Chapter 237

What would happen to him if he saw her marrying with his own eyes?This idea, just flashed in his mind, and then shattered!He can't allow it, absolutely not!

Mo Wan walked out of the community, and her calm heart became agitated again. She walked quickly to the bus stop, forcing herself not to be affected.Not long after coming to the company, Jing Chen also came to work. The two looked at each other and smiled. Although they didn't say anything, they had different feelings for each other.

Mo Wan finally breathed a sigh of relief towards him, and the previous bad impression was slowly forgotten in his heart.

After working all morning, Mo Wan barely touched the ground, running up and down to check the information and sort out the documents.When it was almost lunch time, just as she sat down, she saw Jing Chen coming out of the office and asked her with a smile: "Do you have time at noon? Treat you to dinner."

Mo Wan was taken aback for a moment, her jet-black pupils flickered, and she politely refused: "I'll eat in the restaurant, our company's food is delicious." Her tone was as usual, and no one could fault it.Although her personality has changed, Mo Wan doesn't want to have too much contact with him. After all, she doesn't want to provoke the man in front of her!

Seeing her refusal, a trace of disappointment flashed in Jing Chen's eyes, but he just smiled and didn't force it: "Okay, let's eat next time." When he got up as a gentleman, he seemed like a prince who came out of a fairy tale , can seduce the hearts of thousands of young girls.

Mo Wan smiled politely, and was about to say something when the mobile phone that she didn't want to put on the table rang suddenly, she picked it up, and before she could hear a few words, the mobile phone "clicked" and fell on the table.

"What happened?" Jing Chen asked her in a deep voice when he saw her face suddenly changed.

Mo Wan was in a daze, completely bewildered: "My father, he..." Tears rolled down her cheeks, her trembling lips could no longer speak.

Seeing her appearance, Jing Chen's expression changed. He reached out to pick up the mobile phone she dropped on the table, asked the person on the phone in a deep voice, then closed the mobile phone, and immediately pulled him outside.

Mo Wan's whole body was weak, and she couldn't exert any strength in her body. She just instinctively followed Jing Chen's footsteps, got in the car and rushed to the hospital.

On the way, Jingchen kept calling. He ordered Mo Shuyuan to be transferred in time to a private hospital with good conditions.When they arrived, the ambulance carrying Mo Shuyuan arrived just in time.

"Father!" Mo Wan opened the car door and ran out of the car. When she saw her father being carried off by a stretcher, she burst into tears.

Mo Shuyuan, who was lying on the ambulance bed, had lost consciousness at this time. He was wearing an oxygen mask on his face, and his eyes were tightly closed, showing no sign of opening.

Jing Chen strode forward, pulled Mo Wan away, and then asked someone to push the patient up, and the two of them followed closely behind.

Arriving at the ambulance room on the second floor, Zhang Xiaochen, who had been waiting for a long time, was wearing a white coat. When he saw the patient, he ordered to directly recommend the second examination room to take an X-ray first.

"You guys wait outside!" Zhang Xiaochen reached out to stop them with a serious tone.

When Mo Wan saw that it was her, she couldn't help being stunned. Seeing Zhang Xiaochen in a white coat at this time, she was not at all as amiable as she was at the banquet last time.

After asking Jing Chen a few words in a low voice, Zhang Xiaochen turned around and walked into the examination room without saying a word.

"Don't worry, your father will be fine!" Jing Chen raised his hand and patted Mo Wan's shoulder, with a smile on his handsome face, which only made people feel at ease.

Mo Wan's heart was in a mess, he bit his lip tightly, unable to speak.When she received a call just now, saying that her father suddenly passed out and became unconscious, she took a deep breath, looked at this hospital, and suddenly asked him: "Where is this?"

Jing Chen pursed his lips and smiled, and didn't intend to hide her, and told the truth: "This hospital belongs to my sister-in-law's family. She is an expert in neurology. With her here, your father will be fine!"

Although he was still worried, Mo Wan didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and waited quietly for the results of the examination.About an hour later, the door of the emergency room was pushed open.

Seeing the person who came out, Mo Wan stood up abruptly, but because of fear, she didn't dare to ask.

"Sister-in-law, how are you?" Jing Chen stood up from his chair, walked up to her, and asked in a deep voice.

Mo Wan also walked over, but grabbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, with tears in her eyes, she wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, her whole body was trembling slightly.

Zhang Xiaochen smiled slightly, turned to look at Mo Wan, and said in a calm tone: "The patient suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage, and the bleeding has been controlled now, but it will cause paralysis on the right side of the body!"

Seeing Mo Wan's pale face, Zhang Xiaochen breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to speak: "I suggest no surgery, the patient's bleeding location is not good, and if the risk of surgery is high, it is better to take conservative treatment. Although it is a temporary stroke, after Chinese medicine treatment and rehabilitation Exercise, and there is a very good chance of recovery."

Mo Wan listened to every word she said, she didn't have much time to shed tears, and readily agreed to the doctor's suggestion.As long as her father is still alive, even if her body is paralyzed, she is not afraid!
"Okay, just follow what you said!" Mo Wan held back the tears in her eyes, nodded in agreement, and followed the nurse to go through the relevant procedures.

Seeing her walking away, Zhang Xiaochen's eyes burst into a smile, she turned her head to look at Jing Chen's frowning brows, and smiled: "San'er, who is she? You care so much about others?"

Jingchen's eyes pierced, and his handsome face darkened. He hated people calling him San'er the most. Usually, no one in his family would dare to call him that easily except Ms. Jin!But today he has something to ask for, so he can only swallow this breath reluctantly.

"Sister-in-law, you really care too much!" Jing Chen raised his eyebrows, his handsome face was gloomy, obviously unhappy.

Seeing his stinky face, Zhang Xiaochen immediately curled her lips, pretending to be angry and said, "Oh, you hate me so much! I was thinking about finding a private room for your friend's father, but now it doesn't seem necessary. Well!"

"Don't!" Upon hearing this, Jing Chen immediately changed his expression, put his hand on her shoulder, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, you know that San'er and you are the best, you must help me with this favor!"

Looking at his flattering face, Zhang Xiaochen patted his head with a smile, and said in a deep voice: "I can tell you, our mother has tortured me many times, and she was talking about asking you to take him home. Have a meal! Mom's temper, you know it well, don't blame me for not reminding you beforehand!"

(End of this chapter)

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