Chapter 238

Hearing sister-in-law's words, Jing Chen kept frowning. Ms. Jin of his family is always like this, can't you let him calm down for a while?
Mo Wan completed the hospitalization procedures and was led back to the ward by the nurse. Seeing the good condition of the ward, her heart sank.She is not stupid, she can see that this is a high-grade ward, although the father is arranged in a high-grade ward, but the price charged is the price of an ordinary ward, she naturally understands the reason for this!
Walking to the hospital bed, looking at his father who was still in a coma, Mo Wan felt mixed feelings. His father had been fond of gambling all his life, and now he is lying on the gambling table, so his wish has been fulfilled.

It's just that her father's illness made her owe so many favors, how can she repay them?
Two days later, my father woke up. As Zhang Xiaochen said, the right side of his body was paralyzed. Fortunately, it was not very serious, but his ability to move was limited, and his ability to hear and speak was not lost.

Because her father was hospitalized, Mo Wan was even busier. After thinking about it, she did not hide her brother and told him the truth.Mo Lin's recent treatment has been quite effective, so during the day when his sister is at work, he stays in the hospital. Although he can't go out, he can still take care of his father in the ward, and he does it very well.

It wasn't until this time that Mo Wan realized how happy it was to have someone to share with him.Although the younger brother can't help her much, but the siblings work together, those sufferings seem to be less terrifying!
At the end of the day, Mo Wan saw their handsome CEO walking around her, as if he wanted to say something.

After tidying up the things on the table, Mo Wan smiled and asked him, "Are you okay?"

Jing Chen turned around, saw her puzzled face, and finally mustered up the courage to say: "Mo Wan, can you do me a favor?"

"What?" Mo Wan smiled and nodded happily. During this time, Jing Chen took special care of her, because she had to run between the hospital and the company, and sometimes she came late and left early, and he didn't say much.

Jing Chen raised his hand and touched his nose, his face was a little embarrassed: "My mother wants you to come to my house for dinner tonight!"

Hearing this, Mo Wan was startled, and frowned in embarrassment. She bit her lips tightly and did not speak.

Looking at her absent-minded appearance, Jing Chen also felt embarrassed, and explained anxiously: "Don't get me wrong, it's just a simple meal. My mother is very difficult to deal with, so please do me this favor!"

After a little hesitation, Mo Wan nodded with a smile, and replied, "Okay, I just want to thank your sister-in-law too." Her father was hospitalized, and thanks to his sister-in-law's constant help, she naturally wanted to thank her, but she also wanted to thank her. Find a chance to repay Jing Chen's favor, so that she can feel better.

Seeing her agree, Jing Chen smiled happily, turned around, picked up the car keys, and took her to leave in the car.Mo Wan first went to buy some fruit and toys, and took them to Jing's house.

The car drove through a secluded path lined with lush greenery on both sides.However, this road is a forbidden road, and foreign vehicles are usually not allowed to enter and exit.

Driving the car to a courtyard, Jing Chen parked the car and walked in with Mo Wan.The winding paths in the yard lead to seclusion, and there is a kind of fresh and elegant Jiangnan water town, with pavilions, pavilions, birds singing and flowers fragrance.

Walking outside the hall, he heard the noise of chirping and chirping from inside. Mo Wan seemed to feel a little familiar when he heard the soft and pleasant female voice inside.

Jing Yinuo was sitting on the sofa, tightly protecting the lollipop in his arms, looking angrily at the covetous grandma on the opposite side, and pouted his mouth high: "Grandma, you lied! Obviously you lost , but also rambunctious!"

Jin Muwan blinked, raised her eyebrows and looked at her granddaughter with an ugly expression on her face: "Nuo Nuo, your brain teaser is too difficult, of course grandma can't guess it! Otherwise, let's compare it to others?"

Jing Yinuo shook his head, his chubby little face was full of displeasure, "It's useless to play other things, grandma has always been rambunctious!"

"Uh..." Jin Muwan was at a loss for words, and finally her face sank: "Give me one, or I'll tell grandpa!"

Hearing that he wanted to tell grandpa, Jing Yinuo was finally discouraged, and reluctantly pulled out a lollipop from his arms, handed it to grandma, and at the same time instructed: "Nuo Nuo gave it, grandma is not allowed to complain!"

"Yeah!" Jin Muwan happily took the lollipop, raised her hand to hold her granddaughter in her arms, and bowed her head to kiss her.

Mo Wan watched this scene in amazement, and couldn't help but burst out laughing. This was the first time she saw a grandma grabbing a lollipop with her granddaughter!
"Mom!" Jing Chen smiled habitually, and pulled Mo Wan in, "Here we are."

Seeing them approaching, Jin Muwan's eyes lit up, he left the granddaughter in his arms, got up and pulled Mo Wan over, and let her sit on the sofa, "Xiaowan, why did you come?"

Mo Wan lowered her head in embarrassment, just pursed her lips and smiled, unable to find anything to talk about for a while.

Not long after, the family came back one after another, and Zhang Xiaochen also came back from get off work.When Mo Wan saw her, she hurried to thank her, and the two sat on the edge of the sofa and chatted in a low voice.

There was a car sound in the yard, and Jin Muwan was educating his youngest son in a low voice, when he suddenly saw his eldest son coming home, he immediately laughed happily.But she turned her head to look again, and when she noticed something, she immediately lowered her face: "Where is the second son?"

When Jing Chen heard his mother ask about his second brother, he immediately frowned. The whole family knew that Xi Jing, the second young master of the Jing family, never attended family gatherings.But today Ms. Jin arranged it all by herself, who would dare not come?
Jing Yan had just returned home, and when he heard his mother's words, he also frowned. He took a few steps to the sofa and sat down, trying to calm down: "Mom, Jing Rui has something else to do, come back later."

"Why are you coming back late? There are guests at home today, and he dares to let me go?" Jin Muwan frowned, picked up the phone and was about to call, but was blocked by the elder son.

"Forget it, I'll look for him, but no one else can find him!" Jing Yan turned to look at his younger brother, winking slightly.

Seeing the look in his elder brother's eyes, Jing Chen immediately smiled and put his arms around his mother's shoulders, helping to say something nice: "Yes, Mom, let elder brother go!"

Slowly putting down the phone in his hand, Jin Muwan turned to look at the eldest son, his eyes softened: "Then you must not protect him, and you must bring him back to Mom!"

(End of this chapter)

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