Chapter 236

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Jing Chen withdrew his smiling eyes. He started the engine and was about to drive away, when the corner of his eye twitched, he happened to see the car parked in the shade in front of him.

The man in the car's eyes were burning brightly, his handsome face was tense at this moment, his sharp eyes were full of anger, he held the steering wheel with his fingers until his fingertips turned white.

Jing Chen raised his eyebrows and looked over, something flashed in his heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.He nodded to the man in the opposite car, turned the steering wheel with a natural expression, and drove the car away, ignoring that gloomy face.

Leng Yan sat in the car, staring at the disappearing body in front of him, with an ugly expression on his face, especially when he saw the indifferent smile in Jing Chen's eyes, his heart became even more angry.

The hands hanging by his sides were tightly tightened, his eyes were cold and full of anger, he waited all night downstairs, but she didn't come home until dawn, staying with Jing Chen who hadn't returned all night!Doesn't she know what Jing Chen is thinking?Jing Chen had coveted her for a long time when she was his wife, is he now unscrupulous?

Thinking of this, Leng Zhuo's introverted eyes darkened, she and him are no longer husband and wife, what position does he have to think about this?What is the reason for him to sit downstairs all night in such a stupid way?Did he want to explain something to her?But what was he going to say!

After Mo Wan returned home, she immediately went to the bathroom to wash up, tidy herself up, put on a new set of clothes, then went out with her satchel, and walked down the stairs as usual.

As soon as she stepped forward, she looked up and saw the man standing in front of her. Looking at his gloomy face, Mo Wan's heart skipped a beat, and some bad thoughts came to her.

Since when has he been here?Did you see that Jing Chen just sent her home?
Containing the strangeness in her heart, Mo Wan took a deep breath, not wanting to talk to him, and walked past him, but when her wrist tightened, she was pulled into his arms, and her back was pushed against the car door.

"Where have you been?" The questioning tone was full of anger.

Mo Wan frowned, looked at the dark anger in his eyes, and sneered, "Does it have something to do with you?" what?

Leng Zhuo's eyes were cold, especially when he saw the disdain in her eyes, the anger in his heart surged even more: "Mo Wan, are you really stupid, or did you do it on purpose? Don't you know what kind of person Jing Chen is? Why are you with him? ?”

His sharp and harsh words made Mo Wan's heart shudder, staring at his angry face, she said sharply: "Whatever you think, I don't want to explain to you, and there is no need to explain!"

She stretched out her hand and pushed him, her face darkened: "You stay away, I'm going to work!"

Because of her alienation, Leng Zhuo's eyes became colder and colder. In fact, he shouldn't have said anything more, but he just couldn't help it. Seeing her with Jing Chen, he even wanted to lift her up directly. Take it home and lock it up so no one can see it, let alone touch it!
Yes, he won't allow anyone to touch her!
Seeing that he was still holding on to her, Mo Wan was really anxious, she struggled and began to beat: "Leng Zhuo, don't you want to be ashamed, let me go!" She punched and kicked, but her strength was limited, and it didn't work at all. Sorry.

Leng Zhuo's frown gradually relaxed, seeing her kicking and screaming, she just thought it was fun.He leaned over and pressed her against the car door at the moment she was stunned, and his face was lowered to touch her forehead: "Don't you know if I want to be shameless?"

The hot breath he exhaled was strong and sprayed on Mo Wan's lips, making her tremble uncontrollably. She blushed and reached out to push him fiercely, her eyes were fierce enough to kill.

This pervert started to torture people again!

After pushing and shoving for a while, Mo Wan realized that her strength was useless at all, so she stopped struggling, but raised her head, stared at him seriously, and said in a deep voice, "You must want me to hate you Satisfied?"

The man's handsome face sank, and a glint flashed across his jet-black pupils: "Hate me? Do you really hate me?"

Mo Wan was startled, bitterness surged in her heart, she was speechless, her eyes were slightly hot, "Why do you have to do that? I just want to live my life well, aren't you engaged? Why don't you let it go?" I?"

"What kind of life do you want to live?" Leng Zhuo stared at her face, and suddenly asked her in a deep voice, "Mo Wan, who... do you want to live with?"

Mo Wan was taken aback by his question, and countless unspeakable complex emotions surged in her heart. She was upset and just wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible: "If one day, I meet a man who loves me, or a man I love, I would like to live with that person!"

She said this sentence extremely calmly, with a clear light in her jet-black pupils.

When Leng Zhuo heard her words, his heart tightened and he couldn't breathe for a moment.She said she would marry another man?

"Do you dare to marry?" Leng Zhuo's face changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand to pinch her chin with a cruel expression.

Mo Wan was frightened by the possessiveness in his eyes, and then said chillingly: "Why not? I have the right to choose to be loved and loved!" She took a deep breath to relieve the depression in her heart.

The man's handsome sword eyebrows were tightly frowned, he just stared at her, but couldn't speak anymore.Yeah, she's right, isn't she?She also has the right to love?But who is she going to love?

Doesn't she love Huo Shaonan?But Huo Shaonan is already married, is she going to fall in love with someone else?
Such thoughts made his heart ache, as if a hole had been cut by a blunt knife, the blunt pain penetrated into the bone marrow bit by bit.

Looking at his dim eyes, Mo Wan didn't think deeply about it. She raised her hand to push him away, but found that she only had a small force this time, so she struggled away from his embrace.

After tidying up her clothes, Mo Wan turned her head, not wanting to look at his face again, nor thinking about the sadness in his eyes, but turned around resolutely, walking away from his sight step by step.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Leng Zhuo came back to his senses in a daze. What she said just now was still in his ears, and every word and every word hit his heart, which was painful!
It wasn't until this moment that he gradually realized that there seemed to be something that ran counter to his original thoughts, and the current situation was completely beyond his expectations!
(End of this chapter)

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