Chapter 230

Mo Wan refused to take off the dress with a calm expression. She lowered her head and walked out. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the car parked on the side of the road, which had disappeared.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, Mo Wan stretched out her hand to block the dazzling light, she smiled slightly, and her heart suddenly brightened.Facing the sun, she walked back to Tia Building.

The temperature outside was scorching hot, and the wetness on his chest was soon evaporated by the high temperature. By the time Mo Wan walked back to the company, his clothes were completely dry.As she stepped into the building, she didn't mind the weird eyes at all, and took the elevator back to her work.

Mo Wan came up in the elevator, and just stepped into the office area, she saw Jing Chen sitting in her chair, as if thinking about something.

"President." Mo Wan walked to her desk, smiled at the man in front of her, and said, "I just went out for a while, so I didn't have time to ask you for leave!"

Jing Chen looked at her calm face, and didn't know how to speak the words he had been holding back in his heart just now. He frowned, stood up from her chair with a smile, "It's okay!"

Mo Wan nodded immediately, turned around and sat down, and continued to check the data. She lowered her head, her eyes were unbiased, and the expression on her face was always calm.

Jing Chen stared at her for a while, then glanced at the clothes on her chest. Although the water stains had dried up, there was still a trace, which was a little ugly.

"Your clothes..." Jing Chen couldn't help but hesitated again: "Shall I give you a new one?"

"No need!" Mo Wan looked down, and then his face was calm: "President, do you have anything else to do?"

Hearing her drive away in disguise, Jing Chen raised his hand resentfully, touched his nose in embarrassment, shook his head with a fake smile, and said in a muffled voice: "It's okay, you can go to work!" He turned and went back to the office, Close the door.

Watching him leave, Mo Wan's calm face moved, she forced herself to be quiet, and concentrated on her work.

Because of the incident in the morning, Mo Wan's work time was delayed a lot. She stayed in the company to work overtime after get off work, so she had to sort out the documents in hand.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Mo Wan sorted out and checked the information. She packed her things, picked up her purse and walked out of the elevator.When she got to the elevator, she looked up and saw the man sitting on the bench. Just like last time, he was holding a mobile phone in his hand and playing games with his head down.

Hearing her footsteps, Jing Chen turned his head and smiled, his handsome face revealed an evil spirit, "Let's go, treat you to dinner!"

Mo Wan frowned, and subconsciously began to refuse: "No, I'll go home and eat."

For her repeated rejection, Jingchen was obviously unhappy. He walked over and said in a low voice, "Mo Wan, you deliberately made me feel bad, didn't you? Huo Shaoqing came to make trouble today and caused you to suffer innocent disasters. I want to treat you to a meal, do you need to be so on guard?"

Mo Wan's face darkened unnaturally, and he was obviously a little embarrassed after being guessed by him.

"Well, anyway, I have plenty of time, if not tonight, then tomorrow night?" Jing Chen's eyes twitched, and his long and narrow peach eyes were full of light.

Hearing what he said, the corners of Mo Wan's mouth twitched, she curled her lips, and said dejectedly: "Okay, let's eat tonight!" Seeing the elevator coming up, she hurried in, lowering her head helplessly.

Jing Chen smiled lightly, followed her figure into the elevator, hooked her thin lips, and a smile overflowed.He drove her to a restaurant. It wasn't that big, but it had a lot of customers.

At this time, there are still many diners in the restaurant.Jing Chen was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, so he didn't go to the box, and chose to sit by the window.The manager of the restaurant ran over with a smile, and when he saw that it was him, he was very respectful.

"Jing Shao, are you here?" The man who looked like a manager brought the dishes he ordered to the table in person, gave a general introduction, and then left knowingly.

Mo Wan has been working overtime until now, and she is really hungry, and the dishes he ordered are all spicy, which is completely in line with her liking.She picked up the chopsticks and lowered her head to eat, without taking into account the image she should have.

When Jing Chen saw her eating, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed softly.There has never been a girl who eats in front of him, who can be so casual and natural, without being reserved.

The taste of every dish is very good. Mo Wan was very satisfied after eating. She didn't notice the expression in the man's eyes, which became more and more gentle. When she ate something spicy, she took a sip of the iced drink. There are beads of sweat on the tip of the nose.

Staring at the thin layer of sweat on the tip of her nose, Jing Chen's heart skipped a tickle for no reason.After the meal, he didn't take a few mouthfuls. He was basically admiring the way Mo Wan was eating, which made him smile without feeling disgusted.

After filling her stomach, Mo Wan looked up at him, her cheeks flushed slightly when she saw the embarrassment in his eyes, feeling a little embarrassed.She looked out of the window, alleviating the embarrassment.

Jing Chen signed the bill and was about to get up to leave when suddenly a figure appeared out of the corner of his eyes, his expression changed drastically, he pulled Mo Wan and was about to turn around, but it was still a step too late.

"Three children!"

There is only one person in this world who dares to call him Saner in public, and that is his dear and troublesome mother, Ms. Jin Muwan.

Hearing this address, Mo Wan turned her head suspiciously, only to see a woman walking behind her with a beautiful face and an aura of aura in her expression.

After a few steps to her son's side, Jin Muwan's eyes kept staring at Mo Wan. She looked straight at the girl opposite without any shyness, her eyes glistening, "San'er, who is she?"

"Mom!" Seeing her eyes, Jing Chen immediately frowned, trying to divert her attention: "Why are you here?"

Jin Muwan didn't even look at his son, his eyes were still staring at Mo Wan, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Little girl, what's your name?"

When Mo Wan heard Jing Chen's address, she couldn't pretend not to speak, so she could only squeeze out a smile and said softly, "Hello, Auntie, my name is Mo Wan!"

"Mo Wan?" Jin Muwan was stunned for a moment, and then became even more excited: "Your name is also Wan, we are really destined, and I have Wan in my name!" The smile in her eyes was sincere, not like that of an official wife. Spectrum!
(End of this chapter)

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