Chapter 212

The moment the door was closed, Mo Wan's straight back suddenly softened, and she leaned against the door panel with her back and slowly slid to the ground.The rainwater "tick" rolled off her body, and soon passed out where she was slumped.

On the white carpet, there were large swaths of water stains, Mo Wan stared blankly at the front, her shoulders trembled slightly, until she covered her mouth with both hands, letting the tears flow out of her eyes, smacking her whole body. A drop of oblivion...

After the rain washed the sky overnight, it was extraordinarily bright, with large white clouds floating in the blue sky.Mo Wan sat on the bay window with her legs curled up, her head leaning against the window frame, her eyes staring straight at the outside, as if she hadn't moved for a long time.

Until outside the gate of the villa, a black car drove in. After the car stopped, a man in a suit stepped down. The man walked into the villa with a black briefcase in his hand.

The black pupils moved, and when Mo Wan saw the person walking in, she moved her stiff body with difficulty and jumped off the window sill.Her legs remained in the same position for a long time, and they were already sore and numb. Standing on the ground now, she felt as uncomfortable as thousands of needles pricking her. fall.

A flash of dizziness flashed before her eyes. Mo Wan gritted her teeth to hold back the numbness in her feet. She slowly straightened up and walked into the bathroom to wash up.In front of the large mirror, the reflected cheeks were as pale as paper, and those jet-black pupils were even redder and swollen, which made her frown slightly.

After scooping up cold water and washing her face, her chaotic brain really woke up. She soaked the towel in hot water and put it on her eyes to warm it up. She really felt much better.Taking off the towel, she nodded in satisfaction when she saw that her eyes were no longer so obviously red and swollen.

Opening the door of the closet, Mo Wan looked at the clothes inside and chose a white dress that she used to wear. There was no expensive brand, just her usual ordinary.

The knock on the bedroom door sounded at this moment, and Mo Wan heard the servant's voice, just combing her soft curly hair, she nodded, turned and walked out of the bedroom, to the living room on the first floor.

In the large leather sofa in the living room, a man in a suit sat upright on the sofa, as if waiting for her.

Mo Wan came down from the stairs and leaned over to sit on the sofa. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the man opposite, her eyes flickering slightly.She knew that man. At the wedding, the lawyer opposite brought her a marriage certificate and asked her to sign it.

"Mrs. Leng." The lawyer stretched out his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, still smiling casually.He opened the black briefcase and took out the documents inside.

The lawyer spread out the documents and pushed the two copies in front of her together: "This is the divorce agreement, please read it first, and sign it if there is no problem."

The lawyer's tone was as polite and businesslike as before.

Scanning the two divorce agreements, Mo Wan's face seemed to be calm and expressionless. She couldn't understand the technical terms above, so she just picked up the gold pen on the table and held it firmly in her hand.

Mo Wan's slender fingers gripped the penholder vigorously, and the tip of the pen gradually blurred into a black spot on the white paper. The corner of her eyes stared at the flamboyant name that the man had already signed on the signature position, her eyes were sour and swollen, and she began to write again. It hurts.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Wan lowered her head, tightened her fingers, and wrote her name through the back of the paper.After signing the two agreements, she reached out and pushed them in front of the lawyer.

The lawyer picked it up and looked at it carefully, nodded in satisfaction, and put the document back into the briefcase.He raised his head again, stared at Mo Wan and said in a deep voice, "5000 million was remitted into your account this morning, and two properties were also transferred to your name."

"I don't want those things!" Mo Wan frowned, her hands couldn't help but clenched together, with a trace of anger in her voice.

There was still no expression on the lawyer's face, but his tone became low: "You should understand, who ordered this!" His words were to the point, without redundant explanation.

Mo Wan lowered her eyes, her eyes dimmed, her hands hanging by her sides tightened tightly, until her fingertips turned white.After a while, she stood up indifferently, and walked upstairs without saying anything more.

Stepping to the second floor, when she passed the study, she didn't hesitate in her steps, and she didn't even move her eyes in the slightest.

Back in the bedroom, she opened the wardrobe door and took out the old suitcase inside.There are not many clothes and they are easy to tidy up. She keeps everything in order, and she never touches those things that don't belong to her.

After tidying up the suitcase, Mo Wan looked around and looked back at every corner of the room. The clips that made her heart flutter were playing back in front of her eyes like a movie. The picture was frozen in the last smile, and then she smiled in relief. , quickly delete those pictures, let the whole person's thoughts empty.

Pulling the suitcase and walking out, she reached out to close the doorknob, and watched the door slowly close, her eyes were calm, and she poured out all the memories that belonged to this place, and sealed them all inside.

When Mo Wan walked downstairs, all the servants were standing in the living room, staring at her as she walked down.Everyone's faces were ugly, and they couldn't understand why the two people who were fine yesterday parted ways today, and there was no room for change!
"Ma'am..." Everyone said in unison, all eyes fixed on her.

Mo Wan's fingers holding the suitcase tightened, she forced herself to smile, her eyes were soft, and she said softly, "Thank you for taking care of me these days!"

Everyone sighed, and the look in their eyes was even more reluctant, surrounding her in the middle.It wasn't until Butler Song came out and persuaded everyone to leave that Mo Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

Steward Song helped her carry the suitcase to the gate, with complicated emotions in his eyes: "Madam, take care!"

Mo Wan took the suitcase from him with a smile, her jet-black pupils flickered, and said, "Thank you, I'm leaving." Her voice was very calm, without any fluctuation.

Carrying the suitcase, Mo Wan smiled slightly, turned around and walked towards the door. When the bodyguards saw her coming out, they automatically opened the door.She walked outside step by step. When she passed the gate, she paused slightly, glanced at the wrought iron gate with the corner of her eyes, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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