Chapter 213

She had climbed this gate twice, which once made her think that she would be in darkness for the rest of her life.Now that she is able to escape unscathed, is it considered a kind of gift from heaven to her?
Hesitating for a moment, Mo Wan turned her head slightly, a dark light flashed in her black eyes, she resisted the urge to turn her head, and walked out resolutely with her suitcase.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind her, she laughed silently, and her steps became faster and faster. Although her figure was thin, she was extremely firm.

After getting a taxi, Mo Wan first went to the housing agency to rent a house.Her requirements are not high, as long as the house is close to the company where she works.

She was lucky, there just happened to be a house that met her requirements the day before yesterday, and it hadn't been rented yet.The real estate agent took her to see the house. She was very satisfied, signed the contract immediately, and paid the deposit and rent.

Not far from the city center, the house is small in size, with one bedroom and one living room, and the community environment is not bad. The monthly rent is 1800, which is within the range she can afford.

Although the house is complete with home appliances and you can move in with your bags, there are still a few trivial things that need to be tidied up.Mo Wan cleaned up for a long time, and finally cleaned the house.She didn't have time to eat lunch, so she packed up her things, went directly to the supermarket, and bought a lot of food.

After sorting the things into the refrigerator, Mo Wan started making dinner again. She didn't eat breakfast or lunch. She was really hungry, and she was busy standing in front of the kitchen counter quickly.

Not long after, a sumptuous dinner was ready, and Mo Wan put the bowls and chopsticks with a smile, watching her cooking with satisfaction, but after seeing something, the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly subsided.

Reaching out to pick up the plate of steamed mandarin fish, Mo Wan quickly walked to the trash can, threw the fish and the plate into the trash can, then took out the trash bag and threw it outside.

Panting and running back, Mo Wan washed her hands first, then sat at the edge of the dining table, picked up chopsticks and started eating.Her face was silent, she lowered her head and ate quietly, without any superfluous expression on her face.

After dinner, she stood up as usual, took the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen, washed them clean, and tidied everything up.Looking at the time, it was not too early. She found a set of pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The summer night breeze was sultry, Mo Wan came out of the shower, and stood in front of the bedroom window to cool off.She didn't turn on the air conditioner and liked the natural coolness at night.

The weather in July is hot and dry, and many people gather around to cool off in the community.In the garden of the community, groups of old men sat under the street lamps and played chess.A lot of ladies, shaking cattail fans in their hands, sat together and chatted about the household chores.

There were also many children, chirping and making noise together, laughing or crying, chasing and fighting, and let their parents shout their necks behind them, but they laughed heartily.

Looking at the plain joy outside the window, Mo Wan's impetuous heart slowly settled down.She looked into the distance with her jet-black eyes, with mixed feelings in her heart.

In July last year, it was her wedding alone.During this year, many things have changed, but there are also many things that cannot be changed in a lifetime.

Those illusory happiness never really belonged to her, that's why they were shattered so early!Only now did she truly understand that the word "happiness" was actually difficult this time!

The mobile phone on the bedside table vibrated. Mo Wan picked up the mobile phone and looked at the numbers that kept jumping up, her eyes darkened.Since the afternoon, Su Xiaoxiao has been calling her, but she doesn't want to answer.

Sighing, Mo Wan slid open the phone, clicked on the text message and wrote a few words, then sent it.Not long after her text message was sent, the phone rang again, and it was still Su Xiaoxiao's number.

Mo Wan smiled wryly, but still didn't answer, she turned off her phone and put it back on the bed.At this moment, she really didn't want to see anyone. In fact, she knew what Su Xiaoxiao was going to say, but those words were meaningless and couldn't change everything in front of her!
Reaching out to close the open window, Mo Wan turned to go to bed, lifted the quilt and lay down.The noise outside gradually subsided, and it was already night, and people left one after another, going home.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window, Mo Wan was in a daze for a long time. She raised her hand and touched the corners of her eyes, but did not touch any tears.The frowning brows slowly relaxed, she smiled brightly, and the haze in her heart dissipated.

Very good, she was glad that she didn't shed tears at this moment, so that she could face the rising sun tomorrow, and muster her courage to live a good life!

The villa built on the hillside, surrounded by mountains and rivers, is shaded by trees.

On the semi-circular balcony on the second floor, a man was standing on the railing. His slender figure was looking at a certain point ahead, without focus for a long time.Judging from his straight back, it seems that he has been standing here for a long time.

Until the door of the study was pushed open, someone walked in softly, holding a folder in his hand, walked to his side and whispered: "Young Master Leng, those who attacked your wife last time can't track down anything, they can only find out They have connections with the United States!"

His cold and introverted eyes moved, a gleam flashed across his handsome face, and his sharp jaw slowly tightened.It seems that he did not guess wrong, those people really have a lot of backgrounds!
Perhaps, there is a causal cycle in this world, but is it so fast?

The surroundings became quiet again, he stood alone on the balcony, lowered his head slightly, looked at the diamond tail ring in his left hand, his deep eyes were a little lax.He still remembers that when he was a child, his mother said to him: Zhuo'er, when you grow up, you must protect the person you like!

At that time, he didn't understand what his mother said, but he still remembered that when she said this, there was always an inexplicable sadness in her eyes.Later, when he learned about the relationship between his mother and the Huo family, he also gradually understood why every time she said this, there was always that kind of sad loss in her eyes.

If Huo Ting could protect his mother well, then their mother and child would not be so miserable, so until today he still remembers what his mother said to him.

Someone he likes?
If the person he likes becomes his weakness, that is also a sin, then he would rather never like it!He, he said to himself, with a firm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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