Chapter 229

He frowned slightly, reached out for his mobile phone, found her number and dialed the phone, and soon the mobile phone rang. He listened to the ringtone of the phone that was close at hand, and scanned the mobile phone on the table. His expression was somewhat gloomy.

The gray Aston Martin drove directly from the Tia Building to the commercial street. The man parked the car in front of a high-end women's clothing store, turned off the car, reached out and pulled the little woman inside, and walked down.

Mo Wan followed his footsteps passively, letting him pull into the shop with her feet dangling, but she had no ability to resist.

When the salesperson in the store saw them coming in, he immediately greeted them with a smile, especially after seeing the man's dazzling face, he was even more brilliant like a flower.

Leng Yan glanced at the clothes on the hanger, picked out a sunny green floral dress, turned around and handed it to her, and said solemnly: "Put it on!"

The clothes in front of her were wet a lot, sticking to her body was very uncomfortable. When Mo Wan saw the clothes he handed over, although she was moved, she didn't want to touch it. She subconsciously stepped back, wanting to turn around and leave.

Suddenly a pair of extra arms appeared around her waist, Leng Zhuo reached out to wrap her in his arms, and hugged her by the waist.

Both feet left the ground suddenly, Mo Wan turned her head in surprise, only seeing his tense side face, and the faintly throbbing anger in his eyes, she was frightened, and couldn't help shouting: "Let me go!"

The salesperson in the store saw the two of them like this, and their eyes widened in surprise. They were completely confused about what was going on, and no one dared to step forward to ask more questions.

Leng Zhuo reached out to hold her struggling hands, and a stern look swept over the stunned clerk, and asked, "Where is the fitting room?"

Seeing his sharp eyes, the salesmen came back to their senses, and immediately stretched out their hands to point inward, and timidly said, "It's inside."

Clamping the dishonest little woman in his arms, he strode coldly towards the fitting room inside. He led people in, and then closed the door to block all probing eyes.

In the small fitting room, Mo Wan gasped and stared at the man across from her. She sniffed hard, gritted her teeth and said, "Get out of the way, I'm going to work."

She made a gesture to go outside, but the man in front of her was like a mountain, blocking her way tightly.

"Change clothes!"

Leng Zhuo frowned slightly, his black eyes were filled with anger, he looked at her stubborn little face, and the anger in his heart rolled.He was not willing to touch his woman, so why was she being bullied by others?
"Mo Wan, don't you have long hands? Why do you let her bully you, just because she is Huo Shaonan's sister?" Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, staring at the wet clothes on her chest, the look in her eyes instantly darkened.

She also has reverse scales on her body, and she can show her teeth and claws to those who hurt her!But why, today's treatment of Huo Shaoqing is an exception, is it because of Huo Shaonan?Or, is it because of Jing Chen?
This kind of cognition made the anger in his heart burn.


The man was furious, his handsome face was gloomy and frightening, his heart tightened up after her silence.

Mo Wan was originally wronged in her heart, but now she was yelled at like this, and her heart was even more lost.She held her breath, looked up at him, and said sharply, "Can you control me? Does my business have anything to do with you?"

Leng Zhuo smiled angrily, his deep eyes slowly glowed coldly, and the corner of his mouth opened an evil arc, asking her: "I don't care?"

He smiled sinisterly, his handsome face instantly distorted, "Then I'll let you have a look, see if I can take care of it?"

He stretched out his hand to push her against the wall, and leaned over to hold her down. His slender legs stopped her kicking legs, and his nimble fingers came to her chest, and began to unbutton her clothes.

His movement made Mo Wan panic. She raised her hand to press the back of his hand, but he pushed it away vigorously. She clasped her fingers tightly and pressed the clothes on her chest with all her strength.

"Leng Zhuo, you pervert! We're divorced, you can't treat me like this..."

Her face was pale, and she clasped the back of his hand with both hands, her whole body was trembling, and the tone of her voice changed when she shouted.

Hearing her roar, Leng Zhuo's whole body froze, and the movements of his fingers stopped suddenly.Divorce, these two words, were clearly poured into his mind, which brought him back to his senses in an instant.

Seeing him stunned, Mo Wan immediately stretched out her hand to push him away, and fastened the loose buttons. She trembled all over, and she was still in the shock just now.

Seeing the tears in the corner of her eyes, Leng Zhuo sighed softly, and raised his hand to wipe away her tears, but saw her dodging away in horror.

"Mo Wan, do I scare you?" The man asked with a sudden sigh, staring at her face.

Raising her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, Mo Wan held back the turbulent emotions in her heart and tried to make her voice sound calm: "Yes, I'm afraid! From the very beginning, I've been afraid of you! Leng Zhuo, between us, there has always been love. It is you who are strong and domineering, and have never given me a chance to choose, if you were to face such a person, would you not be afraid?"

Leng Zhuo's face froze, and he was speechless in a daze. He looked at her deeply, only seeing the cold indifference in her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Wan looked at his disappointed handsome face, with a sharp brilliance bursting out of his jet-black pupils, "Mr. Leng, please remember that we are divorced. From now on, you have yours." Life, I live my life, we don't interfere with each other!"


These two words echoed in my ears again, and my cold and deep eyes moved, yes, he and her have already divorced, and he chose to divorce on his own initiative?Haven't you already decided to give up? Why are you still struggling so much now?
After Mo Wan said these words in one breath, her heart was sore and astringent. She was afraid that she would not be able to restrain her emotions, so she hurriedly lowered her head to avoid his sharp eyes.She bit her lip, forcing back the warmth in her eyes.

Not long after, Leng Zhuo stretched out his hand to open the door of the fitting room, turned around and walked out without another word.

In the small space, Mo Wan looked at his back as he walked out, and felt relieved for no reason. She stood there and sank before walking out.

When the salespersons outside saw her coming out, they all cast curious glances.One of them brought the floral dress to her, but she blocked it with her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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