yan Hao came out wearing a white coat, pursing his lips. Seeing the atmosphere, he immediately sank his face: "You guys are fighting each other before you die, huh?"

Seeing him coming out, Su Xiaoxiao jumped over, took his arm and asked, "How is Wan Wan?"

"I can't die!" Yan Hao raised his eyebrows and stared at Leng Zhuo, his tone was heavy: "The soft tissue is contused, but the left lung lobe is injured and needs to be hospitalized!"

"Is it serious?" Leng Zhuo frowned, and asked softly, with a tremor in his tone that he didn't even notice.

Yan Hao stared at his seldom gaffes, and a deep smile formed on the corner of his mouth, "As long as you take good care of yourself, it's not a big problem."

Hearing what Yan Hao said with his own ears, he slowly let go of his tightly gripped heart.He turned around with a gloomy face and strode towards the ward, his steps were in a panic.

Su Xiaoxiao also wanted to follow, but was stopped by Leng Yi to prevent her from causing trouble again.

Seeing Leng Yi's pale face, the tears in her eyes overflowed again, she curled up in his arms and cried, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault! I'm sorry Wan Wan, I'm sorry you, and I'm sorry your big brother too, woo woo Woo..."

Looking down and seeing her crying tears and snot running down her nose, Leng Yi really couldn't laugh or cry, he sighed, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, he was not willing to say anything to blame, he just comforted her softly: "Good boy, I understand, Do not cry."

Yan Hao leaned against the wall with one leg, admiring the tenderness of the young couple with great interest, he couldn't help but chuckled secretly.It turns out that the strange women who took down the two young masters of the Leng family were all met by him, which is really rare!

In the white ward, there was a faint smell of disinfectant.Leng Yan pushed the door open and walked in, closing the door gently.

Walking to the hospital bed, the little woman was lying on it with her face down, and a large piece of skin on her back was exposed.There was no trace of blood on her pale cheeks, and a long red mark was faintly visible on her back, which was now swollen up to the height of two fingers.The redness and swelling fell on her fair skin, which was shocking.

Looking at the scar on her back, his cold and introverted eyes flickered, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and the expression in his eyes dimmed.Recalling the situation at that time, the anger in his heart was enough to kill!
He could only watch her being hurt, but there was nothing he could do. This feeling of being controlled by others made him angry but also scared him!If the other party really shoots, then she...

Leng Zhuo's eyes dimmed, he stretched out his hand to drag her up, the arms holding her were trembling slightly, imperceptible panic flashed in those deep eyes.

"Hmm..." The wound on the back touched, and Mo Wan closed her eyes and let out a muffled snort. Because she had been injected with painkillers, she was still asleep and showed no signs of waking up.

Hearing her voice, Leng Zhuo frowned, and put her back on the bed, not daring to touch her again.

(End of this chapter)

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