Chapter 211

"I..." Jing Yue lowered her head, not daring to look her in the eyes, she was too uncomfortable to speak.

Mo Wan turned her head and looked out the window, seeing the figures of people coming and going on the street, feeling heavy in her heart.Those smiling faces made her envious from the bottom of her heart. In fact, the life she wanted was very simple, as long as she could smile from the bottom of her heart like this, but why did she want to live such a life? so difficult?

Life brought her hope again and again, and watched her hope shatter again and again!She was tired, really tired!
Heaving a sigh of relief, Mo Wan smiled lowly, looked up at Jing Yue, and said calmly: "If I can... I will try my best!" She put down these words, didn't say anything more, got up and left Cafe.

Walking out of the coffee shop, the bright sunshine in the sky gradually dimmed, and was soon covered by dark clouds.She looked up at the large black clouds in the distance, and thought to herself that the weather in July can change at will!

The driver's car was parked on the side of the road. Mo Wan saw that it was going to rain, so he opened the door and got in the car.The black car drove all the way back to the villa, and in the middle of the journey, the sky began to fall with bean-sized raindrops.

When the car returned to the outside of the villa, Mo Wan looked out the window, the rain was beating on the window, just like her state of mind at this time, there were bursts of pain in the atrium, and there was a chill.

A familiar figure appeared in her eyes, and Mo Wan suddenly came back to her senses. She told the driver to stop, reached for the umbrella in the car, opened the door and ran down.

"Uncle Huo?" Mo Wan ran out of the car under her umbrella, only to see Huo Ting standing outside the gate of the villa, motionless.He didn't take an umbrella and was drenched in rain.

Huo Ting turned his head and saw Mo Wan standing beside him holding an umbrella, and immediately smiled gently. The rain slid across his pale cheeks, making one's heart tighten.

Mo Wan was angry. She looked at the bodyguard guarding the door and said angrily, "Open the door!"

When the bodyguards saw her, their faces moved slightly, but they didn't dare to make any moves until they were given an order.Mo Wan was so angry that she turned her head to look inside, and she saw that dazzling figure standing on the balcony on the second floor.

Across the white rain and fog, Mo Wan could still see the coldness in his eyes. She looked at the old man beside her, and her heart felt astringent. His heart was really so cruel that no one could catch his eyes. ?

Raising her hand and throwing away the umbrella in her hand, Mo Wan took a deep breath in her heart. She stretched out her hand to hold Huo Ting's arm and stood with him.When the bodyguards saw that she was also standing in the heavy rain, they started to panic. Someone turned around and walked in with an umbrella, busy asking for instructions.

Huo Ting was very moved when he saw Mo Wan standing by his side. He came here because of all kinds of helplessness. If he could still find a solution at 01:30, he didn't want to see Mo Wan in trouble this time.

"Xiao Wan!" Huo Ting stretched out his hand to hold her hand, with a smile on his lips: "You are such a good boy!"

Mo Wan smiled, her eyes were sore, she sucked her nose hard to hold back the tears.She stretched out her hand to hold Huo Ting tightly, without saying anything, she stared at the movement inside, knowingly thinking, let's end everything today!

Not long after, the door of the villa opened slowly, and the man who came out had a stern face, holding a big black umbrella in his hand, and his deep eyes were dull, showing no trace of emotion.

Leng Zhuo walked outside the gate, raised his eyebrows and looked at the two people who were drenched in the opposite side. There was no expression on his face, and even less heaving in his deep eyes.

Seeing him coming out, Huo Ting couldn't help but darken his eyes. He walked forward with a frown, looked at him and asked, "How can you let Shao Nan go?"

Leng Zhuo pursed his lips and sneered, looking at him like a knife: "I tell you, no one can save Huo Shaonan this time!" When he said this, his eyes swept across Mo Wan's face, and his eyes became colder a bit.

Because of his words, the look in Mo Wan's eyes dimmed, she bit her lips tightly, unable to speak.

Huo Ting frowned sadly, he sighed, and said in a sad tone: "Son, those things have nothing to do with Shaonan, if you have any hatred, it's all directed at me, don't make things difficult for your brother!"

"Brother?" Leng Zhuo sneered, with a gloomy tone: "What kind of brother is he? My surname is Leng, his surname is Huo! I have nothing to do with the Huo family!" After saying these words, he turned around and was about to leave .


Huo Ting suddenly let out a stern voice, his whole body trembling slightly, strode up to Leng Zhuo, and asked, "You can't do this! How can I make you not hate? Do you want me to kneel down and beg you?"

Looking at the spark of hatred in his eyes, Huo Ting felt desolate. In the final analysis, this incident had nothing to do with him. If he could protect Ziqing back then, all the tragedies would not have happened now!
Seeing his knees go down slowly, Mo Wan's eyes contracted violently, she couldn't help but ran forward, reached out to support Huo Ting's bent body, and said anxiously: "Uncle Huo, you can't kneel down for him, absolutely cannot!"

With tears in her eyes, she raised her head, and what she saw was still the cold and unwavering eyes. She took a breath, and handed Huo Ting to the bodyguard behind him to support him, preventing him from making any movements.

The rain in the sky seemed to be pouring down, and the thick drops of water joined together to form a large expanse of white rain and mist. With tears in her eyes, Mo Wan walked up to him step by step. She raised her hand tremblingly and pointed at him, crying and shouting: "Leng Zhuo, do you want your mother to die in peace?"


A gunshot, everyone was stunned.

Mo Wan looked at the muzzle of the gun that was emitting white smoke, and felt a sense of sadness in her heart. The bullet flew past her ear and landed on the umbrella held by the bodyguard.The black umbrella was pierced by bullets and fell to the ground.

Her eyes were blurred, and Mo Wan couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears. She saw Leng Zhuo walking over, standing in front of her, and said word by word, "We're divorced!"

These four words, like four sharp knives, pierced into her heart, making her so painful that she couldn't breathe!
I don't know how long it has passed, but the heavy rain outside is still falling.Mo Wan walked up to the second floor with her whole body soaked, she gently pushed open the door of the bedroom, then turned around and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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