Chapter 204

What happened this time, Leng Zhuo was very angry at first, but seeing the two of them embracing each other, crying and laughing stupidly, his anger gradually calmed down.Strictly speaking, Su Xiaoxiao can't be blamed for this matter, he also has a lot of responsibility, some things, he thought too simply, maybe he took it lightly!

Waking up early in the morning, Mo Wan stretched her waist comfortably. She touched the place beside her. There seemed to be a temperature under the quilt, which was his body temperature.

After she recovered from her injury, the peaceful days seemed to return between him and her.He restrained his anger, and she was careful not to touch his wound.

Although the days were peaceful, Mo Wan could clearly sense the caution and deliberation between each other.A bit of bitterness slipped down her throat, and her eyes dimmed. How long can such a beautiful and warm feeling last?

Getting up and walking to the window, Mo Wan pushed open the window, and the breeze blowing in head-on brought the heat of summer.She looked up at the colorful flowers in the garden, and something flashed in her heart.

The scene of the day when he was injured always appeared in front of his eyes without warning, especially the scene of him opening his arms to protect Si Yu and the child, it seemed to be rewinding, lingering in front of his eyes continuously.

Mo Wan sighed sadly, her heart was heavy and oppressed, she admitted that she shouldn't be so stingy, it's only natural for a father to save his daughter, let alone the child is so young, if it were her, she would do the same!
But this very convincing reason didn't work in her heart at all, and she still felt suffocated and unable to relieve it.

After changing clothes and walking out of the bedroom, Mo Wan couldn't help frowning when she saw the servant carrying coffee upstairs.She took the coffee and took it to the study herself.

In front of the large desk, the man was sitting in a swivel chair, his eyes were fixed on the laptop on the desk, and he didn't notice her walking in.He didn't look up from the computer until she put the coffee cup on the table.

"Drink less coffee." Mo Wan put the coffee cup by his hand, glanced at the silver laptop on the table, and said dissatisfied casually.

Seeing her worried expression, Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and said, "I know, don't worry."

Not used to disturbing his work, Mo Wan didn't stay longer, but told him with concern, "Come down early, I'll wait for you to have breakfast!"

"Yeah." Leng Zhuo likes her appearance like a small bird, watching her turn and walk out, a deep smile wells up in his eyes.

He turned his head to look at the dense data in the computer, and suddenly lost interest, all he could think about was what she just said, waiting for him to have breakfast together.

Raising his hand to close the laptop, he smiled softly with cold brows and eyes, turned around and walked out of the study, and went straight back to the bedroom to take a shower.A man who has always been obsessed with cleanliness is used to taking a shower before going out to work.

After taking a shower in the bathroom, I stood in front of the closet and began to choose clothes.Thinking of the suit she chose for him that day made his heart move, and his fingers rummaged through it one by one.

Seeing her newly bought shirt, Leng Zhuo smiled, picked up the shirt immediately, and put it on.When he was looking for a matching tie, he bumped into something, and the suitcase that was standing upright in the closet fell out and fell at his feet.

The last time he took the hot treasure, the lid of the suitcase was not fastened. At this moment, the suitcase fell down, and the contents inside were scattered all over the floor.Leng Yan put on her clothes neatly, so she had to bend down and pack up her things.

Most of the suitcase is full of clothes, and there are a few hair clips that she used before. There is a pink hair clip with a butterfly pattern on it, which is very cute.

Leng Zhuo smiled slightly, and patiently tidied up the scattered things one by one, and put them back in their original place. He picked up a painted iron box with his fingers, and his eyes flashed brightly.He is no stranger to this iron box, and he is even familiar with what it is.

The man's introverted eyes sank, he picked up the box hesitantly, stared at it in a daze, until his arms were sore, and he opened the lid heavily.

The iron box with peeling paint was pinched in his hands, his cold and handsome face was tense, and there was a tension between his brows that he didn't notice. He lifted the lid, only to see a few pieces of burnt iron in the box. Letter paper, with traces of burning on the edge of the paper.

The position of the heart was squeezed fiercely, like a pair of invisible big hands, tightly pinching that fragile organ, making his handsome face contort in pain.

Those letters were burned by him himself, but she still kept the unburned letter paper. What does it mean?
"I know he loves me, and I know I love him too!"

"He's in my heart, you can't move!"

"Shaonan, let's go back, shall we?"

The words she had said echoed in his ears word by word, and the expression in his cold eyes dimmed little by little until there was no warmth left.

So he was always a joke?

It turned out that he couldn't see through her heart at all!

It turned out that her love had always been with that man...

The man's long and slender fingers tightened fiercely until the veins on the back of his hand bulged. His eyes were fixed on the iron box, and the chill emanating from his whole body was terrifying.

On the sofa in the living room, Mo Wan was sitting bored, because she had just been discharged from the hospital, and no one dared to let her do anything at home, so she had nothing to do every day, except to eat and sleep.

Turning on the TV, she pressed the remote control and broadcasted to a station, which was the morning news.During the period of hospitalization, she was almost isolated from the world and never read any news.

In the past few days, the TV has been following reports about the heir of the Huo family, Huo Shaonan, who was arrested by the police for allegedly stealing business secrets.There are different rumors in the outside world, some say it was maliciously framed, and some say it is true, but because it involves the Leng Group, it has attracted more attention from the world.Everyone is guessing, what is the relationship between the Leng family and the Huo family, and why has the Huo family been frequently attacked by the Leng family?
When Mo Wan saw these news reports, her pretty face immediately changed color. She frowned, her heart beating wildly.What she was most worried about finally happened, and she also understood that this time, Leng Zhuo was going to be ruthless!

(End of this chapter)

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